
全部话题 - 话题: guarrentee
发帖数: 429
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 什么尿布不背漏?宝宝6个月
They have money back guarrentee now. Just try one from amazon and get rebate.
发帖数: 765
来自主题: Immigration版 - 审稿机会推荐
I have one review opportunity, since I do not need it, I can do
recommendation to the editor for anyone who is interested in this chance.
Key words for this manuscript: bentonites, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,
bioremediation, biofilm community, Please let me know if you are interested
in it and have the capability to review in this area. send me your name,
contact inforamtion and brief background. (However, I cannot guarrentee that
you can get it).
发帖数: 264

You might mean Mars not MA.
After 25 years, one is most likely still alive. In several years, one need
to drain one's retirement slowly depending on scenario. I strongly doubt a
lot of people could leave more than 1 million dollar asset left after one
and his/her spouse died. I mean today's dollar, not sure what kind of funny
money we will use in the future.
For many engineers, it is a great achievement being able to pay off
mortgages ( a lot of u bought at the peak or close to the peak), a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 122
"BE SURE OF", means 100% guarrentee. 13 can be sure of?
of coz 16