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发帖数: 3158
来自主题: Investment版 - 我想买卖实物黄金
somebody in collectibles board did that
he said nobody cared
but 50 oz seems too much, might be troublesome

发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Investment版 - 请教个问题
None of my brokers asked. FIFO is the default method. It is quite
troublesome to switch to another method.

发帖数: 20
来自主题: Investment版 - 买房自住和租房的收益比较
自住房can be investment. If it is sold before the mortgage is paid off, the
appreciation comes from both your own money and the leverage (mortage). Plus
the first $500k is not taxable. Investment property has to pay capital gain
. Generally speaking, 自住房 is a lifestyle, because it is to troublesome to
sell. You have to find another place to live. Unless downsizing, what you
earned has to pay you next 自住房.
发帖数: 244
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 求 Bless
Try to write to him and explain to him what CPT is. He may think CPT is
ask troublesome as H1B. Tell him CPT is very easy and quick to get.
In my experience, you need to keep yourself very calm in time like this.
If you get too upset or anxious, you may tend to repeat things over and over
again and it could annoy him. Don't say too much. Write an email very very
carefully and make him understand what is best for the both party.
Wish you best luck.
发帖数: 1145
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 请问一道很难的面试题
There are only 5 different kinds of expressions with different arrangement
of parenthesis for 4 numbers (using an example of 1,2,3,4), shown as below:
1) ((1 + 2) + (3 + 4))
2) (((1 + 2) + 3) + 4)
3) ((1 + (2 + 3)) + 4)
4) (1 + ((2 + 3) + 4))
5) (1 + (2 + (3 + 4)))
An easy way is to brute force using recursive method. Choose all possible
neighboring pairs and merge them using the operators (add, subtract...). For
example, choosing neighboring pairs of (1 and 2):
(1 + 2) + 3 + 4 --> 3 + 3 + 4
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8496
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 到底现在应该用OPT还是申请H-1B?
接下来一年很有可能换工作,so do H1 transfer is not troublesome.
if 接下来一年很有可能 lose job/laid off, then OPT.
if 接下来一年很有可能换工作, H1 is good because you can quit after your new
company file H1.
发帖数: 4928
no. don't sign anything with penalty. Ask them to delete that 5000 term,
otherwise you won't sign. two-week notice is common practice.
Unless the rate is exceptionally high, I suggest you keep looking for other
positions. a 3-month funding project is troublesome. You wouldn't learn
much on the project, and you might need to search for new contract and
relocate in a couple of months later anyway.

发帖数: 4120
来自主题: JobHunting版 - G onsite题求讨论
It looks like it is asking a word without repeating characters.
If it is chinese/hindi text, could be quite troublesome.
发帖数: 12114
来自主题: Living版 - 更新,我对付 bedbug 的办法
bedbug is very troublesome.
i read an article saying bedbug can survive one YEAR without eating anything
发帖数: 16686
来自主题: Living版 - 这么多人秀,实在忍不住了。

aaaaaaaaaa, our chinese contractors 拆地角线 and 装地角线 again for us. he
said not many people would like to do so since it is quite troublesome. this
is true aaaaaaaaa. they assigned a specific guy to 拆地角线 and 装地角线
and cooking :P and they are quite cheap, only $1.8/sq ft for everything,
including handling old carpet for us.
发帖数: 681
来自主题: Living版 - 我老公贷款,我能付首付吗
we just did it. transfer your money to his account. then write a gift letter
. put his name under your account is much more troublesome.
发帖数: 18
来自主题: Living版 - ADT的好处
Thanks a lot for your answers!
My current home has ADT, which is wired. Would it be expensive and
troublesome to install wired system?
Does the GE or Honeywell require service contracts?
发帖数: 1796
But, buying and selling are troublesome.

发帖数: 618
来自主题: Living版 - no cost no fee refinance
So, no point and no fee is really u don't need to pay anything?
What are the steps for refinance? Is it troublesome?
Thank you!

发帖数: 3382
来自主题: Living版 - Something about buying a condo
thanks for the info.
what do you think about the sewer system, plumber, AC etc.?
will they become troublesome when get really old?
发帖数: 2534
Older furniture are usually of better quality (and style methinks), if you
know what to look for you can get a good deal. Hardwood furniture, e.g. wood
chairs, dining table, coffee table, side table, credenza, bench, are your
best bet, you can refinish them easily.
I wouldn't buy big fabric sofa unless it's a like new piece, or if you plan
to re-upholster it, it's just really troublesome to clean upholstery,
similar problem for fabric chair, some chairs with caned seat may be a good
choice if yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 949
来自主题: Living版 - 终于当上房东了

发帖数: 3176
来自主题: Living版 - 厨房装修大约多少钱
You can do that, but, if you are lifting the old cabinets anyway, it is
better to cover all. Otherwise you'd need to add trims that don't look very good and, in case you need to
change the layout in the future, it is going to be troublesome. Extra tiles
don't cost a lot if you are laying them yourselves.
发帖数: 1844
this is the most accurate. i researched some RE law book, written several
years ago. Generally, if you have house income of 150K or more, your rental
loss can not be deducted from your salary income, stock investment income,
but can be deducted if you have other RE income. Also the limit is ~20K.
For many people working in CA, basically no deduction, unless you have RE
profit some years later (say interest in mortgage becomes much less, so your
cost dropped after many years' of mortgage paym... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5080
not as good as 21%.
Unless you live nearby, you will need to pay money to managing company.
Since the rent is your income, you will need to pay tax. If you have a
troublesome renter, you need to eat the loss. I would be happy to get 10%,
if I do not need to manage it and repair it.

发帖数: 2993
no use. moving companies make crates for those items.
if you pack yourself, it's troublesome trying to put it in the original box.
发帖数: 2966
来自主题: Living版 - Asking for a safe investment method
Reading the discussion, looks like there could be some ppl good on
investment on the board. I did some research and found it's not easy.
1. Stock--S&P500, pretty good on last 2 years---but really depends on the
timing of purchase. If look back 5 years, <2%. So it's risky. I get a little
saving there but dare not put too much.
2. China--invest on some trustworthy Funds. Exchange to RMB and back is
really troublesome (costly and many limitations). Is there a smarter way to
do this?
发帖数: 33134
来自主题: Living版 - ARM换成fixed简单吗?

yes, but you need to make sure the overpay goes to principal.
troublesome to contact mortgage cs once a month.
发帖数: 11067
来自主题: Living版 - 是否该买投资房子
wow. I am not investment daniu.
But I guess
(1) if the rent can cover most of the cost, it is good.
(2) 1% percent rule is useful but too tight for good housing market and good
areas. In bad areas, little landlord really can not handled the
troublesome tenant. So good deal like Detroit, do not jump either.
(3) Also I would not want house too good because 1, I can not afford, 2,
people can afford them often buy their own house quickly so you turnover
rate will be high.
发帖数: 11067
来自主题: Living版 - 是否该买投资房子
wow. I am not investment daniu.
But I guess
(1) if the rent can cover most of the cost, it is good.
(2) 1% percent rule is useful but too tight for good housing market and good
areas. In bad areas, little landlord really can not handled the
troublesome tenant. So good deal like Detroit, do not jump either.
(3) Also I would not want house too good because 1, I can not afford, 2,
people can afford them often buy their own house quickly so you turnover
rate will be high.
发帖数: 837
来自主题: Living版 - weed and grass killer
You may want to try the concentrate version and make solutions yourself as
directed. Make sure you add some kind of surfactant like this one:
Or if that's too troublesome to get, just add a few ounces of liquid soap as
a homemade surfactant per gallon of solution.
As always, read and follow the labels carefully.
发帖数: 837
来自主题: Living版 - weed and grass killer
Corrections made to my previous post. Please re-read:
"Or if that's too troublesome to get, just add a few drops (say 1-2
teaspoons or 5-10 ml) of plain non-antibacterial liquid soap or dish soap as
a homemade surfactant for each gallon of solution."
I got the quantity of liquid soap per gallon wrong.
The active ingredient is "quinclorac" for post-emergent crabgrass control.
So if you can find any product with quniclorac as the active ingredient, you
should have a chance. Make sure the produc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 150
来自主题: Medicine版 - Re: 腰椎间盘突出严重吗?
could be very troublesome.
I uesed to be suffering from that in college.(got it in ping pang exercising).
it comes all in a sudden, I cann't keep my back straight. bending my body
forward, I walked like a old man.
massage is the treatment I used to get me out of the pain. a doctor did that
for me very day for 1 month befor I felt easy to walk.
my suggestion: don't move a lot, professional massage, be careful of dealing
with heavy works after recover.
good luck to your mom.
发帖数: 256
Actrually, After use Emigrant for a while. I do find it have something good.
Like, their external transfers should be faster than ING and Virtual Bank and
they do not eat your interest. I schedule deposit/withdraw on day one, the
other bank get hit on day two. And they put the transaction on day two too,
(ING and Virtual bank will put it on day one). (I put transfer in the morning,
I think every bank will have their cut off time.)
Yes, it is slow and troublesome to get account opened. And their
发帖数: 28013
The Top 10 Credit Mistakes
By John Ulzheimer for Credit.com
1. Closing Credit Cards Accounts
Some of you may wonder why Closing Credit Cards is number one on this list
as the biggest credit mistake even above Missing Payments. In fact, closing
credit cards is almost as bad of an idea to increase your credit scores as
missing payments, but it is also a clear number one on the list of credit
myths. It is perhaps the most common piece of advice that consumers are
given when they ask,” How can I inc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7
I'm under H1B as well.
I got my American Express card in the first week in US, even before getting
my SSN. And I got the Citibank Thankyou Premier card in a month.
For Amex, I used global card transfer service, and they let me choose any
cards that are available, except Centurion. The process was pretty simple.
Everything was done over the phone, and I didn't have to submit any
As for Citi, you just need to talk to your banker. There is a separate
channel for global customers to apply... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14942
it could be a bit troublesome as ur address may not be updated in time...but
mostly u can still get the card
发帖数: 907
来自主题: Money版 - 请教:信用卡被关
Agree. Those store cards are not useful and sometimes troublesome
Thanks for your reply!
发帖数: 5282
来自主题: Money版 - [合集] 请教:信用卡被关
zypsq (妈妈的小猪) 于 (Sun Aug 25 23:38:30 2013, 美东) 提到:
Macy's的 信用卡,因为长时间没用被关了,我看了信用记录,没有写是被信用卡公司
sapphirewing (Audrey的树) 于 (Mon Aug 26 10:56:23 2013, 美东) 提到:
zypsq (妈妈的小猪) 于 (Tue Aug 27 13:42:06 2013, 美东) 提到:

leidage (雷大哥) 于 (Tue ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6659
来自主题: Money版 - newegg oofer准备giveup了
Not reliable when I used it. Alaska has been Ok, but AA has always been
Can't under stand why because they are all backed by Cartera Commerce.
I use safari browser without any add-ins. It has been trouble free with most
other portals.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Money版 - 5Back在C药店
Hmmmmm, seems the autodrain will bring up some problems, guess we need to do
it one by one now, way toooooo troublesome

发帖数: 1142
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 妈妈们又给宝宝用布尿布的么
i won't try it, too troublesome
发帖数: 1681
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 我也挖一个坑,关于给小朋友钱
Cash foreign check is very very very...troublesome in China. It takes up to
a month or couple months to be on the account.
If I am planning to give money, $100 under is better in cash, over $500
better for check so we could earn some interest on the check :)
发帖数: 2606
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - ***** 玩具列表 [2] for 1- 3 岁 baby *****
上次总结了0到12个月适用的玩具. 感谢大家的支持! 谢谢版主置顶.:-)
下面是关于 1岁到3岁适用的玩具总结. 每个玩具的厂商推荐年龄都单独标出,方便大家
这次也是主要挑的畅销产品,都是费雪, Thomas&Friends, LeapFrog 这些比较 popular

[1] Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Baby's First Blocks (Manufacturer
recommended age: 6 months - 3 years)
费雪经典的 block 玩具
[2] Thomas & Friends 系列.(2 to 5 Years)
这一系列是非常受小朋友欢迎的产品, 入门产品是这个火车头.
Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway - Thoma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1105
just do not ask them to come and keep away from your troublesome in-laws.
since your husband has the same opinion as you, you will have no trouble.
发帖数: 216
Dish Network, Great Wall Package, many channels, on TV directly. But there
is monthly fee if you can accept. I have had it for years. Happy with its
easiness. It will be too troublesome for us to hook up computer and TV and
blah... I am extremely lazy person.
发帖数: 5385
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 讨论:2岁宝宝刚开始上幼儿园的问题
我曾经在一个很好的child development center工作过几个暑假,从大孩子的day camp
到小孩子的day care, 也在最小的trouble two班级工作过。我们教育孩子最厉害的
方式也就只是被叫到幼儿园最高leader(相当于园长,教导主任)的办公室去time out, 老师是绝对不允许体罚孩子的,18岁以下的assistant是没有time out孩子的权利。如果
time out以后孩子一天中或者连续好几天都非常troublesome,那么老师可以打电话给家
长,家长自己过来time out或者教育孩子,或者把孩子领回去。很多很好的day care都
发帖数: 1831
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 有人研究过奶粉里的DHA/ARA问题吗
DHA and ARA in Infant Formula
Since 2002, infant formula manufacturers in the United
States have produced and sold products fortified with docosahexaenoic acid
and arachidonic acid (DHA/ARA). These
polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important components of
the human brain and eyes and are naturally
present in human breast milk. Since breast milk is the gold
standard for infant nutrition,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 377
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 宝宝们回国都打卡介苗吗
I agree with "孩子种了bcg以后,将来tb test永远都是positive...".
It will not be very convenient in future. As certain employment require pre
-empolyment TB test. It will be troublesome if it is positive. You may have
to take additional X-ray etc.
发帖数: 592
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 挣扎在生死边缘的孩子们
do you know why ppl attacking you? I can tell you why your post make me feel
so troublesome and I have to address it
questions for you, for those kids who need help, how do your organization
decide who get money first? does your director hire ppl to investigate
whether the info provided by patients are correct? back to the story about
the person who threw fish back to ocean, does the person exam each fish
closely to make sure that some fish who might last longer on the beach won't
get threw back... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 98
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 我们如何自己带四个孩子
I think the most important facotors here are:
1. the couple are handling their own small business. Not a regular full time
9-5 job and don't have spend time in commute everyday either;
2. An almost grownup helpful daughter. If "Lao Da" is a troublesome teenager
, it will be a different story.
Still, jealous of the happy big family. Just curious, how old are you when
you have your "Lao Si"?
发帖数: 9932
来自主题: Overseas版 - 杜克大学中国MM
I guess none of you have stood on the other side of the fence before.
From what I learned over the years, if a student decides to take a legal
action against a faculty member or a department, then it will be very
to the department and the college to defend the faculty member. The legal
implication can be vast if the school loses in trial.
The dean and the president of the school will do their best to have the case
settled outside the court.
This has happened many times before and it w
发帖数: 2478
I agree with you. but honestly it's not a big deal. computers are cheap. if
you think it's troublesome, either your boss is a jerk or you thought too mu

发帖数: 7668
来自主题: Parenting版 - Car seat 问题
I don't think a front-facing Britax Marathon can be troublesome for a 1.5
year old.
And I don't think you can remove the so-called "base" from the Convertible.
发帖数: 5207
I understand your sympathy towards these family , but you can't assume in
this story, the boy's aggressive behavior is caused by a medical problem or
developmental delays. It is true many parents of "troublesome" kids are
trying their very best to do the right thing, but I can't see the boy's
parents are among them.
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