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Apple版 - I believe new apple TV is coming
Apple开始搞教育了新apple TV也比较KD啊
Mac Book什么时候发布新机型?跟苹果杠上了?微软将推 Surface Book
Apple's iCloud and iMessage Services Experiencing Significant Outage [Update: Resolved]SP vs MBP? (转载)
MacRumors上说要出12.9的iPad ProApple Mac Book Deal
15年过后 苹果终获Apple.co.uk域名所有权[通知] Apple 举办博彩:Surface RT 最低配置价格
ipad 分屏功能不错13 Mac book pro 电源线坏了
电视不好做啊Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse(ZT)
随便举几个 Windows抄袭Mac的例子 (转载)今天终于抬起头做人啦!!!
话题: tv话题: apple话题: believe话题: samsung话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16371
a few evidence:
1. i noticed apple tv is out of stock or raised price on most retail stores
recently. (macrumor confirmed it)
2. cargo space booked is unusual , even more than iphone 4s, that looks to
me more than ipad HD/3
3. google upgrade their google tv box before this event
4. Samsung made a deal with sony about some TV stuff.. and the lawsuit
between apple and samsung just dismissed days ago. I believe samsung will
still be a major provider for apple TV components.
5. "We have something you really have to see.".. maybe not just retina, but
indicating something related to TV.
6. some carrier news about apple tv surfaced about one or two months ago (
outside US), that looks to me that apple already nailed down US carrier. (I
think maybe ATT is again their preferred partner to start with)
I still don't know if it is a setup box or a whole new "reinvented" TV
but i lean to believe there is a one more thing this time and it is about
the TV
all the ipad stuff is just smoke..
发帖数: 2401
no way it could be the all in one thing. 有这么个革命的东西不来个专场发布会?不可能。这次还是单独的盒子


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: a few evidence:
: 1. i noticed apple tv is out of stock or raised price on most retail stores
: recently. (macrumor confirmed it)
: 2. cargo space booked is unusual , even more than iphone 4s, that looks to
: me more than ipad HD/3
: 3. google upgrade their google tv box before this event
: 4. Samsung made a deal with sony about some TV stuff.. and the lawsuit
: between apple and samsung just dismissed days ago. I believe samsung will
: still be a major provider for apple TV components.
: 5. "We have something you really have to see.".. maybe not just retina, but

发帖数: 6187
apple tv有什么新feature么?内容又有什么优势?
说实话,性能上google tv已经够足够强,不过软件太扯淡


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: a few evidence:
: 1. i noticed apple tv is out of stock or raised price on most retail stores
: recently. (macrumor confirmed it)
: 2. cargo space booked is unusual , even more than iphone 4s, that looks to
: me more than ipad HD/3
: 3. google upgrade their google tv box before this event
: 4. Samsung made a deal with sony about some TV stuff.. and the lawsuit
: between apple and samsung just dismissed days ago. I believe samsung will
: still be a major provider for apple TV components.
: 5. "We have something you really have to see.".. maybe not just retina, but

发帖数: 17328
simple. a bigger ipod touch is ipad. a bigger ipad would be apple tv.
发帖数: 1164


【在 s********i 的大作中提到】
: simple. a bigger ipod touch is ipad. a bigger ipad would be apple tv.
发帖数: 6187
你去看看google/io 2011,里面关于google tv的presentation,tv和pad有很大的不同,

【在 s********i 的大作中提到】
: simple. a bigger ipod touch is ipad. a bigger ipad would be apple tv.
1 (共1页)
今天终于抬起头做人啦!!!15年过后 苹果终获Apple.co.uk域名所有权
for iphone usersipad 分屏功能不错
[合集] 說說keynote的感想。电视不好做啊
传苹果在购买LED闪光灯原件随便举几个 Windows抄袭Mac的例子 (转载)
Apple开始搞教育了新apple TV也比较KD啊
Mac Book什么时候发布新机型?跟苹果杠上了?微软将推 Surface Book
Apple's iCloud and iMessage Services Experiencing Significant Outage [Update: Resolved]SP vs MBP? (转载)
MacRumors上说要出12.9的iPad ProApple Mac Book Deal
话题: tv话题: apple话题: believe话题: samsung话题: us