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Apple版 - Retina MacBook Pro Can Run Three External Displays Simultaneously
Retina Display MacBook Pro and New MacBook Air Includes Thinner MagSafe 2 Power Port [Mac Blog]入手Apple CInema DIsplay和TV 2, 不错
No Retina Display in Next-Generation iMac?iMac Update Might Be Coming Sooner Rather Than Later
新MacBook配什么外接显示器?哪位给科普一下mac mini/display/imac 看看双屏怎么配啊谢谢
朋友们,mbp接外接显示器字体巨花Apple是不是不打算升级Thunderbolt Display了?
Apple Including Free MagSafe 2 Converter with Thunderbolt Display [Mac Blog]27" iMac 的 Retina 显示器真的很好吗?
More Claims of October Launch for Updated iMac ModelsApple Retail Stores Rolling Out New Retina MacBook Pro Window Displays
新Retina iMac 5K会有什么变化Why imac 27" or 21.5" does not have retina display
买iMac 27寸好还是thunderbolt display 27+mini好?其实果果最好的产品还是macbook pro啊。
话题: pro话题: macbook话题: retina话题: displays
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3492
Wed, 20 Jun 2012 10:12:27 PDT
Other World Computing posted this picture on their blog showing a MacBook
Pro with Retina Display hooked up to a pair of iMacs serving as Thunderbolt
displays and a third monitor via HDMI. This setup powers four screens with a
total of 15,680,000 pixels.
The writer of the post, OWC Mike, seemed impressed with the performance of
the MacBook Pro:
Moving images and media didn’t create any lag and we were able to play
video on all four displays simultaneously.
Apple officially supports hooking three monitors into the Retina MacBook Pro
, noting in the Thunderbolt ports FAQ in its Support Knowledge Base:
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) can support an HDMI-compatible device on its
HDMI port while also using two Thunderbolt displays.
This makes the Retina MacBook Pro the first Mac -- other than a tower-based
workstation like the Mac Pro -- to natively power four displays
发帖数: 16371
the thunderbolt should support chained monitor more than 2 ya
why need one port for each monitor? could do two with one port ya.


【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 10:12:27 PDT
: Other World Computing posted this picture on their blog showing a MacBook
: Pro with Retina Display hooked up to a pair of iMacs serving as Thunderbolt
: displays and a third monitor via HDMI. This setup powers four screens with a
: total of 15,680,000 pixels.
: The writer of the post, OWC Mike, seemed impressed with the performance of
: the MacBook Pro:
: Moving images and media didn’t create any lag and we were able to play
: video on all four displays simultaneously.
: Apple officially supports hooking three monitors into the Retina MacBook Pro

1 (共1页)
其实果果最好的产品还是macbook pro啊。Apple Including Free MagSafe 2 Converter with Thunderbolt Display [Mac Blog]
Retina Display iMac coming soon ...More Claims of October Launch for Updated iMac Models
13'' Macbook Pro Retina $1382 包邮, 可入?新Retina iMac 5K会有什么变化
现在买MacBook Pro Retina是不是有点不合时宜?买iMac 27寸好还是thunderbolt display 27+mini好?
Retina Display MacBook Pro and New MacBook Air Includes Thinner MagSafe 2 Power Port [Mac Blog]入手Apple CInema DIsplay和TV 2, 不错
No Retina Display in Next-Generation iMac?iMac Update Might Be Coming Sooner Rather Than Later
新MacBook配什么外接显示器?哪位给科普一下mac mini/display/imac 看看双屏怎么配啊谢谢
朋友们,mbp接外接显示器字体巨花Apple是不是不打算升级Thunderbolt Display了?
话题: pro话题: macbook话题: retina话题: displays