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Apple版 - Actually, The iPad Mini Might Not Change Anything For Developers
有iPad air后就不在想iPad Mini了逗死我了~~
弱问一下ipad和ipad mini的app有啥不同嘛?google的老印讲和Jobs的故事
为了反对游戏审查条例 一位从业者众筹3万准备起诉广电 (转载)【手机摄影】HTC inpire 4G (转载)
iPhone developer needed for a small projectipad maxi
Re: apple常用软件几问黑苹果的真容易上首页
Re: G5's performance我的感觉是, 果果大甩卖, 电脑行业彻底放弃了
纽约第五大道的apple店现在已经在排队等ipad了。。。想买个mac mini玩
iphone 4 has 512M RAM, CONFIRMED BY APPLETJ Maxx has ipad for $399
话题: ipad话题: change话题: mini话题: actually话题: might
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 142
Greg Harper of Supercell, an iOS game studio, believes that the iPad Mini
won't change anything with game design or his company's current tablet
"Practically, our job stays the same. The iPad Mini is close enough in size
to the iPad that we don't believe it will actually change the way we design
our games," he told us.
We're inclined to take this view pretty seriously–Supercell spends a lot of
time thinking about tablets given its "tablet-first" strategy, meaning it
makes sure a product is as good as it can be for a tablet before worrying
about taking it to other platforms.
"What will change," he added, "is that people will want to start taking
their tablets with them more often if they fit in a purse or jacket pocket."
So the only thing that will change for app studios is marketing opportunity
–Harper suspects that the device, given its size, will be carried around
much more often and will appeal to a much larger customer base.
1 (共1页)
TJ Maxx has ipad for $399Re: apple常用软件几问
verizon iphon4s 3G speedRe: G5's performance
Apple iPhone No Longer Verizon's Bestselling Smartphone? [Update]纽约第五大道的apple店现在已经在排队等ipad了。。。
iPhone 5的电池iphone 4 has 512M RAM, CONFIRMED BY APPLE
有iPad air后就不在想iPad Mini了逗死我了~~
弱问一下ipad和ipad mini的app有啥不同嘛?google的老印讲和Jobs的故事
为了反对游戏审查条例 一位从业者众筹3万准备起诉广电 (转载)【手机摄影】HTC inpire 4G (转载)
iPhone developer needed for a small projectipad maxi
话题: ipad话题: change话题: mini话题: actually话题: might