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Apple版 - ios 6+xcode4.5性能下降很多
ipod touch 三代开启iPad iOS 4.3手势支持:$4.99
苹果估计比我预计还要惨了 (转载)想买MBA,求建议
Clang编译器。。。有兴趣用 Windows OS 做 iOS development 的朋友(二)
有兴趣用 Windows OS 做 iOS development 的朋友How to associate view and controller in iOS?
Apple seeds new 10.3.2, Xcode 1.1 builds听说iOS 6的地图是废柴
小声问一下:如果想学习iphone app development,去哪儿找资料2代touch和3代touch用起来差别大吗?
【请教】iOS app开发超新手问题Re: ipad3 屏幕升级的后果 (转载)
话题: xcode话题: ios话题: fps话题: iphone话题: drop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3838
有个贴和我的观测相符. ios 6+xcode4.5 的性能下降很多。
"Hi there,
I am developing games not with Unity, but with a home-made 2D OpenGLES non-
GLkit (no shaders) engine. I thought I'd add some results just to confirm
this is not a Unity-only problem.
Both the transitions from iOS 5.1 to 6.0 and from xcode 4.41 to xcode 4.5
lead to a drop in fps in my game.
The memory and cpu requirements of this game are negligible.
-iphone 4 iOS 5.1 to iphone 4 iOS 6.0, built with Xcode 4.5 shows an average
fps drop of 25%.
-xcode 4.5 to xcode 4.4.1 on an iphone 4 with iOS 6.0 shows an additional
fps drop of 10%.
-xcode 4.5 to xcode 4.4.1 on an iphone 4 with iOS 5.1 shows an additional
fps drop of 5%.
Basically this means that having iOS 6.0 on a 4 and running an app compiled
with xcode 4.5 will seriously change performance.
At first I thought this was due to the new performance analyzer that runs
during xcode 4.5 debugging, but release builds showed similar fps
Thanks, I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem.
PS: No it is not silly to upgrade an iPhone 4 to 6.0 because that's what the
customers will do."
1 (共1页)
Re: ipad3 屏幕升级的后果 (转载)swift的OpenGL就这么难吗
牛排现在这么搞直接废了几个很好的画画appApple seeds new 10.3.2, Xcode 1.1 builds
Apple Rolling Out iCloud.com Email Addresses with iOS 6 Beta 3小声问一下:如果想学习iphone app development,去哪儿找资料
OpenCL:图形处理领域的革新【14/23】【请教】iOS app开发超新手问题
ipod touch 三代开启iPad iOS 4.3手势支持:$4.99
苹果估计比我预计还要惨了 (转载)想买MBA,求建议
Clang编译器。。。有兴趣用 Windows OS 做 iOS development 的朋友(二)
有兴趣用 Windows OS 做 iOS development 的朋友How to associate view and controller in iOS?
话题: xcode话题: ios话题: fps话题: iphone话题: drop