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Arizona版 - quora 上的评论 (转载)
又一加州城市拒绝为非法移民提供住所 (转载)Cohn: It's fine if companies buy back stock with repatriated cash
Top 25-The Most Dangerous Colleges In America从川普2017年上任开始
央视新闻: 加州华人打5万通电话 迫使歧视法案流产 (转载)担心成为公共负担 华人干脆放弃绿卡回中国
quora 上的评论Legislation would expand access to summer meals
Re: 关于capital repatriation加州 food stamp 改名啦,叫 calfresh .......lol
1st responder at texas explosion was arrested经济危机邪恶啊,佛罗里达毁草莓了
1st responder at texas explosion was arrested草莓冷冻后,还能吃吗
中国开始剪美国羊毛: 限制外企在华盈利汇回国RYN还有没戏? 套的不爽。
话题: us话题: illegal话题: immigrants话题: children话题: also
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发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: malloc (malloc), 信区: USANews
标 题: quora 上的评论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 20 06:30:48 2016, 美东)
In California, we have a special welfare program for illegal immigrants:
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Illegal immigrants can also get food stamps in California, we call it
CalFresh. They simply have to show residency, with a utility or cell phone
bill. Typically, a family will have the mother and children apply
separately from the father. Since there is no US marriage certificate to
check, the family gets benefits as a single mother with children, which is
more substantial.
They can also receive free preschool for their children, even if the
children are not US nationals. Also, free breakfast and lunch for their
children at school, even if the children are not US nationals. They can
also receive subsidized rent, County Medical, in-state tuition rates at CSU
universities, etc... In San Diego County, we have both private firms and
county social workers will assist them in applying for all these programs.
In the old days, there used to be a lot of carrot farms here, carrots were
harvested by machine. When a lot of illegal immigrants came onto the scene,
they switched to strawberries. The farmers could make more money, but
strawberries needed to be harvested by hand, which was no longer a problem
with cheap labor. It changed the economics. It can also change back.
Anecdotally, I live in a neighborhood that is about 50% illegal migrants.
They are great people, and I call many my friend. Not a single one that I
know pays income tax or FICA. They earn black money. The live very
frugally, as they repatriate most of the money back home. We have three
food / produce trucks that park on our street and sell out of the back. All
cash. Unlicensed, un-taxed businesses. We even have a pop-up taqueria
every other weekend in front of someone's house. All cash of course. Every
night (literally) in San Ysidro, border patrol has to call the fireman /
paramedics to the border to transport a women in labor to the hospital.
They wait until they start labor, get driven to the border and use a couple
ladders to get up and then down to the US side They are immediately seen
and detained. By law, they must be taken to the hospital, where the baby /
new US citizen, is born at taxpayers expense. The mother can then apply for
residency as her child is a US citizen. In all honesty, I would do the
same. :)
When I speak to people about these things, who don't live on the border, don
't speak Spanish, and don't know any illegal immigrants, they don't believe
me. I, in turn, cannot believe that they don't know. This is common
I could go on and on about the scams, black economy, smuggling, pros, cons,
etc., of illegal immigration, but it would take hours.
1 (共1页)
RYN还有没戏? 套的不爽。Re: 关于capital repatriation
採草莓要什么时候,在哪里呢1st responder at texas explosion was arrested
这个州的摘草莓什么时间?1st responder at texas explosion was arrested
请问底特律周边地区的摘草莓农场U-pick strawberries中国开始剪美国羊毛: 限制外企在华盈利汇回国
又一加州城市拒绝为非法移民提供住所 (转载)Cohn: It's fine if companies buy back stock with repatriated cash
Top 25-The Most Dangerous Colleges In America从川普2017年上任开始
央视新闻: 加州华人打5万通电话 迫使歧视法案流产 (转载)担心成为公共负担 华人干脆放弃绿卡回中国
quora 上的评论Legislation would expand access to summer meals
话题: us话题: illegal话题: immigrants话题: children话题: also