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Astronomy版 - China Plans First Astronomy Satellite
Astronomy Picture of Day: Satellites around EarthAstronomy Picture of Day: X-ray from whirlpool
Astronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the MistAstronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 12
彗星观测指南Astronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula from VLT
Astronomy Picture of Day: Asteroid and MoonAstronomy Picture of Day: the Closest Star
Astronomy Picture of Day: Color of UniverseAstronomy Picture of Day: Mercury
Astronomy Picture of Day: Many moonsAstronomy Picture of Day: Sunspot Region 30
Astronomy Picture of Day: moon over JupiterAstronomy Picture of Day: the Milky Way
Astronomy Picture of Day: AnalemmaAstronomy Picture of Day: Footprints on Moon
话题: china话题: satellite话题: astronomy话题: plans话题: first
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 330
By Christopher Bodeen
Associated Press Writer
posted: 12 March 2007
BEIJING (AP) - China's burgeoning space program has announced plans to
launch its first astronomy satellite and participate in joint projects with
Russia and France, state media reported Monday.
The satellite to be launched in 2010 will carry a "hard X-ray modulation
telescope'" being developed by Chinese scientists for the study of black
holes and other space phenomena, the official newspaper China Daily said,
citing a governme
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Footprints on MoonAstronomy Picture of Day: Color of Universe
Astronomy Picture of Day: EverestAstronomy Picture of Day: Many moons
Astronomy Picture of Day: Busy Solar SystemAstronomy Picture of Day: moon over Jupiter
Astronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 11Astronomy Picture of Day: Analemma
Astronomy Picture of Day: Satellites around EarthAstronomy Picture of Day: X-ray from whirlpool
Astronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the MistAstronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 12
彗星观测指南Astronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula from VLT
Astronomy Picture of Day: Asteroid and MoonAstronomy Picture of Day: the Closest Star
话题: china话题: satellite话题: astronomy话题: plans话题: first