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Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Double Eruptions
Astronomy Picture of Day: Neat and Erupting SunAstronomy Picture of Day: Mt. Anatahan Erupts
Astronomy Picture of Day: Solar ProminenceAstronomy Picture of Day: Dark Matter Map
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ring GalaxyAstronomy Picture of Day: Flare Well AR486
Astronomy Picture of Day: Light Echoes from V838Astronomy Picture of Day: Pythagoras Crater
Astronomy Picture of Day: V838 Light EchoAstronomy Picture of Day: Mercury and Chromosphere
Astronomy Picture of Day: Mt. Etna eruptionAstronomy Picture of Day: Children of the Sun
Astronomy Picture of Day: Mercury SpottingAstronomy Picture of Day: Dark Matter Ring Modeled around
Astronomy Picture of Day: At the Edge of SunAstronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the Mist
话题: double话题: sun话题: picture话题: astronomy
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发帖数: 1994
Double Eruptive Prominences
Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Lofted over the Sun on looping magnetic fields, large solar prominences are
composed of relatively cool, dense plasma. When seen against the brilliant solar disk they
appear as dark filaments, but these enormous magnetic structures are bright themselves when
viewed against the blackness of space as they arc above the Sun's edge In a rare visual treat,
these two solar prominences arising from the Sun
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Astronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the MistAstronomy Picture of Day: V838 Light Echo
哈勃发现前所未有的激波Astronomy Picture of Day: Mt. Etna eruption
Kamikaze彗星冲入太阳(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Mercury Spotting
太阳旁的神秘气体Astronomy Picture of Day: At the Edge of Sun
Astronomy Picture of Day: Neat and Erupting SunAstronomy Picture of Day: Mt. Anatahan Erupts
Astronomy Picture of Day: Solar ProminenceAstronomy Picture of Day: Dark Matter Map
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ring GalaxyAstronomy Picture of Day: Flare Well AR486
Astronomy Picture of Day: Light Echoes from V838Astronomy Picture of Day: Pythagoras Crater
话题: double话题: sun话题: picture话题: astronomy