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Automobile版 - 我第一次修车的经历
ODYSSEY 说BRAKE IN THE RED, 什么意思?补发更换刹车片-上图
请问这个换Brake Pad + Rotor的Quote合理吗?请问下MINI换下前刹车要多少钱?
刚换的刹车,感觉不灵敏在线等请问:换brake pads and rotors front and rear
昨天换了brake system,今天开10麦后有焦糊味道换rotors是不是提示出过事故
请问换前后刹车250刀贵不贵换rear brake pads和resurface rear brake rotors适合自己做吗?
换brake pad多少钱最近有brake pads+rotors的deal吗
换了前面的brake rotors and pads,$220,贵吗?谢谢。需要换Brake Pads,rotor需要同时换吗?
换前刹花了185刀,这个正常么刚刚换了Brake Pad & Brake rotor,顺便问个问题
话题: my话题: car话题: me话题: he话题: brake
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16778
several years ago, it was my first time to fix my car.
It was changing the front brake pads and rotors.
I watched a lot of viedo before I started. I tought I could do it right.
first day, I changed the brake pads in front of my apartment.
second day, one of my friends invited me to fix our cars together.
So I drove my car to his apartment.
He was skilled at fixing car.
When I started to jack my car and be ready to remove the brake assembly,
my friends suggested me to put wheels back.
and then he told me not to jack car under oil pan.
"What? Is that oil pan" I asked.
My friend answered, "yes, you should only jack your car under the rail frame.
Here. " He pointed it to me.
How dangerous! It is my luck to have my friend accompany me with my first
car maintenance.
1 (共1页)
刚刚换了Brake Pad & Brake rotor,顺便问个问题请问换前后刹车250刀贵不贵
请教,VW Passat, 前后车闸不一致换brake pad多少钱
碰到一个比较恶心的修车铺换了前面的brake rotors and pads,$220,贵吗?谢谢。
ODYSSEY 说BRAKE IN THE RED, 什么意思?补发更换刹车片-上图
请问这个换Brake Pad + Rotor的Quote合理吗?请问下MINI换下前刹车要多少钱?
刚换的刹车,感觉不灵敏在线等请问:换brake pads and rotors front and rear
昨天换了brake system,今天开10麦后有焦糊味道换rotors是不是提示出过事故
话题: my话题: car话题: me话题: he话题: brake