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Automobile版 - Brand Fiscal Year End
先租再买,这样可以?May sales figure
丰田福特本田获得消费者报告品牌形象调查前三买下来了2010 Hyundai Sonata 4dr Sedan I4 Auto GLS
July SalesHonda dealer 说的这个special offer是真的吗?
mishubishi和hyundai都是5年保险?刚买了新车: 1 准备工作
2011 Chevrolet Traverse LS w/ Bluetooth $24,600triple net price
2012 Chevy Traverse 26,510+ttl,求指教奔驰 E350带p1 package 最低价$50,300 drive out is good or not? in texas
请教下mitsubishi outlander ES 2017价位invoice price
U.S. Auto Brand Market Share - March 2012帮忙看看这个minivan的报价
话题: 31st话题: march话题: december话题: year话题: end
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2469
How to Time Your Purchase to Maximize Savings
Here's a little secret that might help you save a few hundred dollars on
your next car purchase.
Most car manufacturers are publicly traded which means they have to report
sales and earnings each year. These companies, along with the analysts that
follow them, set yearly targets called sales and earnings estimates. If a
company misses these targets, they can see their stock price drop quickly.
If a manufacturer is not on track to hit their target by year-end, they may
increase incentives to get some last minute sales. This is one of the
reasons why the end of the year is a great time to buy a new car. Both
manufacturers and dealers are trying to hit their yearly goals.
But some manufacturers don't follow the calendar year to determine their
financials. Most Japanese manufacturers have a fiscal year ending on March
31st. You may see some especially large incentives during the month of March
for these brands - and now you know why.
If you're an expert at timing your purchase, you'll want to wait until March
for import brands and end of the year for domestic and other brands. Here's
a list of manufacturers along with their fiscal year end:
Brand Fiscal Year End
Acura March 31st
Honda March 31st
Infiniti March 31st
Lexus March 31st
Jaguar March 31st
Mitsubishi March 31st
Nissan March 31st
Toyota March 31st
Mitsubishi March 31st
BMW December 31st
Mercedes December 31st
Volkswagen December 31st
GM December 31st
Ford December 31st
Volvo December 31st
1 (共1页)
年底抄底买车会很便宜么?----crv/rav42011 Chevrolet Traverse LS w/ Bluetooth $24,600
新手请教:想买2012 CAMRY SE,internet问的价格是不是还没有算税和各种费用阿2012 Chevy Traverse 26,510+ttl,求指教
刚定了辆2013BMW x3请教下mitsubishi outlander ES 2017价位
没有Manufacturer incentive的车不好讲价呀U.S. Auto Brand Market Share - March 2012
先租再买,这样可以?May sales figure
丰田福特本田获得消费者报告品牌形象调查前三买下来了2010 Hyundai Sonata 4dr Sedan I4 Auto GLS
July SalesHonda dealer 说的这个special offer是真的吗?
mishubishi和hyundai都是5年保险?刚买了新车: 1 准备工作
话题: 31st话题: march话题: december话题: year话题: end