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Belief版 - 天主教接受进化论
A good read from wikipedia - The God DelusionThe future World War III
The Da Vinci Code -controversial movie makes you thinkhobbit请进
the Rick A. Ross Institute of New Jersey[合集] 这个世界上信基督教的人多?还是不信的人多?
U.S. Biologist Creates Controversy with Artificial DNA (转载)Colbert talks -- Roman Catholicism
Re: 问一个关于基督教和基督徒的定义的问题。[合集] 请问一下各位基教徒
Re: [转载] 这是一个普遍现象,我的朋友哭了!!!Re: 大家认为信仰不同能不能影响感?Has anyone see the movie "Doubt"?
most important and comprehensive video on NWO严肃讨论达成共识之天堂地狱
More problems with Purpose Driven LifeFlorida priest removed after beach photos with woman published
话题: church话题: evolution话题: official话题: position话题: catholic
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 328
The position of the Catholic Church on the theory of evolution has moved
over the last two centuries from a large period of no official mention, to a
statement of neutrality in the 1950s, to a more explicit acceptance in
recent years. Today, the official Church's position remains a focus of
controversy and is fairly non-specific, stating only that faith and
scientific findings regarding human evolution are not in conflict, thou
1 (共1页)
Florida priest removed after beach photos with woman publishedRe: 问一个关于基督教和基督徒的定义的问题。
Would Jesus torture?Re: [转载] 这是一个普遍现象,我的朋友哭了!!!Re: 大家认为信仰不同能不能影响感?
美前主教承认同性恋 估计25%至50%神父为同志most important and comprehensive video on NWO
Notre Dame's Obama invite outrages some CatholicsMore problems with Purpose Driven Life
A good read from wikipedia - The God DelusionThe future World War III
The Da Vinci Code -controversial movie makes you thinkhobbit请进
the Rick A. Ross Institute of New Jersey[合集] 这个世界上信基督教的人多?还是不信的人多?
U.S. Biologist Creates Controversy with Artificial DNA (转载)Colbert talks -- Roman Catholicism
话题: church话题: evolution话题: official话题: position话题: catholic