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Bridge版 - Lead from AK.
Re: how to lead1. Tricky Squeeze
how to let you partner to unblock?Leading Problem
defend 3NTI bet open 3NT
Styles, strategy and tactics (2): double即然灌水, 就再来一片!
what is ur call?Some leading problems
problem 5One question
how to leadIf you are intereted in endplay
what's the best way to make this 5D?Open lead problem
话题: ak话题: lead话题: some话题: kq话题: partner
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 295
when defending suit contract, some lead A frome AK, some lead K
K is somewhat ambiguous, coz partner may not be able to tell
whether it's from AK or KQ. Some experts suggest that leading A
ask for attitude while K ask for count. How does this make sense?
In other words, when do you lead K from AK and how could partner
know it's from AK and give you a count signal?
Some other condition is required when this method apply.
Normally, you lead A from AK, and K from KQ and partner should give
you atti
1 (共1页)
Open lead problemwhat is ur call?
how to play this hand?problem 5
a simple question, what do you lead?how to lead
defending against multi 2dwhat's the best way to make this 5D?
Re: how to lead1. Tricky Squeeze
how to let you partner to unblock?Leading Problem
defend 3NTI bet open 3NT
Styles, strategy and tactics (2): double即然灌水, 就再来一片!
话题: ak话题: lead话题: some话题: kq话题: partner