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Business版 - terrible job market for finance Ph.D
Re: FINANCE PH.D 毕业后到底好不好找工作?申请top finance mba.
Finance PHD 学校偏向工业界还是学术界?CS PhD VS. CS Master + Finance Master
回国还是用OPT找工作undergraduate申请Finance PhD
询问一下商科PhD的情况,TOP100的是否值得读?怎么样才能去Mckensey? 求教
这里有学MS in Finance的吗how is wharton's Finance phd program?
Re: 应用数学想转finance,去华尔街工作,给点忠告。[求教]放弃电子工程PhD, 转申Finance PhD, 值得么?
EE Fresh PhD可能直接找到Management Consulating吗?新人向工科PHD转咨询的大牛请教
商学院的金融硕士都是属于MBA吗?Wharton School 的 PHD 到底怎么样?
话题: finance话题: job话题: market话题: school话题: year
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
this year job market for finance ph.d. is worse than my expectation.
I do not know any fresh chinese ph.d. got offer from descent business school
(top 30). Instead, I know a finance Wharton cannot find job (or he does not go
to mean school), a economics Chicago accept a job from a Australia school( he
wants to transfer to finance area),a minnesota finance cannot find job for two
I know the job market for finance in 1990-1992 is tough but later it is better
and better. Let me pray that in
发帖数: 5
Except for Accounting, fresh Ph.D.s from all other fields are in huge trouble
this year,not just finance. It is still a pretty good year for accounting.The
accounting graduates in my school are busy traveling around the country,giving
job seminars on schools such as Stanford,UMich.. Some got offers very early.
Just don't why accounting is an exception.


【在 c*****i 的大作中提到】
: this year job market for finance ph.d. is worse than my expectation.
: I do not know any fresh chinese ph.d. got offer from descent business school
: (top 30). Instead, I know a finance Wharton cannot find job (or he does not go
: to mean school), a economics Chicago accept a job from a Australia school( he
: wants to transfer to finance area),a minnesota finance cannot find job for two
: years.
: I know the job market for finance in 1990-1992 is tough but later it is better
: and better. Let me pray that in

发帖数: 32
Every recruter will promise you a bright future, if you come to them for
questions, talks but not offers or even interviews, that is just a sales
technique. Talk to your friend about how many phds with backgrounds like
her got McKinsey, or even just a so-so job.
Btw, is McKinsey the right place for a finance phd?
发帖数: 989
job market is always there, people are always hiring.
this year maybe tuff, but it is even tuffer elsewhere.
the finance phds graduating this year I know
got into U. chicago, Rice unviersity, Indiana Univ
and UC davis. all of them got 170K+ (12 month),
don't know what kind of trash you are talking about.
it all depends on you. if you have good papers, good recommendations,
you go whereever you want.

【在 c*****i 的大作中提到】
: this year job market for finance ph.d. is worse than my expectation.
: I do not know any fresh chinese ph.d. got offer from descent business school
: (top 30). Instead, I know a finance Wharton cannot find job (or he does not go
: to mean school), a economics Chicago accept a job from a Australia school( he
: wants to transfer to finance area),a minnesota finance cannot find job for two
: years.
: I know the job market for finance in 1990-1992 is tough but later it is better
: and better. Let me pray that in

发帖数: 38
It's true the market is always there and schools are always hiring.
But schools hire less (or much much less) in a tough year (like this year).
Many schools just don't have openings. Demand is lower, while supply
is higher. So many people couldn't find a job. For the people who got one,
they may getter better and/or more offers in good years... Sure if you have
good pulications, good recommendations, goo presentations, you are likely
to get a job (maybe in a good school), but the point is it is

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: job market is always there, people are always hiring.
: this year maybe tuff, but it is even tuffer elsewhere.
: the finance phds graduating this year I know
: got into U. chicago, Rice unviersity, Indiana Univ
: and UC davis. all of them got 170K+ (12 month),
: don't know what kind of trash you are talking about.
: it all depends on you. if you have good papers, good recommendations,
: you go whereever you want.

1 (共1页)
Wharton School 的 PHD 到底怎么样?这里有学MS in Finance的吗
给点意见Re: 应用数学想转finance,去华尔街工作,给点忠告。
Re: PHD Finance, MS Finance or MS Financial Engineering?EE Fresh PhD可能直接找到Management Consulating吗?
Re: 有没有咨询公司的ranking商学院的金融硕士都是属于MBA吗?
Re: FINANCE PH.D 毕业后到底好不好找工作?申请top finance mba.
Finance PHD 学校偏向工业界还是学术界?CS PhD VS. CS Master + Finance Master
回国还是用OPT找工作undergraduate申请Finance PhD
询问一下商科PhD的情况,TOP100的是否值得读?怎么样才能去Mckensey? 求教
话题: finance话题: job话题: market话题: school话题: year