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ChinaNews版 - 中共威胁 不离开美领馆就打死陈老婆 ZT美联社 (转载)
签了帮助陈光诚及其家人的请愿信的,在此领取包子一个美国承认用大使馆的汽车偷运陈光诚 (转载)
英雄的头——为盲人律师陈光诚一家苦况呼吁zz重磅消息: 4名朝鲜球员在南非失踪 似乎他们不想回国 (转载)
南方带路党民猪编辑亲自上阵在纽约时报发文,呼吁制裁中国zt (转载)2011.11.11 海外华人“要有光,要有诚”集会号召
惨了,BATMAN 也救不了你了(视频)zz张国峰火了,真的火了,这么也能成名啊!
HELP, CHEN Guangcheng in Danger! (转载)★祝福陈光诚!为自由呐喊!发101个包子★
陳光誠從共產黨反動派魔掌逃脫曾金燕爆“自行离开”真相 陈光诚一家危矣!
希望光诚坚守!!Re: 不是说NED的funding是公开的嘛,赶紧查陈光诚啊 (转载)
护照是要到户口所在地领吗?Re: 不是说NED的funding是公开的嘛,赶紧查陈光诚啊 (转载)
话题: chen话题: chinese话题: he话题: his话题: embassy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2033
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
标 题: 中共威胁 不离开美领馆就打死陈老婆 ZT美联社
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 2 12:45:35 2012, 美东)
Chen Guangcheng, Chinese Blind Activist, Fears For Family's Safety
BEIJING (AP) -- Blind legal activist Chen Guangcheng says a U.S. official
told him that Chinese authorities threatened to beat his wife to death had
he not left the American Embassy.
Speaking by phone from his hospital room in Beijing on Wednesday night, a
shaken Chen told The Associated Press that U.S. officials relayed the threat
from the Chinese side.
Chen, who fled to the embassy six day ago, left under an agreement in which
he would receive medical care, be reunited with his family and allowed to
attend university in a safe place. He says he now fears for his safety and
wants to leave the country.
A U.S. official has denied knowledge of the threat, but says Chen was told
his family would be sent back home if he stayed in the embassy.
1 (共1页)
Re: 不是说NED的funding是公开的嘛,赶紧查陈光诚啊 (转载)HELP, CHEN Guangcheng in Danger! (转载)
金二胖气吞山河 (转载)陳光誠從共產黨反動派魔掌逃脫
Chinese should import turkey and thanksgiving希望光诚坚守!!
章天亮:疯狂报复陈光诚 周永康政治自杀护照是要到户口所在地领吗?
签了帮助陈光诚及其家人的请愿信的,在此领取包子一个美国承认用大使馆的汽车偷运陈光诚 (转载)
英雄的头——为盲人律师陈光诚一家苦况呼吁zz重磅消息: 4名朝鲜球员在南非失踪 似乎他们不想回国 (转载)
南方带路党民猪编辑亲自上阵在纽约时报发文,呼吁制裁中国zt (转载)2011.11.11 海外华人“要有光,要有诚”集会号召
惨了,BATMAN 也救不了你了(视频)zz张国峰火了,真的火了,这么也能成名啊!
话题: chen话题: chinese话题: he话题: his话题: embassy