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Complain版 - 投诉Sanfrancisco 版主DOD0 纵容板斧 fatcat 放任网络bully 和人身威胁,滥用公权
投诉 SanFrancisco board fatcat's abuse of power【投诉】三藩版主都督DOD0: 毫无理由,二次封禁我
[投诉]SanFrancisco 版版主DOD0 纵容板斧 fatcat 放任网络bully 和人身威胁,滥用公权这个是三番版的置顶? 给mitbbs交广告费没有?
[投诉]三藩市地区版 版主 DOD0弹劾三番版主DOD0包庇板斧fatcat的滥用权力行为fatcat疯了
[投诉]SanFrancisco版 版主 DOD0 公器私用,打击异己投诉三番版主fatcat乱封人
DOD0和Chris Zhang一丘之貉 (转载)投诉三番版主fatcat乱删帖,乱封人
[通知] 2014/10/19 SanFrancisco版主投诉案 基金博彩开启[投诉] sanfrancisco版副fatfat滥用职权
[投诉]SanFranciso版主DOD0以权谋私滥用版主权利阻碍言论自由投诉三番版版副 fatcat 竞选期间随意删帖封人
话题: fatcat话题: admin话题: spam话题: fri话题: dec
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4965
最近在Cupertino 学区委员选举, 本地一位女士,学童妈妈 Lily 看不过去某位候选
人过去劣迹, 在本地电视台揭发该候选人, 做了whistle blower. 后来该候选人落选
, 其支持者迁怒Lily , 在网络(尤其是三番版)成天疯狂攻击, bully , 人肉Lily
. 攻击性言论如“外F”,“汉奸” 每天充斥版面, 版主板斧丝毫不理, 放任自流,
事实上imply 这种攻击言论是被默许的。
应指出, 该候选人和版主是本地华人组织UAAFA 的co-founder, 板斧在UAAFA现任重要
职务. 所以板斧明显偏袒对Lily 的攻击者, 而且从选举前就一直亲自撸袖子下场在
三番版打口水仗。 一方面他拿着”版面执法者“ 的大棒,一方面又是被执法的两方之
一, 这根本就是滑稽。 这怎么能可能公平? 实际上板斧factcat 明显偏向UAAFA 及
更有甚者, 昨天有人发狂妄的 召集 “华人除奸团” 帖子,要“除”Lily 这个“奸
”: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/SanFrancisco/34289239.html
请注意“除奸团”是特指抗日战争时 暗杀为日本人服务的汉奸的行动组织, 这个帖子
是赤裸裸的人身威胁,远超了网络bully. 如果Lily 报警, 这个帖子足可以land the
poster in jail.
最近的Elonis vs United States case 在supreme court review。 Elonis 在FB
threaten ex wife 被判了6年。
我回了上面帖子, 陈清厉害, 让贴主删帖, 实际上也是为贴主好。 不一会儿我的帖
子被fatcat 删掉,又被封14天,理由是可笑的SPAM. 这完全是对bbs公平原则的公开嘲
笑, 意思说“我是板斧我想干什么干什么”
站务: 请明确: 有人在三番版发明确的人身威胁,人肉,bully , 的言论。 板斧姑
息纵容,甚至事实上鼓励了这种言论。如果站务不管, mitbbs 就有连带责任导致人身
威胁,今后有人进一步威胁(打电话, 扔鸡蛋。。) lily , mitbbs 难逃干系。
我向版主DOD0 反映fatcat 的滥用公权行为,没有回应。 按complaint 版规定我不能
直接投诉板斧,所以只好一并投诉版主 纵容缺乏监督之失职。
发信人: creation (努力自由泳50m/45sec !), 信区: Complain
标 题: 投诉 SanFrancisco board fatcat's abuse of power
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 5 00:57:05 2014, 美东)
someone posted http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/SanFrancisco/34288387.html
and ****called on net vigilante** to form a "华人惩奸团" to harm the 2
women whistle blowers who shed light on some real life political candidate
in a recent local election in Cupertino. The board admin fatcat happens to
be in real life to be very closely associated with the candidate, this is a
well known fact. fatcat is takes important positions in the real life
political organization UAAFA, which that candidate helped found.
the word 惩奸团 has a very specific connotation and has been used in the
anti-Japanese war to mean to ***KILL*** Chinese cooperators with the
Japanese. So this is a blatant,concrete physical threat to the 2
aforementioned women.
I posted a reply pointing out in a matter-of-fact tone that the article in
question is very dangerous and can be prosecuted as a felony according to
recent case laws regarding online physical threats (the most famous being
the Elonis vs US which just went on news this Monday). My reply was as much
a good-natured advice to the OP (to avoid his legal troubles) as well as a
criticism against the OP.
but the board vice admin fatcat abused his power and considers my post "SPAM
" and shut me out for 14 days:"
寄信人: deliver
标 题: creation被取消在SanFrancisco版的发文权限
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 5 00:30:45 2014)
来 源: 76.
由于您在 SanFrancisco 版 SPAM,我很遗憾地通知您,
您被暂时取消在该版的发文权力 14 天。
Fri Dec 5 00:30:45 2014
"SPAM" is a completely fake reason, the only reason is that fatcat is
abusing his admin "power" for his own political agenda in real world to prop
up his political candidate.
please note that the OP's article itself is a clear violation of the rules
of this bbs, and real world laws regarding online bullying and threat. mitbb
SHOULD NOT allow such bullying and physical threat to exist on its property.
my requests are:
1) to avoid legal troubles for mitbbs, I advise you to remove the original
POST in question
2) revoke fatcat's decision to shut me out
3) remove fatcat's admin privilege. fatcat's personal agenda in real life (
association with the political candidate , who is the center of the hot
debates ever since before the local election) puts in in ***direct conflict
of interest*** with executing the admin duties. This request to remove
fatcat has been the consensus of the population on SF board before the
election. we only put it off after the election , assuming the debate would
die off. but now fatcat's associates are waging another war on the board and
in this war they are clearly abusing his "power"
发帖数: 4965
最近在Cupertino 学区委员选举, 本地一位女士,学童妈妈 Lily 看不过去某位候选
人过去劣迹, 在本地电视台揭发该候选人, 做了whistle blower. 后来该候选人落选
, 其支持者迁怒Lily , 在网络(尤其是三番版)成天疯狂攻击, bully , 人肉Lily
. 攻击性言论如“外F”,“汉奸” 每天充斥版面, 版主板斧丝毫不理, 放任自流,
事实上imply 这种攻击言论是被默许的。
应指出, 该候选人和版主是本地华人组织UAAFA 的co-founder, 板斧在UAAFA现任重要
职务. 所以板斧明显偏袒对Lily 的攻击者, 而且从选举前就一直亲自撸袖子下场在
三番版打口水仗。 一方面他拿着”版面执法者“ 的大棒,一方面又是被执法的两方之
一, 这根本就是滑稽。 这怎么能可能公平? 实际上板斧factcat 明显偏向UAAFA 及
更有甚者, 昨天有人发狂妄的 召集 “华人除奸团” 帖子,要“除”Lily 这个“奸
”: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/SanFrancisco/34289239.html
请注意“除奸团”是特指抗日战争时 暗杀为日本人服务的汉奸的行动组织, 这个帖子
是赤裸裸的人身威胁,远超了网络bully. 如果Lily 报警, 这个帖子足可以land the
poster in jail.
最近的Elonis vs United States case 在supreme court review。 Elonis 在FB
threaten ex wife 被判了6年。
我回了上面帖子, 陈清厉害, 让贴主删帖, 实际上也是为贴主好。 不一会儿我的帖
子被fatcat 删掉,又被封14天,理由是可笑的SPAM. 这完全是对bbs公平原则的公开嘲
笑, 意思说“我是板斧我想干什么干什么”
站务: 请明确: 有人在三番版发明确的人身威胁,人肉,bully , 的言论。 板斧姑
息纵容,甚至事实上鼓励了这种言论。如果站务不管, mitbbs 就有连带责任导致人身
威胁,今后有人进一步威胁(打电话, 扔鸡蛋。。) lily , mitbbs 难逃干系。
我向版主DOD0 反映fatcat 的滥用公权行为,没有回应。 按complaint 版规定我不能
直接投诉板斧,所以只好一并投诉版主 纵容缺乏监督之失职。
发信人: creation (努力自由泳50m/45sec !), 信区: Complain
标 题: 投诉 SanFrancisco board fatcat's abuse of power
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 5 00:57:05 2014, 美东)
someone posted http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/SanFrancisco/34288387.html
and ****called on net vigilante** to form a "华人惩奸团" to harm the 2
women whistle blowers who shed light on some real life political candidate
in a recent local election in Cupertino. The board admin fatcat happens to
be in real life to be very closely associated with the candidate, this is a
well known fact. fatcat is takes important positions in the real life
political organization UAAFA, which that candidate helped found.
the word 惩奸团 has a very specific connotation and has been used in the
anti-Japanese war to mean to ***KILL*** Chinese cooperators with the
Japanese. So this is a blatant,concrete physical threat to the 2
aforementioned women.
I posted a reply pointing out in a matter-of-fact tone that the article in
question is very dangerous and can be prosecuted as a felony according to
recent case laws regarding online physical threats (the most famous being
the Elonis vs US which just went on news this Monday). My reply was as much
a good-natured advice to the OP (to avoid his legal troubles) as well as a
criticism against the OP.
but the board vice admin fatcat abused his power and considers my post "SPAM
" and shut me out for 14 days:"
寄信人: deliver
标 题: creation被取消在SanFrancisco版的发文权限
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 5 00:30:45 2014)
来 源: 76.
由于您在 SanFrancisco 版 SPAM,我很遗憾地通知您,
您被暂时取消在该版的发文权力 14 天。
Fri Dec 5 00:30:45 2014
"SPAM" is a completely fake reason, the only reason is that fatcat is
abusing his admin "power" for his own political agenda in real world to prop
up his political candidate.
please note that the OP's article itself is a clear violation of the rules
of this bbs, and real world laws regarding online bullying and threat. mitbb
SHOULD NOT allow such bullying and physical threat to exist on its property.
my requests are:
1) to avoid legal troubles for mitbbs, I advise you to remove the original
POST in question
2) revoke fatcat's decision to shut me out
3) remove fatcat's admin privilege. fatcat's personal agenda in real life (
association with the political candidate , who is the center of the hot
debates ever since before the local election) puts in in ***direct conflict
of interest*** with executing the admin duties. This request to remove
fatcat has been the consensus of the population on SF board before the
election. we only put it off after the election , assuming the debate would
die off. but now fatcat's associates are waging another war on the board and
in this war they are clearly abusing his "power"
1 (共1页)
投诉SANFRANCISCO版主fatcatDOD0和Chris Zhang一丘之貉 (转载)
[投诉]三藩市地区版版主板斧[通知] 2014/10/19 SanFrancisco版主投诉案 基金博彩开启
[投诉]三藩版主DOD0三藩版主怂恿id谩骂, 公报私仇[投诉]SanFranciso版主DOD0以权谋私滥用版主权利阻碍言论自由
投诉 SanFrancisco board fatcat's abuse of power【投诉】三藩版主都督DOD0: 毫无理由,二次封禁我
[投诉]SanFrancisco 版版主DOD0 纵容板斧 fatcat 放任网络bully 和人身威胁,滥用公权这个是三番版的置顶? 给mitbbs交广告费没有?
[投诉]三藩市地区版 版主 DOD0弹劾三番版主DOD0包庇板斧fatcat的滥用权力行为fatcat疯了
[投诉]SanFrancisco版 版主 DOD0 公器私用,打击异己投诉三番版主fatcat乱封人
话题: fatcat话题: admin话题: spam话题: fri话题: dec