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Computation版 - CFP: CVIU Special Issue on Shape Modeling in Medical Image Analysis
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Now that you mentioned IFC ...[CFP]The 1st International Workshop on Wireless Computing and System
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fortran memory problem求助:一个C语言code在自己机器上跑正常,在cluster上出现segmentation fault,可能是什么原因。
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C++,一个函数完成后出segmentaion fault请教一个关于PDE数值解方面的问题
话题: shape话题: medical话题: analysis话题: image话题: modeling
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 48
Aims and Scope: Exploring and using anatomical shape properties plays an
increasingly important role in many medical imaging and image processing
applications. For examples, in medical image segmentation, prior knowledge
on the shape of interest has been used to achieve more accurate segmentation
, e.g. in case of ambiguities owing to limited image quality. In
neuroscience, the shape of certain brain structures, such as hippocampus,has
been shown to be useful for predicting the development of a brain disease,
such as Alzheimer’s. In cardiac imaging, the accurate tracking of the shape
of the left and right ventricles facilitates the computer aided diagnosis
of cardiovascular diseases.
While shape representation, modeling and analysis have been widely studied
in both the computer vision and medical imaging societies for many years,
there are still many unsolved problems. Furthermore, new medical imaging
techniques and applications produce higher dimensional data, such as 4D
longitudinal data, which bring in new challenges to shape modeling and
analysis. For this special issue, we invite researchers from both medical
imaging and computer vision societies to report on their recent progress in
this area and discuss the future direction of this important topic.
This Special Issue will include, but is not limited to the following topics,
with applications to medical image analysis.
- Anatomic and functional shape representation and matching
- Shape based medical image segmentation
- Shape registration
- Statistical shape analysis,
- Shape deformation
- Shape based abnormity detection
- Shape tracking and longitudinal shape analysis
- Machine learning for shape modeling and analysis
- Shape based computer-aid-diagnosis
- Shape based medical navigation
- Benchmark and validation of shape representation, analysis and modeling
Submission Deadline:
January 15, 2012
Guest editors:
Song Wang (University of South Carolina)
Email: S******[email protected]
Shuo Li (GE Healthcare & University of Western Ontario)
Email: S*****[email protected]
Wiro Niessen (Erasmus MC)
Email: w*******[email protected]
Submission: http://ees.elsevier.com/cviu/
1 (共1页)
请教一个关于PDE数值解方面的问题fortran memory problem
what background need to undersatnd SDE.From a picture to a 2D mesh
Looking for PhD studentsC++,一个函数完成后出segmentaion fault
Linux fortran segmentation fail.mpi程序5,6,9,11,13个节点的总是出错
老板的程序在unix上运行没问题CFP for HSN 2009 (Co-host with Infocom 2009)
Now that you mentioned IFC ...[CFP]The 1st International Workshop on Wireless Computing and System
fortran里矩阵传递有维数限制吗?渣打 天津 招 unix system support
话题: shape话题: medical话题: analysis话题: image话题: modeling