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Database版 - Looking for ODBC Resouces --- New Standard?
ASP + Oracle[转载] an Oracle ODBC question
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话题: odbc话题: standard话题: resouces话题: new话题: looking
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 322
Hi, all,
Does anyone know where someone could find ODBC Standard.
Any suggestions for where to find them?

Thank you.
发帖数: 144

As far as my knowledge, ODBC is an industry standard,
initialized by Microsoft.
If you want to learn more, you can go to:
see Platform SDK --> Data Access Services -->
Microsoft Data Access Component (MDAC) SDK -->
Microsoft Data Access 2.5 SDK -->
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity.
For a comprehensive background, see
Technologies --> ODBC --> Inside ODBC chapter 5

【在 R***r 的大作中提到】
: Hi, all,
: Does anyone know where someone could find ODBC Standard.
: Any suggestions for where to find them?
: Thank you.

发帖数: 322

I should be able to find these in VisualStudio 6's CD_ROM, won't I?
I guess I need the standard documents themselves?
Thank you anyway.

【在 s*k 的大作中提到】
: As far as my knowledge, ODBC is an industry standard,
: initialized by Microsoft.
: If you want to learn more, you can go to:
: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.htm
: see Platform SDK --> Data Access Services -->
: Microsoft Data Access Component (MDAC) SDK -->
: Microsoft Data Access 2.5 SDK -->
: Microsoft Open Database Connectivity.
: For a comprehensive background, see

1 (共1页)
getting connected to Oracle in PerlHow to Connect ODBC?
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ODBCHow to connect to Access 2000 database with database password in ODBC
ASP + Oracle[转载] an Oracle ODBC question
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Help on JDBC:ODBC SOSquestion!wierd
ORACLE Pro*C 远程接续一问?SAS tutorial?
话题: odbc话题: standard话题: resouces话题: new话题: looking