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Detective版 - 小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (转载)
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小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (血腥慎入)上了围脖才知道,国内拐卖妇女儿童这么多
小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (转载)怪不得Ron Paul当不了总统
(慎入!)小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (转载)被拐卖23年后回家
民主OK:Three U.S. citizens killed in Mexico attacksAMBER ALERT
从另外一个法案看HR 3012的可能timeframeamber alert,土人今天又学到新知识了
话题: santos话题: reyes话题: narco话题: nayeli话题: who
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32122
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: 小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 30 21:26:17 2013, 美东)
Veracruz-Boca del Río - The Federal Judiciary, Nayeli Reyes Santos, 32
years of age, who was abducted last Thursday when she was walking to work,
was found at 7 this morning dead and dismembered in the streets of
Invernadero and Marte in the community of Joyas de Mocambo.
With signs of torture, mutilated and a narco-banner nailed to the back with
a knife, is how the remains of Reyes Santos were found. The narco-poster had
a warning against those who tried to betray the cartel members "Z" or Zetas
. Unofficially it is believed that the message said, "This is what is going
to happen to all those who show no respect or finger the company. Atte Z."
Later authorities were able to confirm that the body found belonged to
Nayeli Reyes Santos, who was intercepted by a van with unidentified men,
when she was walking on the street Habaneras near the corner of Paseo
Jardines de Virginia.
1 (共1页)
amber alert,土人今天又学到新知识了血腥,慎入
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“他没得到快感不算强奸”法官的判决令全国愤怒从另外一个法案看HR 3012的可能timeframe
加州旅馆(HOTEL CALIFORNIA)歌词背后的意思Retired Justice Stevens: Kavanaugh should not be confirmed
小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (血腥慎入)上了围脖才知道,国内拐卖妇女儿童这么多
小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (转载)怪不得Ron Paul当不了总统
(慎入!)小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (转载)被拐卖23年后回家
话题: santos话题: reyes话题: narco话题: nayeli话题: who