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DotNet版 - 有谁来谈谈yukon么?
谁有PDC WHIDBEY DOWNLOAD?review a c# book today and find i am obosolete
有人对这些东西感兴趣么?C# on JVM?
whidbey 什么时候出来?.NET 入门系列(1)--什么是.NET
payan, talk a little bit about rainbowManaged Code vs. Unmanaged Code
Visual Studio.net is buggy.c#有没有第三方地免费解释器?
用 ClickOnce 功能 Deploy 应用程序from C++ to C#
话题: sql话题: yukon话题: server话题: platform话题: 谈谈
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1685
发帖数: 635
personally i don't like their approaches they 're taking to
upgrade SQL Server. i'm fine with the XML,XQuery stuff but
the way (code in SQL server) they are heading is bound to introduce
tighter couping btw database and data access layers, which pretty
much will strongly discourage customers from using other RDMBS
product if they use .NET as app dev platform. from an application
development point of view, it might gain a little bit more productivity
but i think M$ introduced it to gain more mar

【在 st 的大作中提到】
: CLR什么的这些东西,听起来觉得不是非常适合sql啊。总感觉有点违背了sql本身的
: 味道。

发帖数: 158
...it's the idea, you use the whole or none. it's one integrated platform.

【在 p***n 的大作中提到】
: personally i don't like their approaches they 're taking to
: upgrade SQL Server. i'm fine with the XML,XQuery stuff but
: the way (code in SQL server) they are heading is bound to introduce
: tighter couping btw database and data access layers, which pretty
: much will strongly discourage customers from using other RDMBS
: product if they use .NET as app dev platform. from an application
: development point of view, it might gain a little bit more productivity
: but i think M$ introduced it to gain more mar

发帖数: 1685
I am still reading some documents about it, the service broker sounds
pretty nice, which solves a lot synchronization problem since heavily
loaded sql server usualy is the bottleneck.... but I hope they could
fix the problem for undetermined replication latency(which can even cause
inconsistency if the server is always busy), make their full text
search system actually usable(how about more control for memory and
64bit support?)... what ever, athlon 64 has been out, why M$ doesnot catch
up with

【在 e***g 的大作中提到】
: ...it's the idea, you use the whole or none. it's one integrated platform.
发帖数: 1011
MS 到时候肯定会再写一个data access best practice的,给我们写个data access

【在 st 的大作中提到】
: CLR什么的这些东西,听起来觉得不是非常适合sql啊。总感觉有点违背了sql本身的
: 味道。

发帖数: 39
The goal of Yukon, or any product of M$, is to bound the developers and users
to Windows platform, right?
Hosting CLR inside SQL Server is a very good idea if you are in Wintel shop.
Imagine how you manage sql code today and how many workarounds you have to
make in order to make things work in SQL and how nasty to deploy SQL code to
production. I think Oracle, DB2 are taking the same approach. Even MySql has
Java binding now.
Service Broker is a fantastic new feature, and XQueries with indices a

【在 st 的大作中提到】
: I am still reading some documents about it, the service broker sounds
: pretty nice, which solves a lot synchronization problem since heavily
: loaded sql server usualy is the bottleneck.... but I hope they could
: fix the problem for undetermined replication latency(which can even cause
: inconsistency if the server is always busy), make their full text
: search system actually usable(how about more control for memory and
: 64bit support?)... what ever, athlon 64 has been out, why M$ doesnot catch
: up with

发帖数: 635
hehe, data access application block 现在已经出了v2乐. 不知道
WHIDBEY和YUKON 出来以后又会是什么样子

【在 L*******r 的大作中提到】
: 呵呵。过年好。
: MS 到时候肯定会再写一个data access best practice的,给我们写个data access
: facade的.

1 (共1页)
.NET前景的障碍payan, talk a little bit about rainbow
用DLL会快些吗?Visual Studio.net is buggy.
ASP.Net比ASP倒底好多少?用 ClickOnce 功能 Deploy 应用程序
memory leakauthentication
谁有PDC WHIDBEY DOWNLOAD?review a c# book today and find i am obosolete
有人对这些东西感兴趣么?C# on JVM?
whidbey 什么时候出来?.NET 入门系列(1)--什么是.NET
话题: sql话题: yukon话题: server话题: platform话题: 谈谈