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DotNet版 - Help: DotNet Tcp Client/Server
[转载] 申请.NET 版memory usage
[公告] DotNet 板的投票结果[转载] Re: 我来支持Re: 提名LodossWar, away 为DotNET版副
C# on JVM?hoho, another dotnet bug in production
open source dotNet IDE - sharpdevelopRe: hoho, another dotnet bug in producti
open source dotNet IDE - Software Studio[转载] 申请辞去DOTNET 版版主
Maverick for dotnet: MVC for web publishdotnet的工作,去不去呢?
dotnet template engine - NVelocity[转载] 柴玲招dotnet programmer也不sponsor
[转载] 提名LodossWar, away 为DotNET版副请教关于activeX component 的使用
话题: tcp话题: server话题: clients话题: client话题: dotnet
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 76
Hi All,
I am using a TCP server to be a non-blocking
server for n TCP clients (with Socket.Select()).
My problem is the number of n is limited to be < 65
when I bring up those clients one at a time with
10 seconds interval time between two adjacent
clients. Otherwise, the Socket.Select
will throw an "Index was outside the bounds of the
array" exception.
I tried SetSocketOption with MaxConnections
and get an unhandled exception. I also
tried to use different value for socket
Listen(int). It do
1 (共1页)
请教关于activeX component 的使用open source dotNet IDE - Software Studio
Dot net hostingMaverick for dotnet: MVC for web publish
Any ASP.NET forum in China?dotnet template engine - NVelocity
I create a dotnet group on yahoo[转载] 提名LodossWar, away 为DotNET版副
[转载] 申请.NET 版memory usage
[公告] DotNet 板的投票结果[转载] Re: 我来支持Re: 提名LodossWar, away 为DotNET版副
C# on JVM?hoho, another dotnet bug in production
open source dotNet IDE - sharpdevelopRe: hoho, another dotnet bug in producti
话题: tcp话题: server话题: clients话题: client话题: dotnet