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会没结束就leak了Republicans Mull Legal Action Against Obama on Immigration Moves
Boehner sees immigration bill by year's end反了,共和党众议员公开为难领导了
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话题: bill话题: vote话题: democrats话题: said话题: boehner
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
In a blow to House GOP leaders, the House on Thursday rejected a five-year
farm bill.
Members voted down the $940 billion bill in a 195-234 vote that only won 24
Democratic votes. Most Democrats voted against the bill because it cut food
stamp programs by more than $20 billion.
Many Republicans also voted no, but for a different reason. They said it was
too expensive a bill to pass when the country has $17 trillion in debt.
In the final vote, 62 Republicans opposed the bill, and with the Democratic
defections, that was enough to send it to defeat.
The final tally was delayed for several minutes as GOP leaders held the vote
open, while Democrats called for the vote to close.
The vote is a blow to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican
leaders who for two years have failed to move farm policy forward. The issue
has badly divided Republicans.
Immediately after the vote, Republicans were apoplectic at what they
characterized as a betrayal by Democratic leaders, who did not deliver the
votes they promised.
"The Democrats walked away from this," Boehner, who cast a rare vote in
favor of the bill, told The Hill as he walked off the House floor.
He would not answer further questions as he returned to his office.
The chief Republican vote-counter, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (Calif.),
also blamed Democrats and said the bill could come back to the floor next
week, with changes. "We can correct it if [Democrats] are not going to help
us," he said after the vote.
McCarthy's comment suggests GOP leaders wil seek to make the bill more
appealing to conservatives.
Republicans had expected Democrats to deliver 40 votes for the bill. But a
GOP aide said at the last moment, Agriculture Committee ranking member
Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) said they could not produce that many because of
pressure from Democratic leaders and the White House, which had threatened
to veto the bill over the food stamp cuts.
Peterson blamed the approval of two amendments for the failure.
One of the amendments — backed by Boehner — ended production limits on
dairy producers that were a part of the underlying bill.
The second, sponsored by Rep. Steve Southerland (R-Fla.), allowed states to
require food stamp beneficiaries to either work or look for work.
"I told Cantor that Southerland cost us 15 votes," Peterson said, referring
to Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.). "A lot of people came up to me and
said, I'm with you, but I'm out now."
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), a conservative charged with whipping GOP votes for
the bill, was surprised by the number of GOP defections.
"I was surprised by about half of them," he said. "I thought they would have
taken more of a 10,000 foot view. We are ending direct payments in this
bill, we are starting to reveres the obscene growth of the food stamp
King blamed key vote alerts from Heritage Action and Club for Growth for
hurting the bill and also acknowledged that the Boehner-backed dairy
amendment and Southerland food stamp work requirement cost key Democratic
King said that the path forward is unclear.
"There is going to be a staring contest now because unless Congress acts the
1949 farm bill goes back into effect," he said.
The 1949 law contains archaic farm subsidy supports seen as unworkable in
today's world. Currently, rural America is using the 2008 farm bill which
was retroactively extended in the New Year's fiscal cliff deal. It expires
Sept. 30.
Democrats have blasted the $20.5 billion in food stamp cuts all week as
cruel, while Republicans said more cuts are needed to eliminate fraud and
ensure people aren't becoming dependent on the program.
"[W]hen we see the expansion of the dependency class in America, and you add
this to the 79 other means-tested welfare programs that we have in the
United States … each time you add another brick to that wall, it's a
barrier to people that might go out and succeed," King said during Wednesday
's debate.
Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass.) offered an amendment to restore the cuts,
which was rejected in a 188-234 vote.
"It always is a wonderment to me, that in this, the greatest country that
ever existed in the history of the world, that one in four or one in five
children goes to sleep hungry at night," Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-
Calif.) said just before that vote, in an effort to encourage the additional
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/306857-house-rejects-farm-bill-that-cuts-restricts-food-stamp-program#ixzz2WnSDSSJH
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发帖数: 2459
If JB says he will bring CIR to the house floor after it passes senate, are
u going to say he is a great leader?
发帖数: 61690
No. He is one of the weakest speakers in history.


【在 w*******t 的大作中提到】
: If JB says he will bring CIR to the house floor after it passes senate, are
: u going to say he is a great leader?

发帖数: 445


【在 w*******t 的大作中提到】
: If JB says he will bring CIR to the house floor after it passes senate, are
: u going to say he is a great leader?

发帖数: 126
没人在意他是否是good or bad。
但是Boehner是个weak leader,without leadership,这届议会选speaker,就有10个共


【在 w*******t 的大作中提到】
: If JB says he will bring CIR to the house floor after it passes senate, are
: u going to say he is a great leader?

发帖数: 1633
1 (共1页)
至少有一个确定的好消息,Boehner辞职了Boehner sees immigration bill by year's end
discharge petition没必要太悲观
会没结束就leak了Republicans Mull Legal Action Against Obama on Immigration Moves
话题: bill话题: vote话题: democrats话题: said话题: boehner