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EB23版 - 标题党众议员 Van Hollen:CIR今天可以通过
CIR通过的代价是新增9万亿政府福利开支【EB3 2017年11月第10绿】 EB23 PD 2013/8 RD 2015/7
just got approved for both several minutes ago.Visa Recapture News
轻声问一下, PD是06年1月初的 还有在等绿的吗?Senate又有了CIR的提案
Please support S.1857 (Senate Version of HR 3012)Senate 下周Immigration Reform的听证会
可不可以同时找两个senator催?Senator 回信了-Marco Rubio
话题: house话题: van话题: hollen话题: cir话题: senate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4704
(BVR) on CNBC: Senate Immigration Bill Could Pass Today if Speaker Would
Allow a Vote
2013-07-12 10:51:15.93 GMT
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) News Release
July 11, 2013 (Federal Information & News Dispatch) --
Washington, Jul 11, 2013 - Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van
Hollen appeared on CNBC's Squawk Box to discuss the prospects
for immigration reform. Highlights of his interview are below,
and the full video is available here
"Well, I mean, clearly if they're saying it's the House
bill or nothing, that's not going to happen. You'll probably
get nothing. There is no House bill yet. I should be really
clear. I mean, the Republicans don't have a plan in the House."
"We could, in the House, pass the bipartisan plan that
came out of the Senate today if the Speaker were willing to put
it up for vote. There is a majority to get that done.
Unfortunately, he has taken the position that, at least so far,
that he's only going to take up immigration reform in the House
if it gets, not a majority of the full House, but a majority of
the Republicans in the House. And that's a political decision,
not a policy decision. And that will make it more difficult. So
I've taken the odds of immigration reform from what I thought
was something like 70 percent when the Senate bill had a lot of
momentum - now I would say it's 50-50. But it will depend on
people focusing on the policy, as former President George Bush
urged people to do."
"No, I think people should look at the issue and make a
principled decision. What I fear is actually that the politics
in the House are working the other way. In other words, there
are a fair number, a good number of House Republican Members
who actually think that comprehensive immigration reform is a
good idea. But when they look at, not the national politics of
this issue, but the politics in their Congressional districts,
they are more worried about being attacked by someone on the
tea party right in their Congressional district. So my concern
is that people whose independent policy judgment says hey, they
really - we really do need to fix this problem in a
comprehensive way - that the politics in their districts are
driving them to fear voting for it."
Read this original document at:
-0- Jul/12/2013 10:51 GMT
发帖数: 2855
a house of actors...

【在 H******i 的大作中提到】
: 如果博纳允许众议院投票,CIR今天可以通过.
: 大家周末愉快,忘记CIR吧。
: (BVR) on CNBC: Senate Immigration Bill Could Pass Today if Speaker Would
: Allow a Vote
: 2013-07-12 10:51:15.93 GMT
: Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) News Release
: July 11, 2013 (Federal Information & News Dispatch) --
: Washington, Jul 11, 2013 - Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van
: Hollen appeared on CNBC's Squawk Box to discuss the prospects
: for immigration reform. Highlights of his interview are below,

发帖数: 669
这种话说出来就好像说, 速度超过光速,时间就会倒流一样……
1 (共1页)
是不是以前也有几次像这样的?Please support S.1857 (Senate Version of HR 3012)
Senate要休会、Cantor态度模糊、House bill很少被Senate考虑可不可以同时找两个senator催?
HR 3012 最新进展议员回复
Senator的high-skill bill要求被加入CIR议员不给力就算了,还...
CIR通过的代价是新增9万亿政府福利开支【EB3 2017年11月第10绿】 EB23 PD 2013/8 RD 2015/7
just got approved for both several minutes ago.Visa Recapture News
轻声问一下, PD是06年1月初的 还有在等绿的吗?Senate又有了CIR的提案
话题: house话题: van话题: hollen话题: cir话题: senate