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EE版 - Re: Journal Impact ranking
Schweitzer Engineering Labs怎么样?consulting needed for Android based programing
关于博士方向的咨询(微波)求审稿-- imaging and image processing (转载)
journal of image processing审稿需要多久??弱问electric, electrical, electronic三个词
help on TMI submission.Re: where can i find some SAR image
请推荐journalRe: What's the benefit to be an IEEE memeber?
两个PHD学位的问题Re: IEEE online resource?
电子工程师(EE Engineer)失业率上升 (转载)Re: 网上查阅IEEE?
请推荐medical imaging analysis的入门书Re: Q for Image Processing Gurus
话题: ieee话题: journal话题: impact话题: ranking话题: process
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
Source: "journal citation reports" by ISI
name 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
P IEEE 3.424 2.095 2.699 2.115 1.627 1.494 1.876 1.992
IEEE ELECTR DEVICE L 3.018 1.892 1.548 1.835
IEEE T MED IMAGING 2.984 2.23 1.559 1.613
IEEE T IMAGE PROCESS 2.695 1.364 1.063 1.062 0.281 0.216 0.043
IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT 2.507 1.201 1.424
发帖数: 34

【在 h*****d 的大作中提到】
: Source: "journal citation reports" by ISI
: name 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
: P IEEE 3.424 2.095 2.699 2.115 1.627 1.494 1.876 1.992
: IEEE ELECTR DEVICE L 3.018 1.892 1.548 1.835
: IEEE T MED IMAGING 2.984 2.23 1.559 1.613
: IEEE T IMAGE PROCESS 2.695 1.364 1.063 1.062 0.281 0.216 0.043
: IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT 2.507 1.201 1.424

1 (共1页)
Re: Q for Image Processing Gurus请推荐journal
Re: About online electronic publication?两个PHD学位的问题
Re: IEEE Xplore online account电子工程师(EE Engineer)失业率上升 (转载)
Re: EE方面,有哪些是上档次的Journal?请推荐medical imaging analysis的入门书
Schweitzer Engineering Labs怎么样?consulting needed for Android based programing
关于博士方向的咨询(微波)求审稿-- imaging and image processing (转载)
journal of image processing审稿需要多久??弱问electric, electrical, electronic三个词
help on TMI submission.Re: where can i find some SAR image
话题: ieee话题: journal话题: impact话题: ranking话题: process