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Faculty版 - 东南大学请教授讲数据挖掘的短期课程
第一次教书 2澳大利亚大学的lecture收入如何? (转载)
请问关于faculty的tax treaty问题请问工程专业排名70内大学硕士毕业做LECTURER的机会大吗?
真心求教职位选择Assistant Prof Or Associate Prof?求意见:UK大学lecture
到底要不要去澳洲 还是选择留在美国死撑给涉世未深的小朋友们提个醒,就是英国教职尽量避免
这个课怎么教?(转载)Making Our Teaching Efficient: Flipping the Classroom
Lecturer 面试要怎么准备啊欧洲的教职
话题: lecture话题: data话题: course话题: college
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40
请感兴趣的老师联系 [email protected]/* */
Dear Prof. ***,
I am Shuyan Chen, a professor in Transportation College, Southeast
University (SEU) in Nanjing, China. Attached is my CV for your information.
Transportation discipline in our college ranked No.1 all over the
universities in China in the latest evaluation organized by the Ministry of
Education. Here is the website for Transportation College in English: http://tc.seu.edu.cn/jt_en/.
I am writing to you for inviting you to teach a course in our college. Our
college will offer a course, Data mining for ITS, given in English in the
fall of 2016 for the undergraduate senior. SEU will cover the following cost:
1)A round trip of air-tickets from America to China , as well as travel
cost from some city you arrive to Nanjing and back to it;
2) Accommodation in hotel
3) Class fees is 400 Chinese yuan for each class. Each class lasts 45minutes
, and this course consists of 24 classes
4) your visa fee
About the course syllabus, here is an example, please modify it to include
any topics that you’d like to cover.
Lecture 1-2: Introduction, Understanding the concept of data mining
Lecture 3-4: Data Warehousing
Lecture 5-6: Traffic data cleanse/ outline mining
Lecture 7-18: Practical Data Mining and Analysis Techniques, including
decision tree learning, support vector machine, ensemble learning, neural
networks, instance learning, cluster, EM, Markov model, and so on.
Lecture 19-20: Big Data Transportation Analytics
Lecture 21-24: project presentation of students
This course will be arranged within 2 weeks during October 8-December 31,
2016. The teaching schedule will be flexible according to your travel plan.
Is it possible for you to teach this course? If not, could you please
recommend some faculty member you know who can teach this course in SEU?
Thank you very much for your support.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact me.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards.
Sincerely yours,
Shuyan Chen
发帖数: 97


【在 w*********1 的大作中提到】
: 各位好,
: 东南大学交通学院想请教授在今年秋季教授数据挖掘的短期课程,以下是负责的陈老师
: 写的信。陈老师也希望和各位老师寻求国际合作,一起研究课题,申请项目等等。
: 请感兴趣的老师联系 [email protected]/* */
: 谢谢!
: Dear Prof. ***,
: I am Shuyan Chen, a professor in Transportation College, Southeast
: University (SEU) in Nanjing, China. Attached is my CV for your information.
: Transportation discipline in our college ranked No.1 all over the
: universities in China in the latest evaluation organized by the Ministry of

1 (共1页)
学校会给lecturer解决身份问题吗?到底要不要去澳洲 还是选择留在美国死撑
牛津的senior research fellow 是个什么东东?这个课怎么教?
现在大学为了招到人煞费苦心啊。。。Lecturer 面试要怎么准备啊
第一次教书 2澳大利亚大学的lecture收入如何? (转载)
请问关于faculty的tax treaty问题请问工程专业排名70内大学硕士毕业做LECTURER的机会大吗?
真心求教职位选择Assistant Prof Or Associate Prof?求意见:UK大学lecture
话题: lecture话题: data话题: course话题: college