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I140版 - 需要审稿的请进 (转载)
American Journal of Human Genetics 能作为Evidence说明自己有sustained national or international acclaim吗?请问H4可以在美国做中国公司的工作吗
求审稿机会,statistical genetics, biostat,NGS,bioinformatics,health/clinical/dental informatics方向需要审稿的请进 (转载)
求生物信息审稿机会:1.population genetics 2. molecular evolution 3. exome sequencing 4. GWAS 5. expression需要审稿的请进 (转载)
恳求审稿机会,molecular biology或者epigenetics领域需要审稿的请进
急需审稿机会, Cancer Biology, molecular biology, molecular genetics一个想了几天都没弄出来的问题
EB1A PP求大量blessing求助,关于monte carlo计算 (转载)
F1转H1B身份转换期很尴尬?(zz)求助,关于monte carlo计算
General h1b能转成university h1b吗?Re: LaTeX 大的分数斜线怎么打? (转载)
话题: fractions话题: disease话题: genetic话题: monte
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 238
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: gifted (sentosa), 信区: Biology
标 题: 需要审稿的请进
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 21 07:12:33 2017, 美东)
Open access publishing旗下一个杂志,暂时没有分,有以下稿件待审需要两到三个审
,说明背景和简历或google profile
Title: Mathematical modelling using pure fractions and Monte Carlo
simulation to Control Thalassemia Disease Transition.
Thalassemia is one of the most widely spread genetic disease, especially in
the Middle East. The study aims to create a mathematical model for the
control of the transition of genetically inherited thalassemia disease. New
form of representing the numbers in the unit - interval [0, 1] which is
called pure fractions and the theory and properties of pure fractions were
examined and applied. To generalize the effectiveness of this innovative
model to predict the number of generations needed to eliminate Thalassemia
or other similar genetic diseases, Monte-Carlo simulation via MATLAB was
used. Results indicated such genetic diseases could be controlled and can be
eliminated with proper family policies.
1 (共1页)
Re: LaTeX 大的分数斜线怎么打? (转载)急需审稿机会, Cancer Biology, molecular biology, molecular genetics
很少有人关注古巴 (转载)EB1A PP求大量blessing
ZZ: 将社会看作一个随机复杂度系统(system regulated by randomized complexity)General h1b能转成university h1b吗?
American Journal of Human Genetics 能作为Evidence说明自己有sustained national or international acclaim吗?请问H4可以在美国做中国公司的工作吗
求审稿机会,statistical genetics, biostat,NGS,bioinformatics,health/clinical/dental informatics方向需要审稿的请进 (转载)
求生物信息审稿机会:1.population genetics 2. molecular evolution 3. exome sequencing 4. GWAS 5. expression需要审稿的请进 (转载)
恳求审稿机会,molecular biology或者epigenetics领域需要审稿的请进
话题: fractions话题: disease话题: genetic话题: monte