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Investment版 - 要开一个IRA,是Fidelity还是Merrill Edge好呢?
大家投资用什么平台?fiderlity vs vanguard, which one is better?
请大家帮忙选401k里的fundTdameritrade or Fidelity for ROTH IRA
求推荐fidelity Roth IRA mutual fund个人 IRA 不在 vanguard 和 fidelity
刚在fidelity开了roth ira账户, 大家能不能推荐些funds?BOA/Merrill Edge的Brokerage账户的开户优惠
好像vanguard里Roth ira 账户提供的fund 费用都很高啊?求推荐brokerage account
个人投资账户开在哪好? Firstrade,Vanguard 还是 Fidelity请问在那里开基金,股票交易帐号比较好?
你们账户里都有啥fund?转401K到traditional IRA
新手上路,想求推荐一个Roth IRA的broker10万以下开哪个broker account 比较好
话题: fidelity话题: merrill话题: funds话题: ira话题: edge
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2327
现在要开一个traditional IRA,我原来的股票账户是Fidelity的,所以考虑在
我有BOA的preferred reward status,可以免手续费,所以又想在Merrill Edge开。
大家有没有经验,哪家好一点?免手续费其实只是一个little plus
发帖数: 1621
I have both fidelity and ML account. Here is my experiences:
1. Mutual funds: both has a lot of mutual funds to choose. If you buy a lot
of fidelity mutual funds, then you should definitely choose fidelity. A lot
of time their own funds only available to their account holders and without
any transaction fee. However, fidelity charge huge transaction fee for funds
from other fund family, sometimes one transaction cost you $80.
Buying fidelity fund in ML cost you transaction fee (usually $20) However,
there is no transaction fee for most T Rowe Price funds in ML, and usually
they are pretty good. So you can choose equivalent funds there.
2. Stock: both platforms are OK if you are not a frequent trader. Like you
said, ML have a lot of free trades for premium customers. So it is a huge
plus. Because you can basically buy ETF free of charge. Fidelity has no
commission ETF as well but it is limited. Plus if you sell an ETF in less
than 90 days, you have to pay commission.
One pro for fidelity is it offers a tool called baskets, you can pick
several stock or ETFs and purchase them at once. So it is a little time
Overall I like ML due to cost concern. They are both big company so funds
deposit there are always secure.
And even better, now you open a Merrill investment account, you will get
1000 when you deposit more than 200k:
(take it easy, there is no referral from me).
发帖数: 170


【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: I have both fidelity and ML account. Here is my experiences:
: 1. Mutual funds: both has a lot of mutual funds to choose. If you buy a lot
: of fidelity mutual funds, then you should definitely choose fidelity. A lot
: of time their own funds only available to their account holders and without
: any transaction fee. However, fidelity charge huge transaction fee for funds
: from other fund family, sometimes one transaction cost you $80.
: Buying fidelity fund in ML cost you transaction fee (usually $20) However,
: there is no transaction fee for most T Rowe Price funds in ML, and usually
: they are pretty good. So you can choose equivalent funds there.
: 2. Stock: both platforms are OK if you are not a frequent trader. Like you

1 (共1页)
10万以下开哪个broker account 比较好好像vanguard里Roth ira 账户提供的fund 费用都很高啊?
roll over求教个人投资账户开在哪好? Firstrade,Vanguard 还是 Fidelity
Vanguard IRA比Fidelity好很多你们账户里都有啥fund?
请教BROKERAGE选择: Fidelity vs Bank Of America新手上路,想求推荐一个Roth IRA的broker
大家投资用什么平台?fiderlity vs vanguard, which one is better?
请大家帮忙选401k里的fundTdameritrade or Fidelity for ROTH IRA
求推荐fidelity Roth IRA mutual fund个人 IRA 不在 vanguard 和 fidelity
刚在fidelity开了roth ira账户, 大家能不能推荐些funds?BOA/Merrill Edge的Brokerage账户的开户优惠
话题: fidelity话题: merrill话题: funds话题: ira话题: edge