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Java版 - 问个java logger的问题
Re: 想起几年前Re: run servlet from command li大家愿意讨论一下log4j么
如何动态改变log4j的log level啊Interesting: LimpidLog
classpath 和 lib/ext 的区别?java.util.timer的TimerTask有priority吗?
Question about Tomcata stupid mistake I made
How to ues log4j to send log email in the multithreaded processes as similiar with single-threadedLog4j 不同环境用不同log file name
OutofMemoryError: Java Heap Space这个spring 太恶心了
dependency version collision problem请教一个java程序在linux下中文显示乱码问题
想起几年前Re: run servlet from command line?问个eclipse装jar的入门问题
话题: log4j话题: logger话题: java话题: log话题: logging
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 403
我使用 XML format的log file作为系统日志,append=true,只有一个log file.但每
次我重启系统,就会在原文件的尾巴上再加上一段format 的信息,

请问如何能在log file以存在的情况下,免除这段信息?
发帖数: 4260

【在 x**i 的大作中提到】
: 我使用 XML format的log file作为系统日志,append=true,只有一个log file.但每
: 次我重启系统,就会在原文件的尾巴上再加上一段format 的信息,
: 请问如何能在log file以存在的情况下,免除这段信息?

发帖数: 1550
read java api, read java source code, and sub your class over xml formatter.
or, just use log4j which has all kind of appenders.

【在 x**i 的大作中提到】
: 我使用 XML format的log file作为系统日志,append=true,只有一个log file.但每
: 次我重启系统,就会在原文件的尾巴上再加上一段format 的信息,
: 请问如何能在log file以存在的情况下,免除这段信息?

发帖数: 684
用log4j好些,至少logging separation不是问题。
发帖数: 9224
I'd prefer just roll your own. How hard it is to write a damn logger?
log4j I think is too complicated. I don't like those big apps where they do
everything for you.
Anyway, if I were you, I would just write it myself, nice and simple.
发帖数: 34805
log4j is too complicated? And roll your own is simpler?
Oh, man, I don't know what to say. If all you need is some
System.out.println, it's simpler than log4j, anything beyond
that would be hard to beat log4j.


【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: I'd prefer just roll your own. How hard it is to write a damn logger?
: log4j I think is too complicated. I don't like those big apps where they do
: everything for you.
: Anyway, if I were you, I would just write it myself, nice and simple.

发帖数: 9224

Well, I am a bit fan of writing my own stuff. Think of Google, Amazon, etc.
I don't think they use any off the shelf products to do their business.
Anyway, different point of view.
I have written a simple logger, that logs to a file and rotate per day basis
, works like a charm. It is used on a site that is accessed by tens of
thousands of people per day. So, performance is good enough.
I heard log4j might be a problem because it tries to do the classloader
itself, so, potentially, it could mes

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: log4j is too complicated? And roll your own is simpler?
: Oh, man, I don't know what to say. If all you need is some
: System.out.println, it's simpler than log4j, anything beyond
: that would be hard to beat log4j.
: do

发帖数: 1550
log4j can be messy when you try to do things it's not designed to do.
like when you write your own appender where you are referencing
some class in turn depends on log4j initialization...
but if you are just using it, it should be fine.


【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: Well, I am a bit fan of writing my own stuff. Think of Google, Amazon, etc.
: I don't think they use any off the shelf products to do their business.
: Anyway, different point of view.
: I have written a simple logger, that logs to a file and rotate per day basis
: , works like a charm. It is used on a site that is accessed by tens of
: thousands of people per day. So, performance is good enough.
: I heard log4j might be a problem because it tries to do the classloader
: itself, so, potentially, it could mes

发帖数: 34805

The point of OOP is to re-use code, and Java is the best language in terms
of built-in and 3rd party api. All the big companies I know, use lots of
3rd party open source libs, it's the idea, not the implementation that makes
Well, maybe you should try log4j on the same project, and compare it to your
home grown one, to get a sense which one would be better for your next
A lot of libs would be a problem if you don't use it the way it should be
But my poin

【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: Well, I am a bit fan of writing my own stuff. Think of Google, Amazon, etc.
: I don't think they use any off the shelf products to do their business.
: Anyway, different point of view.
: I have written a simple logger, that logs to a file and rotate per day basis
: , works like a charm. It is used on a site that is accessed by tens of
: thousands of people per day. So, performance is good enough.
: I heard log4j might be a problem because it tries to do the classloader
: itself, so, potentially, it could mes

发帖数: 9224
goodbug, I agree with you on the most part.
I do intent to investigate the log4j and see if I could use it for some
For not re-inventing the wheel, I think I've done the wheel (my own logger),
haha, so, reinventing the wheel is more like not to use another library
since mine works fine ;-)
发帖数: 4260
i have not used log4j before. Anyone care to explain a bit how it's better
than java logger? thanks in advance

【在 t*******e 的大作中提到】
: 用log4j好些,至少logging separation不是问题。
发帖数: 684

When you have more than one web apps running in the same JVM, typically, you
want to output separate logging files corresponding to individual
application. The settings of JVM logger are system properties shared by all
the apps. Consequently, you have to programmatically call the logging API
inside you web apps to differentiate the logging file names. Log4j doesn't
have the issue since its settings are loaded by a specific application

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: i have not used log4j before. Anyone care to explain a bit how it's better
: than java logger? thanks in advance

发帖数: 4260
I see. Thanks!


【在 t*******e 的大作中提到】
: When you have more than one web apps running in the same JVM, typically, you
: want to output separate logging files corresponding to individual
: application. The settings of JVM logger are system properties shared by all
: the apps. Consequently, you have to programmatically call the logging API
: inside you web apps to differentiate the logging file names. Log4j doesn't
: have the issue since its settings are loaded by a specific application
: classloader.

发帖数: 493
the best implementation in java is using common logging api as the
abstraction layer.
then you can stuff in any logger impls compatible with that api.
1 (共1页)
问个eclipse装jar的入门问题How to ues log4j to send log email in the multithreaded processes as similiar with single-threaded
新手问个简单问题 System.outOutofMemoryError: Java Heap Space
Help!: tomcat classloading problemdependency version collision problem
Re: Help!: tomcat classloading problem想起几年前Re: run servlet from command line?
Re: 想起几年前Re: run servlet from command li大家愿意讨论一下log4j么
如何动态改变log4j的log level啊Interesting: LimpidLog
classpath 和 lib/ext 的区别?java.util.timer的TimerTask有priority吗?
Question about Tomcata stupid mistake I made
话题: log4j话题: logger话题: java话题: log话题: logging