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JobMarket版 - Needed: Website/Mobile APP Technology Consultant!
web designer前辈提供几个可靠的consulting company吧 先谢谢了
招聘--PART TIME DESIGNER诚聘通勤保姆 Vienna VA
Web UI Developer Consultant Opening, perfect for F-1, NJ新泽西 中餐馆 招聘 服务员,小工,有身份,需报税
想在美国找个IT培训机构,求推荐诚聘住家或通勤保姆 - Lexington, MA
招聘 IC Design Logic Design Technical Manager华中科技大学管理学院财政金融管理系招聘教师
Technomax公司现招聘UI developer 职位 承诺提供H1B及绿卡招中文辅导班老师/助教!兼职皆可
Buckete is hiring Graphic Designer. San jose, CA.Family daycare !(Irvine 地区)
Technomax公司现招聘UI developer 职位 承诺提供H1B及绿卡招聘--纽约 平面设计师 PARTIME
话题: app话题: mobile话题: website话题: china话题: consultant
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
We are an emerging, professional laundry service located in Beijing and
Tianjin, China. To take our e-Commerce to a new level, we’re looking for
ONE long-term consultant to work with our web/mobile platform designers in
Los Angeles for website and mobile APP development.
You must be familiar and updated with the latest technologies in foresight,
having work experience particularly in Chinese website construction and
mobile APP development, knowing CNNIC regulations and e-banking related
solutions in China including Alipay. In order to report to investors in
China, you need to be Mandarin speaking.
We preferably accept applications of current students from Colleges in
greater Los Angeles areas. Our competitive payment can be in cash or
personal check.
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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Phone: (310)845-6018
1 (共1页)
招聘--纽约 平面设计师 PARTIME招聘 IC Design Logic Design Technical Manager
(曼哈顿)纽约信用卡服务公司急招三名实习生(可转正,办h1bTechnomax公司现招聘UI developer 职位 承诺提供H1B及绿卡
招聘保姆Buckete is hiring Graphic Designer. San jose, CA.
麻省剑桥市中文学校下午课后班诚聘中文教师Technomax公司现招聘UI developer 职位 承诺提供H1B及绿卡
web designer前辈提供几个可靠的consulting company吧 先谢谢了
招聘--PART TIME DESIGNER诚聘通勤保姆 Vienna VA
Web UI Developer Consultant Opening, perfect for F-1, NJ新泽西 中餐馆 招聘 服务员,小工,有身份,需报税
想在美国找个IT培训机构,求推荐诚聘住家或通勤保姆 - Lexington, MA
话题: app话题: mobile话题: website话题: china话题: consultant