

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Joke版 - 好笑的(全是转贴,没有原创,慎入)
some jokes for sci&engr. guys-zz from smth一个Landlord的回复
wsn可以向猩猩学习解决问题的办法 (转载)Pepe the Frog meme branded a 'hate symbol'
觉得我儿子在学校被老师歧视 (ZT)长者青蛙 (转载)
小河马白人宁为鸡首 华人喜当凤尾 当凤尾要付出的代价
A Frog Sitting on a Bench Like a HumanJust reading this hurts (慎入)
live frog sushi电影全是骗人的,跳伞是这么拍的,慎入
话题: she话题: frog话题: room话题: mouth话题: life
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5025
发帖数: 5025
Modern Sensitive Male
The room was full of pregnant women with their partners. The class was in
full swing. The instructor was teaching the women how to breathe and was
telling the men how to give the necessary assurance to their partners at
this stage of the pregnancy.
She said, "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is
especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make
delivery that much easier." Just take several stops and stay on a soft
surface like grass or a dirt path.
She looked at the men in the room, "and Gentlemen, remember -- You're in
this together -- It wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her.
The room suddenly got very quiet as the men absorbed this information.
Then a man at the back of the room slowly raised his hand.
"Yes,” answered the Instructor.
"I was just wondering if it would be all right if she carries a golf bag
while we walk??”
发帖数: 5025
The Russian couples sex life was terrible, so they went out and bought a
black market copy of a sex manual.
A week later, the man said to the women, "Honey, I want to eat your pussy
like it says in the book, but it smells so bad.
Why don't you go out and buy some of that feminine deodorant spray?"
She agreed. An hour later, she returned, all excited. "You should see the
flavours they have," she told her husband.
"Strawberry, cherry, banana ...."
"What did you get?" he interrupted.
"Tuna," she replied.
发帖数: 5025
I accidentally tripped over a man with erectile dysfunction the other day
Looking back on it, 'no hard feelings' was probably not the best thing to
发帖数: 5025
Three statisticians go hunting one day. They see a deer and decide to take
turns shooting at it. The first one shoots and misses exactly one foot to
the left. The second shoots and misses one foot to the right. The third one
exclaims "We got him!"
发帖数: 5025
Life in the South:
"I went fishing this morning but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then
I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait.
Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth I grabbed him
right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket.
Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit. So, I
grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniel's and poured a little whiskey in its mouth.
His eyes rolled back, he went limp. I released him into the lake without
incident and carried on fishing using the frog.
A little later, I felt a nudge on my foot. There was that same snake with
two frogs in his mouth.
Life is good in the South."
Ooh rah!
1 (共1页)
电影全是骗人的,跳伞是这么拍的,慎入觉得我儿子在学校被老师歧视 (ZT)
这个女人能让你瞬间原地变成实验音乐家!A Frog Sitting on a Bench Like a Human
Re: 其实很多男女干的时候就是处于要与不要的量子纠缠态 (转载)live frog sushi
some jokes for sci&engr. guys-zz from smth一个Landlord的回复
wsn可以向猩猩学习解决问题的办法 (转载)Pepe the Frog meme branded a 'hate symbol'
话题: she话题: frog话题: room话题: mouth话题: life