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Joke版 - 佛罗里达某教会给未交十一税的“姐妹”送上 Collection Notice (转载)
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[笑话]去死吧 (转载)###此帖已应当事人要求删除###
美国高中的计算机学生还是很肤浅的 (转载)原来卖书这么容易啊
Soldier reading is a show为啥人类胚胎会把进化过程重新走一遍?
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八一八我的尴尬事 (转载)Thirty seven fifty = ?
话题: petterson话题: church话题: she话题: her话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7345
【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: leonana (Nana), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: 佛罗里达某教会给未交十一税的“姐妹”送上 Collection Notice
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 23 18:48:26 2015, 美东)
Most people who attend church are used to seeing the offering plate passed
around the pews. People donate what they can as a proud member of the
But a Tampa woman told ABC Action News her church says she must pay more
than $1,000 a year in donations or she wouldn't be considered a member.
"People were really friendly there, and I really enjoyed being there," said
Candace Petterson.
Petterson said finding the Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church was
a blessing. The single mother had been looking for a church closer to her
new home and six months in, things were going perfectly. That is, until she
received an odd letter at her home last week.
"To be a member in good standing and have the right to vote, adults are to
contribute the minimum amount of $50 per month," read Petterson.
To her surprise it was from the church stating she was delinquent in her
financial support.
"Fifty dollars per month, now this shocked me because I haven't heard about
the $50 per month. So where did this come from?" asked Petterson. "Then
Mount Moriah day is on there, $150."
The letter goes on to tell Petterson along with those two charges, she would
also be on the hook for a yearly church anniversary fee of $250-- a total
of $1,000 in required donations a year. Petterson says she was told one of
the fees is to help pay off debt held by the church.
"What church charges you to help pay off what they're going through, I'm not
there for that," said Petterson.
发帖数: 231
1 (共1页)
Thirty seven fifty = ?无机点微笑:可怜的小宝宝
为什么不能stereotype一个人?紐約時報:(primordial energy) 洪荒之力zt (转载)
如何政治正确地描述奥兰多枪杀案八一八我的尴尬事 (转载)
Re: 说一个300%的外F吧 (转载)八一八我的尴尬事 (转载)
斑竹们,看着办吧~~~ (转载)CNN: "fifty cent party" China pays 280K people to boost i
[笑话]去死吧 (转载)###此帖已应当事人要求删除###
美国高中的计算机学生还是很肤浅的 (转载)原来卖书这么容易啊
Soldier reading is a show为啥人类胚胎会把进化过程重新走一遍?
话题: petterson话题: church话题: she话题: her话题: people