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Joke版 - 主党v5:全国总动员阻止trump遣返非法移民 (转载)
教授ok:要求大学变成sanctuaries (转载)主党女议员明天要搞day without a woman (转载)
书记就是比市长官大trump周四骂主党,周五骂泡软,周六骂茶党 (转载)
DC有新动作现在不能叫非法移民了,要叫undocumented immigrants (转载)
床铺:"They Have To Go" (转载)Sandy飓风后的Obama和Christie (转载)
赶脚主党这场这就是翻版柳条湖事变啊让我们一起去黄石公园吧! (转载)
伦敦市长发誓要帮助希拉里当选 (转载)让我们一起去黄石公园吧! (转载)
Re: 要是trump给全美公民免费photo id,主党咋办? (转载)欲火男女上演九霄春宫 外衣罩腿互相手淫 zz
主党议员对号入座了 (转载)佛州枪击案中警察有没有过分
话题: trump话题: city话题: council话题: immigrants话题: our
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: 主党v5:全国总动员阻止trump遣返非法移民
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 5 17:49:11 2016, 美东)
Democratic state legislators and city council members are planning
widespread resistance to efforts by President-elect Donald Trump to crack
down on undocumented immigrants and reform labor laws.
Trump has promised to deport millions of immigrants with criminal records,
and labor leaders are worried that the new administration will be an
impediment to efforts to boost the minimum wage and implement paid family
leave policies. While Democrats control less than a third of the nation’s
partisan legislative chambers, the party hopes cities and states can serve
as a bulwark.
“We are centers of organizing and protest,” said Elizabeth Glidden, a
member of the Minneapolis city council. “We have to be loud with our voice
and our values.”
Already, city attorneys in the country’s largest metropolises have held
conference calls to organize a legal response should the Trump
administration cut or hold their federal funding. Mayors, police chiefs and
city council members have promised to defend their immigrant communities,
and many have said they do not intend to comply with federal orders to
detain undocumented people on the basis of their immigration status.
“We’re going to have a lot of fights in the days ahead of us,” said Brad
Lander, a member of the New York City Council. “The work to protect
immigrants in our cities is coming quickly.”
1 (共1页)
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书记就是比市长官大trump周四骂主党,周五骂泡软,周六骂茶党 (转载)
DC有新动作现在不能叫非法移民了,要叫undocumented immigrants (转载)
床铺:"They Have To Go" (转载)Sandy飓风后的Obama和Christie (转载)
话题: trump话题: city话题: council话题: immigrants话题: our