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LES版 - 我看过最好的gay童话故事
同学们,你们觉得做什么工作最有聊啊世界尽头和冷酷仙境 (3) - ‘企鹅宝宝’
Boston晉級差一勝.无限瞬间 - The couple
Queen Latifah也出柜了 (转载)All-black penguin
Too many penguinsGiant Win!
World first as gay King penguins become fathers《还原蒋介石》:四一二清党真相
今天pens是怎么了,要大败而归啊购买Iris chang 的书的方法
话题: silo话题: roy话题: penguins话题: penguin话题: other
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1342
发帖数: 1342
In the middle of New York City there is a great big park called Central Park
. Children love to play there. It has a toy-boat pond where they can sail
their boats. It has a carousel to ride on in the summer and an ice rink to
skate on in the winter
Best of all, it has its very own zoo. Every day families of all kinds go to
visit the animals that live there.
But children and their parents aren’t the only families at the zoo. The
animals make families of their own. There are red panda bear failies, with
mothers and fathers and furry red panda bear cubs. There are monkey dads and
monkey moms raising noisy monkey babies. There are toad families, and
toucan families, and cotton-top tamarin families too.
And in the penguin house there are penguin families.
Every year at the very same time, the girl penguins start noticing the boy
penguins. And the boy penguins start noticing the girls. When the right girl
and the right boy find each other, they become a couple.
Two penguins in the penguin house were a little bit different. One was named
Roy, and the other was named Silo. Roy and Silo were both boys. But they
did everything together.
They bowed to each other.
And waked together.
They sang to each other.
And swam together.
Where Roy went, Silo went too.
They didn’t spend much time with the girl penguins, and the girl penguins
didn’t spend much time with them. Instead, Roy and Silo wound their necks
around each other. Their keeper Mr. Gramay noticed the two penguins and
thought to himself, “they must be in love”
Roy and Silo watched how the other penguins made a home. So they built a
nest of stone for themselves. Every night Roy and Silo slept there together,
just like the other penguin couples.
And every morning Roy and Silo woke up together. But one day Roy and Silo
saw that the other Couples do something they could not.
The mama penguin would lay an egg. She and the papa penguin would take turns
keeping the egg warm until finally, it would hatch. And then there would be
a baby penguin.
Roy and Silo had no egg to sit on and keep warm. They had no baby chick to
feed and cuddle and love. Their nest was nice, but it was a little lonely.
One day Roy found something that looked like what other penguins were
hatching and he brought it to their nest.
It was only a rock,
But silo carefully sat on it.
And sat…
And sat…
When silo got sleey, he slept. And when silo was done sleeping and sitting,
he swam and Roy sat. Day after day Silo and Roy sat on the rock.
But nothing happened.
发帖数: 1342
Then Mr. Gramzay got an idea.
He found an egg that needed to be cared for and he brought it to Roy and
Silo’s nest.
Roy and Silo knew just what to do. They moved the egg to the center of their
nest. Every day they turned it, so each side stayed warm. Some days Roy sat
while Silo went for food. Other days it was Silo’s turn to take care of
their egg.
They sat in the morning, and they sat at night.
They sat through lunchtime and swim time and supper.
They sat at the beginning of the month, and they sat at the end of the month
, and they sat all of the days in between.
Until one day they heard a sound coming from inside their egg.
Peep, peep, peep, peep, it said.
Roy and Silo called back, Squawk, squawk.
Peep, peep, answered the egg.
Suddenly a tiny hole appeared in the egg’s shell.
And then..
发帖数: 1342
Out came their very own baby! She had fuzzy white feathers and funny black
beak. Now Roy and Silo were fathers. “we’ll call her Tango,” Mr.Gramzay
decided, “because it takes two to make a Tango.”
Roy and Silo taught Tango how to sing for them when she was hungry. They fed
her food from their beaks. They snuggled her in their nest at night.
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Tango was the very first penguin in the zoo to have two daddies.
Soon Tango grew strong enough to leave the nest. Roy and Silo took her for a
swim. Just like all the other penguin families.
And all the children who came to the zoo could see Tango and her two fathers
playing in the penguin house with other penguins.
“Hooray, Roy” “Hooray, Silo” “welcome, Tango” they cheered.
At night the three penguins retuned to their nest.
There they snuggled together and, like all the other penguins in the penguin
house, and all the other animals in the zoo, and all the families in the
big city around them, they went to sleep.
发帖数: 2474
发帖数: 1721
发帖数: 1342

【在 m***n 的大作中提到】
: 我记得看了一个什么报纸上的新闻,说其中一只gay企鹅后来变心去date母企鹅了……
: 找了个link:
: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/unleashed/2009/07/san-francisco
: samesex-penguin-couple-broken-up-by-female-homewrecker.html

发帖数: 2474

【在 c*****x 的大作中提到】
: 。。。。。
: 原来童话里都是骗人的。。。。

发帖数: 8270
1 (共1页)
加拿大3D儿童网络虚拟社区获300万美元风投Too many penguins
加拿大3D儿童网络虚拟社区获300万美元风投World first as gay King penguins become fathers
南非企鹅叫声似驴 翻篱笆闯居民区扰民弱问自由泳的转头
同学们,你们觉得做什么工作最有聊啊世界尽头和冷酷仙境 (3) - ‘企鹅宝宝’
Boston晉級差一勝.无限瞬间 - The couple
Queen Latifah也出柜了 (转载)All-black penguin
话题: silo话题: roy话题: penguins话题: penguin话题: other