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LosAngeles版 - Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry, (转载)
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请教一下SF和LA的酒店安全问题 (转载)Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry, (转载)
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Life Saving Crime Map Check Before You Rent an AptCrime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry, (转载)
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话题: crime话题: marriage话题: mcvicar话题: gay话题: he
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【 以下文字转载自 Gay_Criminolgy 俱乐部 】
发信人: msgc (为了下一代免遭变态残害), 信区: Gay_Criminolgy
标 题: Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry,
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 19 12:14:39 2013, 美东)
Lobbyist links gay marriage to crime rise in NZ
Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry, says the head of the
country's victim lobby group.
Sensible Sentencing Trust leader Garth McVicar has submitted to Parliament
that changing the law to allow same-sex marriage will be yet another erosion
of basic morals and values in society which have led to an escalation of
child abuse, domestic violence, and an ever-increasing prison population.
"The marriage amendment bill will not benefit society at all and will
ultimately have detremetal (sic) effect on crime at all levels," the
submission read.
Labour MP Louisa Wall's Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill is
currently before a select committee, which will report to Parliament on
February 28. If passed, it could see gay marriage legal by May next year.
The committee has received over 20,000 submissions on the bill.
Green MP Kevin Hague, who sits on the select committee, said after reading
the vast majority of submissions, McVicar's was the only one linking crime
to gay marriage.
"Although it echoes a number of submissions that say marriage has been the
same way for a long time and that if you tamper with it there will be lots
of unforeseen circumstances," Hague said.
He said he had not read any evidence to suggest that allowing gay people to
marry would create a dysfunctional society or increase crime. "I suspect
that underlying this submission is a prejudice against gay people. If you
break the argument down, it is manifestly nonsensical."
McVicar's statement said that he considered the bill would be a further
erosion of what he considered to be essential basic values and morals that
have "stood the test of time for centuries".
"Furthermore, the bill represents a further decay and erosion of the
traditional family that society has been founded on."
He said while much good work has been done recently to reduce crime and
ensure better treatment of victims, the bill had the ability to destroy that
good work.
Criminologist Dr James Oleson, from Auckland University, an expert in
deviance, said he was not familiar with any research that would suggest
homosexuals would be responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime.
For McVicar's argument to be plausible, he said, it would have to be proved
that allowing homosexuals to marry degraded morality, and that this produced
more crime. "But I'm not sure that's true." The more common drivers of
crime were economic issues, alcohol, drugs, education and employment and
family dysfunction, Oleson said.
McVicar did not respond to requests for comment.
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话题: crime话题: marriage话题: mcvicar话题: gay话题: he