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LosAngeles版 - If you want to call or fax Jimmy Kimmel's office
大家快给ABC打电话抗议,他们正在统计总人数 (转载)今天居然发现一个支持AA的华人团体 (转载)
洛杉矶 119 全美万人抗议游行 总号召Affirmative action at California colleges: A debate based o (转载)
南加华人,请至少拿起您的电话 (转载)大快人心:有人要sue UCLA种族歧视了 (转载)
Mercury News的社论完全反SCA5 (转载)急需帮助!要告UCLA 种族歧视了!
LA没有人关心AA?急需帮助!要告UCLA 种族歧视了! (转载)
加州公立大學實施平權措施(Affirmative Action)的主張大快人心:有人要sue UCLA种族歧视了 (转载)
这就那篇反SCA-5有名的文章 請大家告訴大家 (转载)主流媒体报道SCA5,形势似乎对我们不利啊 (转载)
sca5通过了就肯定成法律了迎头痛击SCA5 !!希望符合条件的华裔家长,能够参与! (转载)
话题: jimmy话题: fax话题: kimmel话题: call话题: those
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 52
The assistant will take your call.
Politely but affirmatively say that you are offended by his joke. Those
words are offensive with racial hatred, regardless he or others think it is
funny or not.
We can forgive the kids saying those words, but not Jimmy. He is an adult
who should have conscience and responsibility to the public.
You require a public apology.
Phone(323) 860-5900
Fax (323) 817-1462
Jackhole Industries (Production Company)
6834 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
发帖数: 224
请大家都pick up the phone, make our voice heard!!!!


【在 R******e 的大作中提到】
: The assistant will take your call.
: Politely but affirmatively say that you are offended by his joke. Those
: words are offensive with racial hatred, regardless he or others think it is
: funny or not.
: We can forgive the kids saying those words, but not Jimmy. He is an adult
: who should have conscience and responsibility to the public.
: You require a public apology.
: Phone(323) 860-5900
: Fax (323) 817-1462
: Jackhole Industries (Production Company)

1 (共1页)
迎头痛击SCA5 !!希望符合条件的华裔家长,能够参与! (转载)LA没有人关心AA?
密歇根大捷!!! (转载)加州公立大學實施平權措施(Affirmative Action)的主張
好文 SVCA洛杉矶时报投书 Asian Americans would lose out unde (转载)这就那篇反SCA-5有名的文章 請大家告訴大家 (转载)
赵美心等85位民主党议员向最高法院file支持race based AAsca5通过了就肯定成法律了
大家快给ABC打电话抗议,他们正在统计总人数 (转载)今天居然发现一个支持AA的华人团体 (转载)
洛杉矶 119 全美万人抗议游行 总号召Affirmative action at California colleges: A debate based o (转载)
南加华人,请至少拿起您的电话 (转载)大快人心:有人要sue UCLA种族歧视了 (转载)
Mercury News的社论完全反SCA5 (转载)急需帮助!要告UCLA 种族歧视了!
话题: jimmy话题: fax话题: kimmel话题: call话题: those