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LosAngeles版 - Intel要投资70个亿,创造1万工作机会 (转载)
Trump will hold rally in Anaheim on 05/25Question:How to apply for Birth Certificate of our baby?
California lost 9000 Bussinesses, HQ, and expansions over (转载)WEST LA的,有人要打羽毛球吗?(版主麻烦置个顶,谢谢!)
[合集]论USC选举 dreamlandCharice - A Star Is Born
Jelimy 2006 西行流水账(4)—加州一号公路Sunset and moon light hiking after work....Wednesday 6:15p
laser tag【】 地震5.9级
【召集】Weekdays 前往 Mammoth滑雪(计划已定)地哎呀求求你不要震啦
Bon Jovi - 4/9 staples center!一件小活-寻中文翻译9/1周三下午@Woodland HIlls
OC, Irvine 周三晚看球赛,品啤酒,会朋友2011年出生的宝宝永远都不会知道的事。。。赫赫
话题: intel话题: trump话题: krzanich话题: policies话题: house
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: Intel要投资70个亿,创造1万工作机会
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 8 14:41:22 2017, 美东)
Intel Corp. announced a $7 billion investment Wednesday that the company
projects will create 10,000 new jobs.
The company will use the $7 billion to complete its Fab 42 factory in
Chandler, Ariz., Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said at a meeting at the White
House with President Trump.
Krzanich said the decision to make the announcement with the White House was
borne out of Intel’s support for Trump’s economic and trade policies.
“We support the Administration’s policies to level the global playing
field and make U.S. manufacturing competitive worldwide through new
regulatory standards and investment policies,” Krzanich wrote in an email
to Intel employees.
“When we disagree, we don’t walk away,” he continued. “We believe that
we must be part of the conversation to voice our views on key issues such as
immigration, H1B visas and other policies that are essential to innovation.”
Trump tweeted about the meeting on Wednesday afternoon, calling it a “great
investment” in “American INNOVATION and JOBS!”
1 (共1页)
2011年出生的宝宝永远都不会知道的事。。。赫赫laser tag
Do you want a baby born in 11/11/2011?【召集】Weekdays 前往 Mammoth滑雪(计划已定)
早上震了下Bon Jovi - 4/9 staples center!
谁要HP25%的coupon code?OC, Irvine 周三晚看球赛,品啤酒,会朋友
Trump will hold rally in Anaheim on 05/25Question:How to apply for Birth Certificate of our baby?
California lost 9000 Bussinesses, HQ, and expansions over (转载)WEST LA的,有人要打羽毛球吗?(版主麻烦置个顶,谢谢!)
[合集]论USC选举 dreamlandCharice - A Star Is Born
Jelimy 2006 西行流水账(4)—加州一号公路Sunset and moon light hiking after work....Wednesday 6:15p
话题: intel话题: trump话题: krzanich话题: policies话题: house