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MedicalCareer版 - [合集] CK复习求建议
[合集] step2 CS class in Palo AltoYoghurt, please check your mail. Thanks!
[合集] 除了鼓励,说几句实用的给lovelypony--还有其他准备考试的Yiyi, please check your mail box from mitbbs.
[合集] lovelypony,你为什么删我的贴。[合集] LD Match 的Visa问题
[合集] 关于今年match的一点建议,欢迎各位指正补充[合集] 我的内科ps8股文
[合集] step1 大家帮我估计一下复习所需的时间iUSMLE, Check your mail box please
[合集] 急求CS复习建议,此外问有去过Kaplan5天班的同学吗?[合集] What is your priority?
[合集] CS 过了,复习经验[合集] 有同学有auther的联系方式吗?
yoghurt, please check your mail Thanks![合集] 迟到的cs经
话题: ck话题: hi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2728
lovelypony (lovelypony) 于 (Thu Sep 2 21:33:16 2010, 美东) 提到:
目前复习的状况是这样的:kaplan note看了两遍,MTB看了1.5遍。下载的UW做了大概
感觉UW很重要,很犹豫的就是现在是先做online的q bank然后再做online uw,还是再
而不是真正的消化了。但是又觉得做q bank貌似是在浪费时间,好像很多人都没有做q
MD11 (天道酬勤) 于 (Fri Sep 3 09:49:39 2010, 美东) 提到:
帮你顶一下. 我也想问一下Ck 的复习战屡略。
我现在觉得过一遍notes 都很累。 本来打算看看vedio, 但是现在看都没时间了。
一个月做online UW+ MTB+NBME 1/3+ make decision for exam
一个月做online UW(wrong+mark)+ MTB+ NBME2+UWSim
MD11 (天道酬勤) 于 (Fri Sep 3 10:25:21 2010, 美东) 提到:
还有如lovelypony所说,两次UW 之间是否应该穿插Kaplan Q bank呢?这样避免重复,
也可以加深对notes 的理解。这样的话又要多加一个月了。
lotusconnie (Connie) 于 (Fri Sep 3 11:40:31 2010, 美东) 提到:
Dear lovelypony, I have no doubt that you will have a very high score! The
efforts and time put in will equal the final score.
The real exam is more like UW+CD. My two cents; I did not do Qbank as you
know. I did 15% of it and did not feel it helped a lot because I was not
focused on it to learn either.
When I finished the first round of UW and start the 2nd round, I also feared
that I will remember the answers and got a fake high percentage.However,
the truth is that I did not remember most of the questions. It might help me
3-5 questions a block, but overall I still had a lot to learn from the 2nd
I would suggest to do subject-wisely, at least 5 subjects. Hit the important
contents over and over again in one block. Use the tutor mode. Not only you
can say to yourself why one answer is correct, but also say to yourself why
other options are wrong. Are you thinking of the exact answers when you
click and read the explanations?
And also train for the speed. Sometimes do some mixed timed ones to assess
your speed. Can you try to finish 44 questions in 45 mins? Can you try to
train yourself that you will yellow those important clues and do not miss
any clues when you read the answers? Can you train yourself that you will do
the questions in a timed pace to control any anxiety or anything during the
whole block?
My dear friend, wish you a high score!
lotusconnie (Connie) 于 (Fri Sep 3 11:44:40 2010, 美东) 提到:
MD 11, here is my suggestion to supplement your plan. First of all, I did
not read MTB and secrets.
UW again.
sim and CD and above all, find study partners to go over each question one
by one. That is the most learning process for me.
Please also see my above post to lovelypony. Wish you a high score!
lovelypony (lovelypony) 于 (Fri Sep 3 12:19:50 2010, 美东) 提到:
Thanks a lot Connie, wish you all the best for the coming match~~~
Now my plan is:
- do online UW, subject wise once, I should be able to get it done in 1mon.
- test myself with NBME4.
- do all the wrong uw qestions, probably read MTB once.
- test with NBME3.
I will go for the exam if NBME3/4>550.
nabla (nabla) 于 (Fri Sep 3 12:20:29 2010, 美东) 提到:
1. Read kaplan notes.
2. UW online only, at least 2 times. Start with timed and mixed if you have
good step1 scores.
3. NBME now and then.
4. According to NBME, strengthen your weak subjects by reading notes and the
UW again.
5. CD (quite important too)
lovelypony (lovelypony) 于 (Fri Sep 3 12:21:36 2010, 美东) 提到:
Thanks a lot Nabla, this helps a lot.
I am going to skip kaplan q bank~~~
nabla (nabla) 于 (Fri Sep 3 12:26:49 2010, 美东) 提到:
You are welcome.
Skip Kaplan Q bank and spend as much time as possible on UW Q bank.
SUMO2009 (SUMO) 于 (Fri Sep 3 12:34:55 2010, 美东) 提到:
POD (@!!) 于 (Fri Sep 3 13:19:17 2010, 美东) 提到:
same here
MD11 (天道酬勤) 于 (Fri Sep 3 13:33:54 2010, 美东) 提到:
Thanks Connie and nabla soooo much! I will go over notes ASAP and focus on
UW again and again.
Connie, one more question:
1st round UW should be mixed, for the subject you emphasized, should be on
the 2nd round? Also the subject is just focus on some special diseases
including whatever IM, suegery and Ped or others?
Good luck for you match!
lovelypony (lovelypony) 于 (Fri Sep 3 19:53:51 2010, 美东) 提到:
thanks again, very practical.
gaoyaya (yaya) 于 (Sun Sep 5 15:21:46 2010, 美东) 提到:
Hi lovelypony,
Please check your mail box.
1 (共1页)
[合集] 迟到的cs经[合集] step1 大家帮我估计一下复习所需的时间
报名问题在线等[合集] 急求CS复习建议,此外问有去过Kaplan5天班的同学吗?
真心请教: step 1, 6月考, 现NBME正确 78% 如何复习[合集] CS 过了,复习经验
希望大家都有好收成!yoghurt, please check your mail Thanks!
[合集] step2 CS class in Palo AltoYoghurt, please check your mail. Thanks!
[合集] 除了鼓励,说几句实用的给lovelypony--还有其他准备考试的Yiyi, please check your mail box from mitbbs.
[合集] lovelypony,你为什么删我的贴。[合集] LD Match 的Visa问题
[合集] 关于今年match的一点建议,欢迎各位指正补充[合集] 我的内科ps8股文
话题: ck话题: hi