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MedicalCareer版 - FA 冲刺Partner updated
不敢去考试了寻找 study partner 讨论CK NBME , UW 错题
找人过NBME 3 和 6NBME2 discussion 11/28, serous study partners needed.
FA 冲刺学习study partner (s) NJ CS class 3.31-4.1
step2 CK study partnerStudy partners for Step 3 CCS
3月初考CS, 最后冲刺,找online study partner寻 FA study partner
step1学习小组招人(东部时间)step3 study partner
Seriously looking for a study partnerlook for a new step 3 study partner
MTB3 study大家一般最后一个月能提高多少分?
话题: fa话题: nbme话题: uw话题: partner话题: updated
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 192
Thanks for all of you who showed your interest in studying FA together. My
original post wasn't very clear about the schedule, now after talking to
several people, here's our final plan: we will go over 25-30 pages in 2hrs/
day, 8-10PM EST weekday (4 times) and maybe one time in Weekend. So we
should finish the whole book about 3 weeks. (which means you need to be
quite familiar with FA, because we will go over it FAST) We are not going to
go over UW or NBME at this stage, but after this, if time permits, we may
discuss some questions from UW or NBME that you don't understand or not sure.
There's still a few people that I have added your skype ID, but didn't hear
from you, if you still thinks this fits your schedule, please let me know,
we will start in 1-2 days.
Again, thanks and best wishes to all those working so hard for the test.
还有不到两个月就要考试了,上周做了UWSIM1 232,还以为自己还不错呢,因为目标
也就是230。 可今天做了NBME6, 只有410(200),很沮丧. 花了一个下午的时间研
究前辈们的考经,觉得还是要再背FA。 所以看看有没有类似进度的, 可以一起把FA
站内联系, 谢谢。
发帖数: 27
有兴趣,你在哪里?skype: forusmle 多谢。


【在 d******d 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for all of you who showed your interest in studying FA together. My
: original post wasn't very clear about the schedule, now after talking to
: several people, here's our final plan: we will go over 25-30 pages in 2hrs/
: day, 8-10PM EST weekday (4 times) and maybe one time in Weekend. So we
: should finish the whole book about 3 weeks. (which means you need to be
: quite familiar with FA, because we will go over it FAST) We are not going to
: go over UW or NBME at this stage, but after this, if time permits, we may
: discuss some questions from UW or NBME that you don't understand or not sure.
: There's still a few people that I have added your skype ID, but didn't hear
: from you, if you still thinks this fits your schedule, please let me know,

发帖数: 192


【在 d******d 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for all of you who showed your interest in studying FA together. My
: original post wasn't very clear about the schedule, now after talking to
: several people, here's our final plan: we will go over 25-30 pages in 2hrs/
: day, 8-10PM EST weekday (4 times) and maybe one time in Weekend. So we
: should finish the whole book about 3 weeks. (which means you need to be
: quite familiar with FA, because we will go over it FAST) We are not going to
: go over UW or NBME at this stage, but after this, if time permits, we may
: discuss some questions from UW or NBME that you don't understand or not sure.
: There's still a few people that I have added your skype ID, but didn't hear
: from you, if you still thinks this fits your schedule, please let me know,

1 (共1页)
大家一般最后一个月能提高多少分?3月初考CS, 最后冲刺,找online study partner
新鲜出炉step1 的一些体会和教训step1学习小组招人(东部时间)
UW sim 1 248大概等于几分?Seriously looking for a study partner
题库做第二遍,正确率平均70%,求预测考分?MTB3 study
不敢去考试了寻找 study partner 讨论CK NBME , UW 错题
找人过NBME 3 和 6NBME2 discussion 11/28, serous study partners needed.
FA 冲刺学习study partner (s) NJ CS class 3.31-4.1
step2 CK study partnerStudy partners for Step 3 CCS
话题: fa话题: nbme话题: uw话题: partner话题: updated