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Medicine版 - 一洛杉矶牙医对中国学生的折扣收费-请参考
根管治疗RCT: 这个价格是否太离谱?牙齿碰掉了 求助
我也想资讯一下做crown要多少钱?general dentist issue
请问拔牙的价格如何Root canal
求助!牙医说女儿的牙要拔,上space maintainer请问根管治疗
种一颗牙要$8,000? 有人种过吗?root canal做错牙齿了,求解决方案
做了root canal后,有点咬合痛,要紧么牙神经死了,需要根管治疗,能等2个月再做吗?
about root canal问个看牙事故处理方法
话题: discount话题: usc话题: don话题: good话题: canal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 199
Dr. Gu, Yixiong is offering 10-15% Discount to USC chinese students, but you
can try to ask for the discount even if you are not a USC student. I don't
think there is any problem. I don't know if the price is good or not because I
don't have other comparison. But it seems it's cheaper than other clinic even
before discount. If your dental insurance is not that good, you can consider
to find a good chinese dentist to pay out of pocket.
phone: 626-272-8206 (cell)
email: y******[email protected]
发帖数: 25
This is extremely helpful! Thank you, Bibbub.
For comparison with similar services done by american dentists, I want to add
a personal note.
Things I have done or checked out in person:
1) Root Canal (done by a specialist (endodontist); usually charges a little
more than a general dentist. You are suggested to have root canal with a
specialist if it concerns a molar due to its possible complications)
3 root canal (a molar): $550; in a medium-size city
2) Metal Crowns (gold): $750+ per tooth (reg

【在 b****b 的大作中提到】
: Dr. Gu, Yixiong is offering 10-15% Discount to USC chinese students, but you
: can try to ask for the discount even if you are not a USC student. I don't
: think there is any problem. I don't know if the price is good or not because I
: don't have other comparison. But it seems it's cheaper than other clinic even
: before discount. If your dental insurance is not that good, you can consider
: to find a good chinese dentist to pay out of pocket.
: phone: 626-272-8206 (cell)
: email: y******[email protected]
: Address

1 (共1页)
问个看牙事故处理方法求助!牙医说女儿的牙要拔,上space maintainer
问问烤瓷牙的事种一颗牙要$8,000? 有人种过吗?
general dentist推荐的specialist可靠吗?做了root canal后,有点咬合痛,要紧么
root-canal or bridge or changing dentistabout root canal
根管治疗RCT: 这个价格是否太离谱?牙齿碰掉了 求助
我也想资讯一下做crown要多少钱?general dentist issue
请问拔牙的价格如何Root canal
话题: discount话题: usc话题: don话题: good话题: canal