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Military版 - Twitter to Censor Tweets by Individual Countries (ZZ)
谣言追踪:江泽民之死北大人大学生被逮捕 抗议弯弯苹果代工厂违法雇用学生且剥削劳工ZT
女权主义者连收tweet强奸恐吓 21岁男被捕ZT BBCNBA事件 后,美企的共识: 禁用 twitter
新的篡改日期的铁证,from twitter search美华有空去Twitter骂印度人别骂自己人了
Twitter和Facebook有啥区别? (转载)朗朗白宫演奏“上甘岭”主题曲引争议
郭文贵的twitter 怎么连不上了?从昨晚就被封了?中国又躺着中了枪
美媒:中共秘密小組監控特朗普電子器材China restricts reports on Egypt protests
话题: twitter话题: countries话题: individual话题: tweets话题: censor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2999
Yesterday, Twitter announced that the micro blogging site will withhold
tweeter posts from a country if they violate any local restrictions rather
than globally blocking them. Till now, twitter had to remove the supposedly
objectionable content entirely from this popular website in order to operate
in such countries.
In a blog post Twitter stated, "As we continue to grow internationally, we
will enter countries that have different ideas about the contours of freedom
of expression."
"Some differ so much from our ideas that we will not be able to exist there.
Others are similar but, for historical or cultural reasons, restrict
certain types of content", the post further read.
The microblogging website has also developed a way to transparently
communicate with its users about what all contents have been withheld and
why they have been withheld.
After receiving regular request to delete content from various content
owners, Twitter has decided to follow Google and Yahoo's footsteps. Google,
in the year 2006 introduced a censored version of their web search website
specific to China and in 2001 Yahoo blocked sales of Nazi-and Ku Klax Klan
related memorabilia.
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去年海底地震死掉那么多尼哥猪我也很开心Twitter和Facebook有啥区别? (转载)
華爾街時報引用的微博quote郭文贵的twitter 怎么连不上了?从昨晚就被封了?
U.S. public to demand an apology from Fang ZZ,counterfeiting exper“invited”
谣言追踪:江泽民之死北大人大学生被逮捕 抗议弯弯苹果代工厂违法雇用学生且剥削劳工ZT
女权主义者连收tweet强奸恐吓 21岁男被捕ZT BBCNBA事件 后,美企的共识: 禁用 twitter
新的篡改日期的铁证,from twitter search美华有空去Twitter骂印度人别骂自己人了
话题: twitter话题: countries话题: individual话题: tweets话题: censor