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Military版 - 在We the People聲援Peter Liang後,收到白宮會議邀請...
白宫发信要求电话谈论梁警官的Petition,有人收到吗?為保十八大 外國人遊華須邀請函
白宫对【12万签名声援梁警官】的事件来鸡毛信了!弯弯今天Free Tibet大游行ZT
Texas gunman shot 5 men outside courthouse衛福部痴等WHA邀請函 若沒收到…就派員場外旁聽
中餐馆老板雄起: 本店不欢迎警察客人若WHA沒邀請 衛生福利部長:台湾将在场外偷听
美30岁产妇家中突发中风 遭急救人员嫌穷拒载身亡弯弯行政院发言人:联合国2758决议一中原则表達嚴正抗議ZT
美国人把包子和刘鹤吃得死死的。当孙子一样呵斥刘鹤WHA邀請函關鍵期 蔡總統8度發推特喊話zt
当年2009甲流全球一年挂了几十万人無WHA邀請函 我將提出強硬立場反制zt
话题: people话题: policing话题: today话题: call话题: house
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14828
2月底在We the People上簽名,前兩天收到白宮來信,邀請參加電話會議。 看來We
the People不完全是巴馬的形象工程...
This is just a quick reminder about today's call on community policing, and
how we're using data to help support collaborative relationships between
police and the communities they serve.
You can join the call at this link at 4 p.m. Eastern. And in the meantime,
make sure you click through to ask a question or share your thoughts -- we'
ll be addressing some of them on today's call.
When you signed this petition, you let us know that issues related to
community policing in this country matter to you. And you'd like to see
That's why we want to make sure you're part of a very important conversation
about the steps we're taking to identify problems early, increase internal
accountability, and reduce inappropriate uses of force in communities around
the country.
Here's who you'll be hearing from today:
Roy Austin, Deputy Assistant to the President for Urban Affairs, Justice
, and Opportunity
DJ Patil, U.S. Chief Data Scientist
Brittany Packnett, Member of the President's Task Force on 21st Century
David Wilkinson, Director of the White House Office of Social Innovation
and Civic Participation
Can't join? Not to worry. We'll circulate the full audio from the call once
it concludes.
We're looking forward to speaking with you today.
-- The White House Team
1 (共1页)
無WHA邀請函 我將提出強硬立場反制zt美30岁产妇家中突发中风 遭急救人员嫌穷拒载身亡
WHA邀請進入倒數 蔡英文9度推特發文ztdnls怎么看这篇报道里中方表现,很多细节
wiki上说的是真的吗:masturbation reduces prostate cancer?当年2009甲流全球一年挂了几十万人
白宫发信要求电话谈论梁警官的Petition,有人收到吗?為保十八大 外國人遊華須邀請函
白宫对【12万签名声援梁警官】的事件来鸡毛信了!弯弯今天Free Tibet大游行ZT
Texas gunman shot 5 men outside courthouse衛福部痴等WHA邀請函 若沒收到…就派員場外旁聽
中餐馆老板雄起: 本店不欢迎警察客人若WHA沒邀請 衛生福利部長:台湾将在场外偷听
话题: people话题: policing话题: today话题: call话题: house