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Military版 - 突然被解雇, 求解惑, 求建议. (转载)
网友评国人必看纪录片:苏联先于纳粹提倡种族灭绝 (转载)NIPC: 关于达赖喇嘛:
这些法律是真的假的?比如印第安纳州十月到三月之间不许洗澡Trump biographer says the president is a Kremlin agent (转载)
美国国务院用公款买obama的书送人得不得体?我认识的一位Highway Patrol Officer (转载)
好消息!!! 傅萍的书排名大幅上升 (nytimes bestseller top 24)阿桑奇的话还真是有深度啊
话题: your话题: sleep话题: just话题: work话题: other
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40861
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: FearNoFear (胆大包天), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 突然被解雇, 求解惑, 求建议.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 13 22:44:32 2017, 美东)
我到这家公司大半年。 几天前中午吃饭, 走进一个旁边无人的空房间里吃。 我们办
公楼四周有一些这样的空办公室。 吃完后, 关上门, 仰在椅子上, 腿翘在桌子上,
小眯了一下。 一会儿有人进来了, 说有人要用这个屋子, 最后要看了一下我的
下午, 大老板找我,旁边还有HR的一个人。 HR人激动得说这是非常严重的office
behavior的问题,一, 中午睡觉,二,这是我们公司partner的office, 不能随便用。
大老板没怎么说话, 只说了这两天project忙,可能太累了之类的话。
之后我非常郁闷, 我真的不知道这是不能用的partner的办公室。 再说,公司文化非
常强调work life balance, 让员工学会休息,减压,每层楼都配有treadmill.我小憩
一下有那么严重吗? 小老板其间有跑过来, 说这事他可能帮不了我.
今天中午, 大老板,HR又找到我。 告之这是我在公司的最后一天了。 我一听就蒙了
。我问为什么, 是不是我performance不好。他们说不是, 真的是因为那个非常严重
的office behavior的问题。 拿走了badger和电脑。
1:这真是office behavior 的问题?还是我大老板抓到了这个当借口?
2: 我下面找工作, 怎么解释为什么离开这家公司?我理解如果是layoff,还好一些.
可这相当于 fire.
注: 不是坑.这是发生在我先生身上的事. 我以他的角度写的. 他情绪极为低落, 百思
不得其解. 他工作算是努力. 可是工作与他原专业有一定距离, 所以有些吃力. 我作为
LP, 实在是理解不了这吃人的公司文化! 求解惑, 求建议.
发帖数: 1854
别用小老板为referee。move on吧。

【在 g***j 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: FearNoFear (胆大包天), 信区: JobHunting
: 标 题: 突然被解雇, 求解惑, 求建议.
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 13 22:44:32 2017, 美东)
: 我到这家公司大半年。 几天前中午吃饭, 走进一个旁边无人的空房间里吃。 我们办
: 公楼四周有一些这样的空办公室。 吃完后, 关上门, 仰在椅子上, 腿翘在桌子上,
: 小眯了一下。 一会儿有人进来了, 说有人要用这个屋子, 最后要看了一下我的
: badger.
: 下午, 大老板找我,旁边还有HR的一个人。 HR人激动得说这是非常严重的office
: behavior的问题,一, 中午睡觉,二,这是我们公司partner的office, 不能随便用。

发帖数: 30882
发帖数: 20444
尼玛 自带剩饭,吃完了腿还翘在桌子上打呼噜

【在 g***j 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: FearNoFear (胆大包天), 信区: JobHunting
: 标 题: 突然被解雇, 求解惑, 求建议.
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 13 22:44:32 2017, 美东)
: 我到这家公司大半年。 几天前中午吃饭, 走进一个旁边无人的空房间里吃。 我们办
: 公楼四周有一些这样的空办公室。 吃完后, 关上门, 仰在椅子上, 腿翘在桌子上,
: 小眯了一下。 一会儿有人进来了, 说有人要用这个屋子, 最后要看了一下我的
: badger.
: 下午, 大老板找我,旁边还有HR的一个人。 HR人激动得说这是非常严重的office
: behavior的问题,一, 中午睡觉,二,这是我们公司partner的office, 不能随便用。

发帖数: 307
你这是跑进会议室里面了吧。 那种小型的。
发帖数: 1853

【在 g***j 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: FearNoFear (胆大包天), 信区: JobHunting
: 标 题: 突然被解雇, 求解惑, 求建议.
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 13 22:44:32 2017, 美东)
: 我到这家公司大半年。 几天前中午吃饭, 走进一个旁边无人的空房间里吃。 我们办
: 公楼四周有一些这样的空办公室。 吃完后, 关上门, 仰在椅子上, 腿翘在桌子上,
: 小眯了一下。 一会儿有人进来了, 说有人要用这个屋子, 最后要看了一下我的
: badger.
: 下午, 大老板找我,旁边还有HR的一个人。 HR人激动得说这是非常严重的office
: behavior的问题,一, 中午睡觉,二,这是我们公司partner的office, 不能随便用。

发帖数: 861
发帖数: 1067
发帖数: 3140

【在 g***j 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: FearNoFear (胆大包天), 信区: JobHunting
: 标 题: 突然被解雇, 求解惑, 求建议.
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 13 22:44:32 2017, 美东)
: 我到这家公司大半年。 几天前中午吃饭, 走进一个旁边无人的空房间里吃。 我们办
: 公楼四周有一些这样的空办公室。 吃完后, 关上门, 仰在椅子上, 腿翘在桌子上,
: 小眯了一下。 一会儿有人进来了, 说有人要用这个屋子, 最后要看了一下我的
: badger.
: 下午, 大老板找我,旁边还有HR的一个人。 HR人激动得说这是非常严重的office
: behavior的问题,一, 中午睡觉,二,这是我们公司partner的office, 不能随便用。

发帖数: 4934
A lack of sleep is like being drunk on the job, which is probably more
detrimental to your productivity than actually taking a quick nap break
during your work hours. If you need to get away with sleeping on the job,
here are a few ways to do it.
Consider Serious Lack of Sleep Like Being Drunk…
Read more
Sleeping at work is a bad thing. You can decide for yourself if you feel
like you're cheating your company out of money when you sleep during work
hours, but it's particularly bad because you are not in a good situation if
you have to do it regularly. At a previous job, my company kept an IKEA
futon in a storage closet for when employees were overworked and exhausted (
and possibly other reasons I don't want to think about). If you need to
sleep at work regularly, you either need a new job or have some serious
sleep problems to fix. If it's occasional, however, here are a few tips to
get away with it.
End Your Insomnia, Snoring, and Other Common…
Read more
If You Have a Private Office, Use It
Hopefully this is pretty obvious to those of you who are blessed with a door
. Shut it, put a do not disturb sign up, and go to sleep. Sleep in your
chair. Sleep on the floor. Sleep on the floor under your desk. It's not
rocket science, it's common sense. For added comfort, bring a pillow and/or
sleeping bag.
Make Use of Blindsides
If you work in a space where other people can see you, you are not
completely screwed. Chances are you are not entirely visible from all sides.
Figure out where it's hardest to see you and make sure your eyes are facing
that direction as much as possible. Often times you won't be seen sleeping
just by facing the right direction, but if you need better cover you can put
one hand on the side of your head to block your eyes from view. Put the
other hand on your computer mouse or hold a pencil on top of a piece of
paper. Most people will not be able to tell you aren't really using it as
they'll get as much as a quick glimpse. Nobody's assuming that you're trying
to sleep because that's not what people generally do in an office. It's not
the most comfortable sleeping position, but when you're so tired you just
need to close your eyes you won't even notice.
Wear Sunglasses
Nobody can see your eyes when you're wearing sunglasses, so it's incredibly
easy to close them without a single person being the wiser. The problem is,
how do you wear sunglasses in an office without people thinking you're nuts?
You tell them your eyes are tired today and you couldn't find your
prescription glasses so you had to take your prescription sunglasses. If
anybody tries them on and notices they don't do anything, just tell them
they're mild. If you actually have prescription sunglasses, however, then
you're in great shape. Either way, just put them on and close your eyes.
Just like in the above tip, so long as you're in a position that looks like
working you can get away with a little shuteye.
Use Your Car
If you have a sleep emergency, just call it a family emergency and go sleep
in your car for an hour. If you don't have a car, take a ride on the subway
or a bus. You may even wake up with some spare change in your hand if you
look particularly bad that day. This is probably the easiest way to get a
quick nap, but it's not a tactic you can use too often without arousing
Use the Bathroom
It may be embarrassing to come down with a case of the runs after lunch, but
if you fake it you can spend some time on the toilet getting a little
shuteye while everyone pities you. Sure, you probably don't want to spend
time sleeping on the toilet and the ambient sounds of the bathroom aren't
quite as pleasant as your nighttime noise generator, but sometimes we have
to make due with what we've got. What you've got is a private stall and a
porcelain bed. Make use of it.
What to Do If You Get Caught
The easiest thing to do is admit it while making it look like an accident.
There are plenty of scapegoats available to you: your significant other was
having a private emotional problem, your young child had midnight diarrhea,
someone tried to break in to your home, and so on. There are plenty of
things that can happen late at night that mess up your sleep and make you
tired the next day, but the point is you still came to work. You're not a
slacker, you're a hero. You didn't mean to fall asleep, you just did because
you were trying so hard to get your work done. If you can frame it that way
, you come across as a decent person (even though you might not be). Kind
bosses will even give you the rest of the day off to catch up on sleep out
of the kindness of their hearts. You might feel guilty for it, but at least
you'll be able to rest up and be better the next day.
On the Other Hand, Just Ask
Sometimes honestly is truly the way to go. Most bosses know what it's like
to be tired at work, so if you don't ask too often you might be able to get
a free nap on the job just by making the request. You can certainly use the
tricks above, but nothing feels better than getting a nap at work when it's
company-approved. So, take the honest route first—if you can.
Lead photo by Sarah G
Got any other great tips for sleeping on the job? Let's hear 'em in the
You can follow Adam Dachis, the author of this post, on Twitter and Facebook
. Twitter's the best way to contact him, too.
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发帖数: 11545
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usa today:炸弹已经正式被发现了,高压锅美国国务院用公款买obama的书送人得不得体?
10年时代广场的炸弹就是pressure cooker好消息!!! 傅萍的书排名大幅上升 (nytimes bestseller top 24)
Cooker is made in china无知小将被傅大妈抓住了把柄
网友评国人必看纪录片:苏联先于纳粹提倡种族灭绝 (转载)NIPC: 关于达赖喇嘛:
这些法律是真的假的?比如印第安纳州十月到三月之间不许洗澡Trump biographer says the president is a Kremlin agent (转载)
话题: your话题: sleep话题: just话题: work话题: other