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Military版 - 明尼苏达大学校报社论
有律师要给京东的股民讨公道了LA men stabbed one and s assaulted one IN Nordstrom
惊天新闻:刘强奸案还涉及高管博士项目另外一个人!骇人听闻:75岁牧师性侵犯四岁女童!!! (转载)
刘强东律师的这份中英文声明一处关键地方有点不一致啊骇人听闻:75岁牧师性侵犯四岁女童!!! (转载)
打死Freddie Gray警察有个blackZT!! 强烈推荐中小老将看一两本Chomsky的书
Nude wrestling ignited a huge fire in the State Department我们为何见死不救?-- 历史最具争议的心理试验
话题: university话题: liu话题: sexual话题: chinese话题: assault
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
Liu Qiangdong, also known as Richard Liu, is a Chinese billionaire and
founder of JD.com. He is also a student in the Carlson School of Management'
s Doctor of Business Administration Chinese-partnership program at the
University of Minnesota. Liu was in Minneapolis briefly as part of the
program, and was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting another Chinese
student at the University.
While Liu is still being investigated by the Minneapolis Police Department
and has not been charged, he was released from jail just one day after being
arrested, without posting bail. Liu returned to China days after being
released from custody.
The allegations have made international headlines, as Liu’s attorneys work
to dispel what they call "rumors." Liu has previously tried to distance
himself from other criminal sexual assault allegations, including an assault
that took place in his Australian penthouse in 2015.
The University’s failure to so much as acknowledge the alleged assault is
yet another instance of our University only taking sexual assault seriously
when its name is on the line. Because it is Liu, a tech tycoon with a sordid
history that is in the international limelight, our administration is
forgoing its accountability in the matter.
Despite the media frenzy and ongoing investigation, our University has yet
to make a statement aside from confirming Liu’s student status. This feeble
attempt at brushing an alleged sexual assault with direct ties to the
University under the rug is preposterous.
The University is shrugging off its responsibility in this case by failing
to notify students, failing to take a stand against assaults, failing to
confirm whether or not Liu is guilty and refusing to communicate an effort
to investigate the incident. Transparency in these matters is an absolute
Furthermore, with tight-lipped administration and no word on whether Liu
will continue to study at the University, I can only assume that a lack of
action will follow the University’s lack of acknowledgment.
While Liu is still under investigation, the University’s involvement in the
matter warrants action. It is the University's responsibility to ensure Liu
is reprimanded – if the situation requires it – and ensure other students
are not also put in peril.
This University has failed time and again at properly investigating and
handling sexual misconduct cases. It seems only when the Gophers' brand is
in jeopardy does the administration even acknowledge the assaults that are
its duty to explore.
One such failure in a string of embarrassments involves the University’s
lack of action in the case against Gianluigi Veglia, a biochemistry
professor, who had accusations and complaints against him stack up for years
, with the University only making a move once the case hit the media. Or,
Reggie Lynch’s ability to continue practicing and participating with
Gophers basketball despite multiple investigations into his conduct, only
being expelled after several allegations and review.
This is pathetic. The University has a responsibility to its students to
curb sexual misconduct at all times – not only when its reputation is at
stake. The University’s scattered and inconsistent discipline in sexual
misconduct cases proves a general disregard for student safety.
This University’s tendency toward apathy cannot stand in this case. Liu
needs to be held accountable, no matter how wealthy and powerful he may be.
The lack of recognition is a general disregard of the administration’s
responsibility in these cases. We cannot stand for it, and if the
administration needs to be persecuted in order for them to take action, then
let us be the ones to do so.
发帖数: 3549


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mndaily.com/article/2018/09/o-schneider-umn-shrugs-off-responsibility-in-richard-liu-case
: Liu Qiangdong, also known as Richard Liu, is a Chinese billionaire and
: founder of JD.com. He is also a student in the Carlson School of Management'
: s Doctor of Business Administration Chinese-partnership program at the
: University of Minnesota. Liu was in Minneapolis briefly as part of the
: program, and was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting another Chinese
: student at the University.
: While Liu is still being investigated by the Minneapolis Police Department
: and has not been charged, he was released from jail just one day after being
: arrested, without posting bail. Liu returned to China days after being

发帖数: 25
你看完没有, 后面应该是老白作恶的。

【在 p**f 的大作中提到】
: 小题大做,屁话三千。
: 学生学员,饭局目击者,强奸犯,受害者,报案者,皮条客全部是大陆黄陂,顶多算黄
: 陂内部小圈子内斗,不说里面一堆细节绕来绕去,白大人有个几把兴趣去研究。
: 芝加哥每天上演的枪战全是老黑火拼,死的都是老黑。什么原因死的,怎么死的,有人
: 有兴趣去研究吗?
: Management'
: Chinese
: being

发帖数: 4016


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mndaily.com/article/2018/09/o-schneider-umn-shrugs-off-responsibility-in-richard-liu-case
: Liu Qiangdong, also known as Richard Liu, is a Chinese billionaire and
: founder of JD.com. He is also a student in the Carlson School of Management'
: s Doctor of Business Administration Chinese-partnership program at the
: University of Minnesota. Liu was in Minneapolis briefly as part of the
: program, and was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting another Chinese
: student at the University.
: While Liu is still being investigated by the Minneapolis Police Department
: and has not been charged, he was released from jail just one day after being
: arrested, without posting bail. Liu returned to China days after being

1 (共1页)
同意吗?美国选举票应与缴税额挂钩打死Freddie Gray警察有个blackZT
说在香港说英语能得到更好服务的,就是超级假命题Nude wrestling ignited a huge fire in the State Department
港人还不服罪 - 大家接着骂厉害:强东涉嫌强奸
有律师要给京东的股民讨公道了LA men stabbed one and s assaulted one IN Nordstrom
惊天新闻:刘强奸案还涉及高管博士项目另外一个人!骇人听闻:75岁牧师性侵犯四岁女童!!! (转载)
刘强东律师的这份中英文声明一处关键地方有点不一致啊骇人听闻:75岁牧师性侵犯四岁女童!!! (转载)
话题: university话题: liu话题: sexual话题: chinese话题: assault