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Military版 - 美国人民的眼睛是雪亮的
烙印完胜老中老美的真正原因: (转载)马云说话还是挺诚恳的
道教佛教的区别是什么习大,教皇: 送钱不如送人,送宗教
你只有在愚蠢的时候才是真诚的华人不擅长建立social capital,不参政,是最大弱点
“Cosmic Serpent”隐形技术的血泪源头。(ZT)
Why did China sink over the past few centuries ?J-20, Jiang Zeming and Bombing of China's Belgrade Embassy
话题: china话题: chinese话题: religious话题: un话题: bombed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1709
Godfree Roberts says:
December 18, 2018 at 9:08 am GMT • 400 Words
“by nurturing China for decades before recognizing she was becoming a
malevolent superpower whose Asian-Pacific ambitions could be realized only
at the expense of friends of the United States.”
We didn’t nurture China–ever.
We invaded China, sure, and bombed China and embargoed China and blocked
China from the UN and international finance for 30 years.
Then we made China wait 12 years to join the WTO then imposed humiliating
terms of accession while continuing to threaten China with atomic attacks
and bombed China’s embassy in Belgrade and threatened atomic attacks again
then accused China of stealing our IP when it didn’t ‘cos there’s zero
evidence anywhere and accused China of human rights abuses when its un human
rights score is 26-2 in favor or China and spent billions badmouthing China
for decades and now we’ve kidnapped a Chinese Princess but, hey! China is
demonic because, though two-thirds[1] of Chinese are atheists (in the
Western sense) and one-fourth are non-religious Taoists, the Constitution
guarantees freedom of worship in government-sanctioned religious
organizations and the government supports seventy-four seminaries, one
thousand seven hundred Tibetan monasteries, three thousand religious
organizations, 85,000 religious sites and 300,000 full time Catholic,
Protestant, Buddhist, Ancient Chinese, Taoist and Moslem clergy.
China is whipping our asses, face it honestly and don’t pull that stupid
demonization crap. It is vastly more trusted by its neighbors than we are,
it can destroy every US city in 52 minutes, its economy is 50% bigger and
growing three times faster and, guess what?
Sometime between 2020-2025 every Chinese will have a home, a job, plenty of
food, education, safe streets, health and old age care. On that day there
will be more drug addicts, suicides and executions, more homeless, poor,
hungry and imprisoned people in America than in China.
By 2021, 450,000,000 urban Chinese will have more net worth and disposable
income than the average American, their mothers and infants will be less
likely to die in childbirth, their children will graduate from high school
three years ahead of–and outlive–American kids.
As Kishore Mahbubani, former President, UN Security Council, says, “The key
question the West must ask is: how was the relative over-performance of
Western societies in the second half of the 20th century replaced by
underperformance in the 21st century? The answer will not come from looking
at China. It will come from looking in the mirror”.
发帖数: 1709
Then we made China wait 12 years to join the WTO then imposed humiliating
terms of accession while continuing to threaten China with atomic attacks
and bombed China’s embassy in Belgrade and threatened atomic attacks again
then accused China of stealing our IP when it didn’t ‘cos there’s zero
evidence anywhere and accused China of human rights abuses when its un human
rights score is 26-2 in favor or China
发帖数: 1709
She has annexed the South China Sea, built air and missile bases on half a
dozen disputed islets, and told U.S. ships and planes to stay clear.
She has built and leased ports and bases from the Indian Ocean to Africa.
She has lent billions to poor Asian and African countries like the Maldives,
and then demanded basing concessions when these nations default on the
debts owed for building their facilities
My god China is acting almost like the US.
发帖数: 1191
发帖数: 1709

【在 n****G 的大作中提到】
: 鳖精人已经精神错乱了,可怜!
1 (共1页)
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俄罗斯给霉国上的第二课Why did China sink over the past few centuries ?
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烙印完胜老中老美的真正原因: (转载)马云说话还是挺诚恳的
道教佛教的区别是什么习大,教皇: 送钱不如送人,送宗教
话题: china话题: chinese话题: religious话题: un话题: bombed