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Military版 - 转一篇知乎上的文章[中英文版]
习core的准确身高是多少?纽约时报:美朝对峙有先例 看看之前的中国(图)
If USA invades China.翟田田因言入狱被判无罪,刘晓波继续遭囚禁
你们知道六星上将的来历吗? (转载)NBC教你如何对付入室抢劫犯: treat them like royalty
看美帝50年代怎么派军队来执行最高法院判决呢防止home invasion最简单有效的方法
這才叫抗戰紀念 美3位前總統後代在台齊聚zt中国公民因私护照免签证,落地签国家名单
话题: china话题: george话题: bush话题: ccp话题: clinton
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3063
This is the article I wrote yesterday, first posted Chinese.
1775   George Washington 独立战争
1779   George Washington 印第安人战争
1781   George Washington 约克敦战役
1807   Thomas Jefferson 征剿印第安人
1812   James Madison 美英战争 英军攻入华盛顿
1812   James Madison 进攻加拿大
1813   James Madison 攻占加拿大首府约克
1814   James Madison 美英战争 英国人在普拉茨堡战役中失败
1817   James Madison 西班牙 夺取佛罗里达
1820   James Monroe 西进扩张
1822   James Monroe 利比亚殖民战争
1832   Adrew Jackson 塞米诺尔战争
1846   James Knox Polk 美墨战争
1861   Abraham Lincoln 南北战争
1865   Abraham Lincoln 后内战时期
1866   Andrew Johnson 侵犯朝鲜
1867   Andrew Johnson 侵犯朝鲜
1871   Ulysses Simpson Grant 侵犯朝鲜
1890   Benjamin Harrison 阿根廷 保护其在布诺斯艾利斯的利益 1891   Benjamin
Harrison 智利 与当地民族解放军激烈对
1891   Benjamin Harrison 海地 抗
1893   Stephen Grover Cleveland 兼并夏威夷群岛
1894   Stephen Grover Cleveland 中国 在中日战争时登陆
1894   Stephen Grover Cleveland 朝鲜 占领汉城
1895   Stephen Grover Cleveland 巴拿马 占领哥伦比亚省
1896   Stephen Grover Cleveland 尼加拉瓜 占领柯林托港
1898   William McKinley 美西战争 兼并夏威夷
1898   William McKinley 波多黎各 从西班牙手中夺取
1898   William McKinley 关岛 从西班牙手中夺取
1899   William McKinley 美菲战争 以两千万美元买下菲律宾
1899   William McKinley 萨摩亚 介入王位继承战争
1899   William McKinley 尼加拉瓜 在蓝田港口登陆
1900   William McKinley 八国联军 (侵华战争)
1901   Theodore Roosevelt 入侵哥伦比亚
1902   Theodore Roosevelt 菲律宾 从西班牙手中夺取
1902   Theodore Roosevelt 古巴 从西班牙手中夺取
1903   Theodore Roosevelt 策动巴拿马政变 运河驻军
1903   Theodore Roosevelt 入侵洪都拉斯
1903   Theodore Roosevelt 入侵多米尼加
1904   Theodore Roosevelt 占领朝鲜汉城
1906   Theodore Roosevelt 侵占古巴
1907   Theodore Roosevelt 入侵洪都拉斯
1907   Theodore Roosevelt 尼加拉瓜 建立美元外交的摄政体制
1908   Theodore Roosevelt 巴拿马 大选期间入侵
1910   William Howard Taft 入侵尼加拉瓜 入侵蓝田和柯林托
1911   William Howard Taft 入侵洪都拉斯
1911   William Howard Taft 出兵侵略中国福建
1912   William Howard Taft 占领伊斯坦布尔 (土耳其)
1912   William Howard Taft 侵占古巴 关塔那摩
1912   William Howard Taft 巴拿马
1912   William Howard Taft 入侵洪都拉斯
1913   Woodrow Wilson 入侵墨西哥
1914   Woodrow Wilson 入侵海地
1914   Woodrow Wilson 进攻多米尼加 和起义部队在圣多明各作战
1914   Woodrow Wilson 占领法国巴黎
1915   Woodrow Wilson 出兵海地 镇压起义后持续19年的占领
1915   Woodrow Wilson 占领海地
1916   Woodrow Wilson 占领多米尼加 占领8年
1916   Woodrow Wilson 出兵侵略中国南京
1917   Woodrow Wilson 美德战争 (一战)
1917   Woodrow Wilson 古巴 长期占领
1918   Woodrow Wilson 9次人侵墨西哥 对民族解放军进行军事干涉
1918   Woodrow Wilson 武装干涉俄苏维埃 五次入侵攻打布尔什维克
1918   Woodrow Wilson 出兵侵略中国重庆
1918   Woodrow Wilson 巴拿马 大选后执行警察任务
1919   Woodrow Wilson 出兵洪都拉斯
1920   Woodrow Wilson 入侵古巴
1920   Woodrow Wilson 占领符拉迪沃斯托克
1920   Woodrow Wilson 出兵侵略中国九江
1922   Warren G. Harding 出兵侵略中国通州
1922   Warren G. Harding 土耳其 镇压斯马纳民族主义者
1923   Warren G. Harding 出兵侵略中国 浙江省马屿岛
1924   Calvin Coolidge 入侵洪都拉斯
1925   Calvin Coolidge 入侵洪都拉斯
1925   Calvin Coolidge 出兵侵略中国上海
1925   Calvin Coolidge 巴拿马 镇压总罢工
1926   Calvin Coolidge 入侵尼加拉瓜
1927   Calvin Coolidge 出兵侵略中国上海
1927   Calvin Coolidge 出兵侵略中国南京
1927   Calvin Coolidge 出兵侵略中国广州
1932   Herbert Hoover 出兵侵赂中国上海
1932   Herbert Hoover 萨尔瓦多 在马蒂起义期间派出军舰
1940   Franklin Delano Roosevelt 美日战争
1941   Franklin Delano Roosevelt 占领冰岛
1941   Franklin Delano Roosevelt 对日宣战
1944   Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1945   Franklin Delano Roosevelt 占领日本
1946   Harry S. Truman 伊朗 核弹威胁
1946   Harry S. Truman 对南斯拉夫核弹威胁 对美机在南境内被击落做出回应
1947   Harry S. Truman 镇压希腊人民革命
1947   Harry S. Truman 乌拉圭 派出轰炸机核弹威胁侵入领空
1948   Harry S. Truman 德国 原子弹轰炸机护卫柏林航道
1948   Harry S. Truman 中国 安排侨民撤离
1948   Harry S. Truman 菲律宾 消灭虎克起义军
1950   Harry S. Truman 波多黎各
1950   Harry S. Truman 入侵台湾海峡
1950   Harry S. Truman 入侵台湾 13航空队
1950   Harry S. Truman 朝鲜战争
1953   Harry S. Truman 颠覆摩萨台政府 伊朗
1954   Dwight D. Eisenhower 入侵我国大陈岛 5艘航母
1954   Dwight D. Eisenhower 危地马拉 "成功"行动
1954   Dwight D. Eisenhower 中国 第一次金门危机
1957   Dwight D. Eisenhower 人侵印度尼西亚
1958   Dwight D. Eisenhower 中国 第二次金门危机
1958   Dwight D. Eisenhower 进遏委内瑞拉
1958   Dwight D. Eisenhower 人侵印度尼西亚
1958   Dwight D. Eisenhower 入侵黎巴嫩 蓝胡子"行动占领贝鲁特
1959   Dwight D. Eisenhower 入侵古巴
1960   Dwight D. Eisenhower 越南战争
1960   Dwight D. Eisenhower 多米尼亚 4千陆战队以休假为名登陆
1960   Dwight D. Eisenhower 刚果 "新终点线"行动
1961   John F. Kennedy 老挝
1961   John F. Kennedy 古巴 进攻猪湾
1962   John F. Kennedy 武装封锁古巴
1962   John F. Kennedy 参入南越战争
1962   John F. Kennedy 入侵多米尼亚
1964   Lyndon Johnson 轰炸越南
1964   Lyndon Johnson 刚果 "红龙"行动
1965   Lyndon Johnson 对越战争
1965   Lyndon Johnson 进攻多米尼亚 "动力凝聚"行动
1966   Lyndon Johnson 策划大屠杀 危地马拉
1968   Lyndon Johnson 越南 春季攻势
1970   Richard Nixon 入侵柬埔寨
1970   Richard Nixon 阿曼 指挥伊朗的海军陆战队入侵
1971   Richard Nixon 入侵也门
1972   Richard Nixon 越南 "圣诞轰炸"
1973   Richard Nixon 颠覆阿连德政府 智利
1973   Richard Nixon 中东 核弹威胁
1975   Gerald Ford 埔寨
1980   Jimmy Carter 伊朗 "鹰爪"行动
1983   Ronald Reagan 入侵格林纳达 "暴怒"行动
1986   Ronald Reagan 空袭利比亚 "黄金峡谷"行动
1986   Ronald Reagan 波利维亚 对古科柬地区进行袭击
1987   Ronald Reagan 伊朗 袭击布雷舰
1988   Ronald Reagan 洪都拉斯 扫毒行动至今已
1989   George H.W. Bush 入侵巴拿马 "正义事业"行动
1989   George H.W. Bush 击落利比亚飞机
1989   George H.W. Bush 占领巴拿马
1989   George H.W. Bush 威京群岛 镇压圣克伊斯黑人骚动
1989   George H.W. Bush 菲律宾 对政府的镇压政变提供领空保护
1990   George H.W. Bush 入侵利比里亚
1990   George H.W. Bush 哥伦比亚 "安第斯山战略"计划
1990   George H.W. Bush 波利维亚 扫毒行动
1990   George H.W. Bush 墨西哥 扫毒行动
1991   George H.W. Bush 乍得 第7防空团的两个营部署
1991   George H.W. Bush 海湾战争
1992   George H.W. Bush 武装干涉索马里 "恢复希望"行动
1992   George H.W. Bush 安哥拉 维和行动
1992   George H.W. Bush 哥伦比亚 "支持正义"行动,"稳定国家"行动
1992   George H.W. Bush 索马里
1992   George H.W. Bush 南斯拉夫 禁运
1993   Bill Clinton 朝鲜 向朝鲜半岛增兵
1993   Bill Clinton 南斯拉夫 制裁,海上封锁
1994   Bill Clinton 卢旺达 "支持希望"行动
1994   Bill Clinton 入侵海地 至今,"支持民主"行动入侵太子港
1994   Bill Clinton 战斧袭击波黑
1994   Bill Clinton 轰炸波黑塞族阵地
1995   Bill Clinton 空袭波黑
1995   Bill Clinton 中国 第三次金门危机
1996   Bill Clinton 扎伊尔
1996   Bill Clinton 沙漠打击 伊拉克
1997   Bill Clinton 沙漠惊雷 伊拉克
1997   Bill Clinton 利比里亚 士兵在撤侨时,进行攻击
1997   Bill Clinton 阿尔巴尼亚 士兵在撤侨时,进行攻击
1998   Bill Clinton 沙漠之狐 伊拉克
1998   Bill Clinton 打击苏丹 攻击药厂
1998   Bill Clinton 打击阿富汗
1999   Bill Clinton 科索沃战争
2000   Bill Clinton 也门 美军战舰"科尔"号被炸
2001   George W. Bush 阿富汗战争
2003   George W. Bush 伊拉克战争
2006   George W. Bush 埃塞俄比亚 "反恐战争"
2008   George W. Bush 索马里 "反恐战争"
2011   Barack Hussein Obama Jr 袭击利比亚
。 据联合国秘书长德奎利亚尔1988年4月透露, 二战以来这些战争致使1,700万人丧身
Yes, the Chinese Communist Party is a cult.
More than 70 years ago, China was in a long-term and semi-split state. The
United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan all had regional
agents in China. The Central Government of the Republic of China is subject
to local warlords who do not cooperate with the state. When the national
railways cannot be unified in the local provinces, China is weak. As a
political entity that has lasted for thousands of years, we are regarded by
the West as an inferior. When we are ignorant low-level animals, it is the
Chinese Communist Party that ended China's state through civil war.
Therefore, under the basic national unity except Taiwan, China has its first
original sin: centralization.
More than 60 years ago, apart from the Western colonies of Hong Kong and
Macao, which were only recognized by China, and two urban land that did not
belong to the People’s Republic of China, the CCP expelled all foreign
capital forces, agents and the military. In 1956. The Chinese Communist
Party forced its own teacher, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to
withdraw from the Lushun Special Zone in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China.
At the same time, it was at the same time as the world’s two hegemonic
powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and the economic blockade of
the world. The CCP finally ended. Exist as a strong leader. Whether it is
the West or the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union’s long-wave radio
station and the joint fleet initiative were rejected by the CCP, China and
the Soviet Union completely slandered the evils, followed by the CCP’s ill-
conceived three years of hardship and starved to death in tens of millions.
The CCP did make a mistake because it was only 10 years apart from the
National Government. The local management of talent pools was still a small
shackle of the national government. The CCP’s founding of the country must
rely on military personnel without governance experience to maintain a
certain degree of military and government characteristics, but In the Soviet
Union’s withdrawal of all aid and industrial support to China, in addition
to the fact that it has no ability to tap its own resources to earn trade
foreign exchange, it tries to rely on its own strength to complete the
initial establishment of the industrial system framework. The results can be
imagined: the grassroots Poor governance has falsely reported people's
feelings, a huge gap in food supply, and large steelmaking has become a show
... The three-year difficulty occurred in this year, precisely because from
this year, China was simultaneously sanctioned by the world's two camps and
two powers. It is. However, the CCP’s attitude emphasizes that its left-
handed advancement, and rarely mentions the coincidence of the Soviet Union
’s beginning of sanctions is one of the great drivers. Because this will
reveal that China was economically and industrially and even militaryly, and
it has not yet been completely independent. In fact, the CCP is facing a
common face of the people. The most important thing is the complete
independence of sovereignty. Because the CCP's greatest ruling legitimacy
and historical status are the source of the Chinese people, they can stand
up and be independent. Independence is also the biggest feature of the CCP's
Therefore, after 30 years of worldwide blockade, exclusion, and attempts to
rely on the sacrifices of the country to complete the original accumulation
of industry, China has its second original sin: people's lives are not as
rich as developed countries.
More than 50 years ago, China faced military threats from the United States
and the Soviet Union and its allies on the border between the United States
and the Soviet Union and the 55,000-kilometer-long border. The CCP
instigated foreign experts to let them abandon the wealthy modern life of
the United States, return to the poor and backward China, hungry and tired
legs, and insisted on helping China complete the development and manufacture
of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, satellites and missiles... After the
founding of the Chinese Communist Party, border wars broke out frequently in
the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. However, in 1980, after the success of China’
s first intercontinental missile test, in the past 40 years, China has never
had a war, and there is no one.
Therefore, after the CCP revolutionized China’s national defense forces and
became a world military power, it shared its third original sin: force
threatened the whole world.
More than 40 years ago, in the fierce internal route choice, trial and error
, and struggle, the CCP basically completed the establishment of a complete
industrial system in the country, completed the national defense industry’s
complete shock to the war in China, and completed the establishment of the
new China in the international arena. Status, it is time to choose the open
country, develop trade, enhance the people's livelihood economy and
industrial technology... The CCP decided to reform and open up. But in just
ten years of calm, the West finally chose to become a country that has
fallen into a quagmire and economic trap by liberalizing, privatizing,
voting, and turning itself into Russia, like the Soviet Union. Public
opinion vilifies China. The CCP rejected the color revolution and gave life
to some radical students who were exaggerated. But the CCP avoided the later
Russia. The life expectancy was reduced from 68 in the 1990 Soviet Union to
57 in 1994... these are avoided by color. Can the life saved by the
revolution and the economic collapse be counted? Does anyone go to
statistics? No. On the contrary, after only a month or so after the
disintegration of the Soviet Union, the CCP decided to speed up its
integration into globalization through Deng Xiaoping’s 92 southern tour,
insisting on independence in politics, and insisting on more openness in the
economy. For 40 years, the CCP’s policy has separated more than 700
million poor people from the stricter Chinese poverty line standards than
the UN poverty line. In the next year, this poverty alleviation figure will
have a high probability of more than 800 million. It is true that many
Chinese who write simplified characters are also dissatisfied with the CCP,
but when you ask him why he is dissatisfied, he will say that because "I"
did not see the votes, because "I" could not decide whether Xi Jinping
became the president of the country because "I" can't publicly abuse Xi
Jinping in public and on the Internet, but citizens of other countries can..
. Of course, some will say that because they invest hundreds of millions of
dollars, they don't get enough returns. Or, because their parents did
something that the Communist Party identified as corruption, corruption,
collusion or bribery, or a more serious rebellion against the country, the
money became an immigrant to a free developed country, and they hated the
CCP. They lost their hometown... they can write a wonderful, very uplifting
article on Quora to criticize the CCP. However, they are wrong. They think
that at least a house with a value of millions of yuan is Chinese. They didn
't know, and they didn't see the poor people in the western mountains who
had to climb on the nearly vertical cliffs to return to their villages. They
were also Chinese... Unfortunately, these people have the ability to speak
on the Internet. Those who are poor but benefit from the CCP, their mobile
phones are slightly worse, and they have just emerged from poverty, and
there is not enough education to enable them to have the ability to speak on
the Internet. But their number is in billions. One person, one vote? The
policy needs of those refined petty bourgeoisie can represent the whole
Chinese? The CCP has long stated in the important thoughts of the three
representatives that they represent the broadest number of people. There
must be some balance and trade-offs for the wealthy class concentrated in
the city. If we do a statistic, the chaos of the replacement of the Chinese
dynasty is easy to find. Most dynasties broke out from the west. Every
change in political power is fierce. The CCP is striving to carry out a
balanced policy, but it is deprived of being criticized by those who are not
satisfied with it. But they do not understand how important stability is
under the geographical distribution of China. This is a huge opportunity
cost, not an economic cost that appears on the books. If the gap between the
east and the west is greater and the population is overwhelming, the
eastern part of the country will rely on direct elections or representative
systems to strengthen the eastern policy advantage. In the end, it may be
that the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty overthrew the Ming
Dynasty, while the eastern Jiangnan Fu Jiayu enjoyed the prosperity. The
fireworks are drunk, but in the end it is inevitable that the worst fate of
being killed in the war. After all, we do not have the geographical
advantages of the United States, the land is sparsely populated, the
resources per capita are abundant, and there is a coastline on each side.
The central part is a vast plain agricultural area... Our geography is the
extreme imbalance of the resources of the East and West, and many regimes
are dead. The gap is too large. Of course, if we choose to democratize, the
CCP chooses to implement factional elections. In the election year, we will
be able to solve the legal crisis under the pressure of one-party
responsibility. Like the CPSU, the Russian oligarchs were actually the elite
of the CPSU. However, it will probably be like Taiwan, the economy will be
stagnant, and like India, the international elites will be alive and well,
and the domestic poor will exist for decades. The CCP has taken huge powers,
but at the same time Supporting, is also a huge social responsibility...
You can look at China's online community and local forums. Although you don'
t have to go over the wall to see Chinese websites, you are actually more
strange to China. In China's local forums and community websites, every
enthusiastic citizen is swearing at his own governor and mayor, all staring
at local GDP, fixed investment, industrial added value above designated size
, per capita disposable income, The per capita consumption and other data
have accused the local government of the CCP of not doing enough... This is
the same as Taiwan’s, staring at the words of South Korea’s Yu, Tsai and
English, and only two topics related to the two can make up the important
news of the whole island. More than 80% are completely different. The CCP
rarely approves demonstrations, so the Chinese cannot speak for homosexuals,
cannot speak for small animals that should be treated humanely, and cannot
speak for the rights of others who sympathize with themselves. However,
every day in China, there are many unseen group demonstrations that do not
know how to open black and white banners. They can speak for their own
interests. Then, will these demonstrations be arrested and imprisoned by the
CCP without approval? If your black and white banner says "Down with the
Communist Party", "Xi Jinping is a buns" and "Xi Jinping stepped down", then
it will. However, if there is a saying that “a certain secretary infringes
on our rights and interests” “a certain level of government has not
approved the construction and the compensation has not been paid”, then
they will not only be arrested and imprisoned, but also because of a group
incident in this area, regardless of Whether the practices and policies of
the district’s chief officials are justified, he will be under the
accountability of the CCP, and he will be held accountable for stepping down
. Then the central government arranges for the compensation and settlement
of the people whose rights have been damaged. Such incidents are not
uncommon in China. Under the electoral system, the people can choose the top
leaders, but the corrupt officials have been the president for 8 years. The
speech door is so shocking that it is not investigated by the Central
Commission for Discipline Inspection. The presidential papers are fraudulent
, public smuggling is used, and sexual scandals continue one after another,
but there is no need to step down. This is also anecdotal if placed in
mainland China. In the history of China, 83 large and small dynasties were
overthrown, and more than 400 emperors died half of their lives. The Chinese
may not understand the ancient Greek vote and the Roman parliament, but the
Chinese people's revolutionary consciousness is very strong. The top level
is not reformed, and the bottom layer is revolutionized. It is not the
cabinet government but the central government. The CCP does not dare to let
go of the paradox too, precisely because the Chinese have zero tolerance for
the morality of the leaders. Can the CCP revolutionary origin not
understand this? In contrast, Westerners have the power to demonstrate and
public opinion to voice power, but how can confront leaders be so sloppy? In
the face of obvious violations, why do Western or Taiwanese voters have no
ability to change, or even forgetful, and do not want to replace such
politicians? The CCP has more than 30 provinces with the same population and
size as the country. It does not allow too many problems in the central
government above 30 provinces. In fact, it is for the aggregation and
stability of more than 30 provinces. Do you know that the longer the
headphone cable is, the easier it is to get entangled. The larger the land
area and the larger the population, the more likely it is to detonate the
whole world if there is a problem at a certain point... How can China not be
more inclined to stabilize? Ensuring that the scale and frequency of group
events occurring in more than 30 provinces are at a lower level, which is
the challenge mechanism that the CCP has been facing, rather than the
approved parade and the one-day ballot for four years... The CCP faces the
probability point. Distribution, the cost of not blocking the mouth of the
people with political achievements is far higher than the cost of doing good
political performance so that the people have no idea to go to the streets.
Therefore, because the CCP pursues overall stability, it strengthens the
concepts of nationalism and collectivism, thereby limiting individualism and
liberalism, limiting the accusations and criticisms of the central leaders,
and the more affluent classes have generated great dissatisfaction. It has
its fourth original sin: not letting the people free.
This is really an evil regime. It has transformed China from a backward
country that is still not as good as Africa to a country that is now second
to none in the world. It has separated 1 billion poor people from poverty
and completed the goal of more than half of the UN's global poverty
alleviation goals in a few decades. It has allowed China to not experience,
participate in or launch any war for 40 years, allowing the Chinese to enjoy
the longest peace and prosperity since the 1849 Opium War. However, because
it does not allow gambling, it is a small vote in the dozens of different
elite representatives provided by different elite parties and hidden chaebol
groups, because it does not make people blame its head of state, So it is
really incomparably evil.
How to get rid of this evil? Learn from a role model and learn that in the
200 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the area has
surged several times, 90% of the time is in a state of war. So far, there
are military bases in various countries abroad far from the mainland, and
then use guns to tell some How should small and weak countries formulate the
country’s laws, political systems, and foreign policies. When China’s
more than 200 million people have been lifted out of poverty in the past
decade, the country has led millions of displaced refugees through the war,
not to mention the poor people at home. It is. This is really a great
country, and it is always "again" great.
There are also many people in China who yearn for this great country,
because the people there are wealthy and can get a lot of money without
having to do a lot of work. The people there just drank coffee, drew a
drawing, and sent it to the Chinese factory with a computer. Thousands of
Chinese workers rushed through the workshop day and night to complete the
production requirements of this drawing. And the profits earned by the
design drawings are dozens or even hundreds of times that of the assembly
line factory... When they receive the overwhelming income from the profit
share and put down the coffee, they have published an article accusing the
Chinese industry of bringing The smog, China's sweatshops let people work
for 16 hours, carefully demonstrating how evil the CCP is, and receiving a
lot of praise, perhaps also moved by their own humanitarian and free
thoughts... how cozy and moral Life, this must be the characteristic of the
advanced stage of social civilization...
Yes, when their ancestors occupied dozens of times the land of the world and
made hundreds of millions of people around the world become slaves to them,
China’s ancestors who were not behind were not ambitions, and even a inch
of colonies did not. When their ancestors completed the primitive
accumulation of wealth through colonial plunder, China's backward ancestors
did not live up to expectations, and only the ability to resist becoming the
colonies of their ancestors like the whole world. When their ancestors and
fathers relied on centuries of accumulation to lay the foundations of
monopoly technology and industrial structure for generations, our ancestors
and fathers were still sacrificing their own generation, completing the
initial industrialization and city in the blood and sweat. To try to catch
up with their footsteps. When our generation, who lived almost at the same
material level as their lives, ridiculed their ancestors and their fathers
for their backward knowledge and stubbornness, some of us began to think
that the CCP’s system was not good, and the CCP was too evil, so We are
always looked down on by the West...
If our ancestors, or our own generation, have overseas colonial interests
far beyond the population and area of ​​our country, such as our
1.4 billion people should have 3 billion slaves and 5 billion colonies, 9.6
million square kilometers should be It is equipped with a colony of 50
million square kilometers, which is basically the area of ​​Asia
and Europe or the entire American continent. It has continuously
transmitted market interests and natural resources from the colonies to
China. So we are poorer than Europe and America? Hehe... But the Western
society has accumulated the development of today. If we can be supported by
the world for hundreds of years, so many of us Chinese can of course break
away from boring production, turn to non-production fields such as science
and art, and achieve achievements, thereby monopolizing the world's
sophisticated technology, rewriting and leading. The history of world
development is highly respected and masters the hegemony of science and
If the renminbi can also become the world's universal currency, the Chinese
central bank can dilute the foreign exchange value of the countries of the
world with one banknote, and package the debts that it does not prepare at
all into financial products for sale to other countries and master financial
If the People’s Liberation Army can also be stationed in every corner of
the globe, treating all countries as shocked neighbors, and controlling the
world’s important waterways, ports and islands, and acting as national
agents, master military hegemony.
If China's Internet companies and large websites can let all countries in
the world give up their products, monopolize the Internet market, user
resources, and big data resources all over the world, and claim that these
products represent the freedom of use of Internet products all over the
world. Master the global hegemony of public opinion,
I think, if there is such a thing, we Chinese should also live very
comfortable, very gentleman, very similar to the characteristics of advanced
civilization, much like the characteristics of advanced human beings,
respected, worshipped, and yearned by ordinary people in other countries...
However, we can't do it for the time being. We are just letting our own
people as developing countries eat their stomachs, and through the Belt and
Road Initiative, through investment, trade, exchanges, and using their own
experience of “really to build roads”, help other developing countries to
build some Roads, railways, and infrastructure make their poor people out of
the harsh geography. What we need is economic exchanges and trade, as well
as investment security. We use international trade to communicate with each
other and lack complementarity, but we do not pursue the export of ideology
or institutions. In fact, we also want to have more wealthy country friends,
but rich countries always dislike our development speed is too threatening.
We have to work with developing countries to invest in them and hope that
they will have more development and stand with us. Our investment may have
turned into some debt in these countries, but that is to improve local
infrastructure, not to sell dollar debt or financial derivatives with
bubbles around the world. Therefore, great, not evil, its own debt is much
higher than its own GDP, more than 22 trillion US dollars, overwhelmingly
the world's first, is the sum of the debts of several countries that follow,
but never worry or go A country that protects all human beings from debts,
accuses China of the Belt and Road Initiative as a debt trap for partner
countries... Yes, this country, the level of military spending, ranking
first in the world, is the military expenditure of the seven countries that
follow. The sum, the army is spread all over the world, and even the wartime
command of the allies is in their own hands, but China is a country that
threatens the whole world. Of course, this country is still particularly
racist in its own country. The policy of combating racial discrimination is
particularly harsh. The shootings are separated by three exceptions, but
they are all day-to-day catching China’s national and human rights issues.
This is definitely a country that is not evil. They export democracy (
democracy in war), export freedom (freedom of refugees), export prosperity (
owning US troops and becoming a monopoly of US companies monopolizing the
market), exporting peace (peace after the disintegration of the state),
exporting human rights (in suppressing waves) The Trang parade is also
promoted by the CIA American Democracy Foundation in Hong Kong. On the other
hand, the CCP, oh, this evil guy, is not giving people who just had enough
food unlimited freedom? Evil is horrible.
Let us learn from the great beacons of humanity and learn their great
experiences, as follows:
1775 George Washington War of Independence
1779 George Washington Indian War
1781 George Washington Battle of Yorktown
1807 Thomas Jefferson enlists Indians
1812 James Madison American-English War British attack into Washington
1812 James Madison Attacks Canada
1813 James Madison captures the capital of Canada, York
1814 James Madison American-English War British defeated in the Battle of
1817 James Madison Spain Captures Florida
1820 James Monroe Westward expansion
1822 James Monroe Libyan Colonial War
1832 Adrew Jackson Seminole War
1846 James Knox Polk US-Mexico War
1861 Abraham Lincoln Civil War
1865 Abraham Lincoln After the Civil War
1866 Andrew Johnson violates North Korea
1867 Andrew Johnson violates North Korea
1871 Ulysses Simpson Grant invades North Korea
1890 Benjamin Harrison Argentina Protecting its interests in Buños
Ellis 1891 Benjamin Harrison Chile Intense against the local National
Liberation Army
1891 Benjamin Harrison Haiti Anti
1893 Stephen Grover Cleveland merges with the Hawaiian Islands
1894 Stephen Grover Cleveland China Landing during the Sino-Japanese War
1894 Stephen Grover Cleveland North Korea Occupy Seoul
1895 Stephen Grover Cleveland Panama Occupy Columbia
1896 Stephen Grover Cleveland Nicaragua Occupy Port of Colinto
1898 William McKinley American West War Merger of Hawaii
1898 William McKinley Puerto Rico Captured from Spain
1898 William McKinley Guam Captured from Spain
1899 William McKinley The US-Philippine War bought the Philippines for $20
1899 William McKinley Samoa Intervene in the War of Succession to the Throne
1899 William McKinley Nicaragua Landing at Lantian Port
1900 William McKinley Eight-Power Allied Forces (The War of Aggression)
1901 Theodore Roosevelt invades Colombia
1902 Theodore Roosevelt Philippines Captured from Spain
1902 Theodore Roosevelt Cuba Captured from Spain
1903 Theodore Roosevelt mobilizes the Panama coup
1903 Theodore Roosevelt invasion of Honduras
1903 Theodore Roosevelt invasion of Dominica
1904 Theodore Roosevelt Occupy Seoul, Korea
1906 Theodore Roosevelt encroaches Cuba
1907 Theodore Roosevelt invasion of Honduras
1907 Theodore Roosevelt Nicaragua Establishing a Regency System for US
Dollar Diplomacy
1908 Theodore Roosevelt Panama Invasion during the election
1910 William Howard Taft invades Nicaragua invades Lam Tin and Collinto
1911 William Howard Taft invades Honduras
1911 William Howard Taft sends troops to invade China's Fujian
1912 William Howard Taft Occupy Istanbul (Turkey)
1912 William Howard Taft encroaches Cuba Guantanamo
1912 William Howard Taft Panama
1912 William Howard Taft invades Honduras
1913 Woodrow Wilson Invades Mexico
1914 Woodrow Wilson invasion of Haiti
1914 Woodrow Wilson attacks Dominica and the insurgents fight in Santo
1914 Woodrow Wilson Occupy Paris, France
1915 Woodrow Wilson sent to Haiti to suppress the occupation for 19 years
after the uprising
1915 Woodrow Wilson Occupy Haiti
1916 Woodrow Wilson Occupy Dominica Occupy 8 years
1916 Woodrow Wilson sent troops to invade Nanjing, China
1917 Woodrow Wilson Virtue War (World War I)
1917 Woodrow Wilson Cuba Long-term occupation
1918 Woodrow Wilson 9 times invaded Mexico Military intervention in the
National Liberation Army
1918 Woodrow Wilson Armed Intervention in Russian Soviet Five Invasions
Attacked Bolshevik
1918 Woodrow Wilson sent troops to invade Chongqing, China
1918 Woodrow Wilson Panama Performs police duties after the election
1919 Woodrow Wilson sent to Honduras
1920 Woodrow Wilson invades Cuba
1920 Woodrow Wilson Occupy Vladivostok
1920 Woodrow Wilson sent troops to invade China Jiujiang
1922 Warren G. Harding sent troops to invade China Tongzhou
1922 Warren G. Harding Turkey Suppressing Smana Nationalists
1923 Warren G. Harding sent troops to invade China's Mayu Island, Zhejiang
1924 Calvin Coolidge invasion of Honduras
1925 Calvin Coolidge invasion of Honduras
1925 Calvin Coolidge sends troops to invade Shanghai, China
1925 Calvin Coolidge Panama Repression of the general strike
1926 Calvin Coolidge invades Nicaragua
1927 Calvin Coolidge sends troops to invade Shanghai, China
1927 Calvin Coolidge sends troops to invade Nanjing, China
1927 Calvin Coolidge sent troops to invade Guangzhou, China
1932 Herbert Hoover sent troops to invade China Shanghai
1932 Herbert Hoover El Salvador sent a warship during the Marty Uprising
1940 Franklin Delano Roosevelt US-Japan War
1941 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Occupy Iceland
1941 Franklin Delano Roosevelt declares war against Japan
1944 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Occupy Japan
1946 Harry S. Truman Iran nuclear bomb threat
1946 Harry S. Truman threatens Yugoslav nuclear bombs Responding to the US
plane being shot down in the south
1947 Harry S. Truman suppresses the Greek people's revolution
1947 Harry S. Truman Uruguay sends a bomber nuclear bomb threatening to
invade the airspace
1948 Harry S. Truman Germany Atomic bomber guards the Berlin waterway
1948 Harry S. Truman China Arrange for the evacuation of expatriates
1948 Harry S. Truman Philippines Eliminating the Hooke Uprising Army
1950 Harry S. Truman Puerto Rico
1950 Harry S. Truman invades the Taiwan Strait
1950 Harry S. Truman Invades Taiwan 13 Air Force
1950 Harry S. Truman Korean War
1953 Harry S. Truman Subverts the Moss Taiwan government Iran
1954 Dwight D. Eisenhower Invades China's Dachen Island 5 aircraft carriers
1954 Dwight D. Eisenhower Guatemala "Successful" Action
1954 Dwight D. Eisenhower China First Golden Gate Crisis
1957 Dwight D. Eisenhower Invades Indonesia
1958 Dwight D. Eisenhower China Second Golden Gate Crisis
1958 Dwight D. Eisenhower Entering Venezuela
1958 Dwight D. Eisenhower Invades Indonesia
1958 Dwight D. Eisenhower Invades Lebanon Blue Beard "Action Occupy Beirut
1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower Invades Cuba
1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Vietnam War
1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Dominia 4 thousand Marines landed in the name of
1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Congo "New Finish Line" Action
1961 John F. Kennedy Laos
1961 John F. Kennedy Cuba Attacking Pig Bay
1962 John F. Kennedy armed blockade of Cuba
1962 John F. Kennedy participates in the South Vietnamese War
1962 John F. Kennedy invasion of Dominica
1964 Lyndon Johnson bombing Vietnam
1964 Lyndon Johnson Congo "Red Dragon" Action
1965 Lyndon Johnson vs Vietnam War
1965 Lyndon Johnson Attacks Dominia "Power Convergence" Action
1966 Lyndon Johnson Planning the Holocaust Guatemala
1968 Lyndon Johnson Vietnam Spring Offensive
1970 Richard Nixon invades Cambodia
1970 Richard Nixon Oman Commanding Iran's Marine Corps Invasion
1971 Richard Nixon invades Yemen
1972 Richard Nixon Vietnam "Christmas bombing"
1973 Richard Nixon Subverts the Allende Government Chile
1973 Richard Nixon Middle East Nuclear Bomb Threat
1975 Gerald Ford Pozhai
1980 Jimmy Carter Iran "Eagle Claw" Action
1983 Ronald Reagan Invades Grenada "Furious" Action
1986 Ronald Reagan air strike Libya "Golden Canyon" action
1986 Ronald Reagan Bolivia Attack on the ancient Cambodia area
1987 Ronald Reagan Iran attacking the mine
1988 Ronald Reagan Honduras Anti-drug operations have been
1989 George H.W. Bush Invades Panama "Justice Business" Action
1989 George H.W. Bush shoots down Libyan aircraft
1989 George H.W. Bush Occupy Panama
1989 George H.W. Bush Virgin Islands Suppressing the black turmoil of St.
1989 George H.W. Bush Philippines Provides airspace protection for the
government's repression coup
1990 George H.W. Bush Invades Liberia
1990 George H.W. Bush Colombia "Andes Strategy"
1990 George H.W. Bush Bolivia Anti-drug Action
1990 George H.W. Bush Mexico Anti-drug Action
1991 George H.W. Bush Chad Deploying two battalions of the 7th Air Defense
1991 George H.W. Bush Gulf War
1992 George H.W. Bush Armed Intervention in Somalia "Restoring Hope" Action
1992 George H.W. Bush Angola Peacekeeping Operations
1992 George H.W. Bush Colombia "Support for Justice" Action, "Stabilization
of State" Action
1992 George H.W. Bush Somalia
1992 George H.W. Bush Yugoslavia Embargo
1993 Bill Clinton North Korea Increases troops on the Korean peninsula
1993 Bill Clinton Yugoslavia sanctions, sea blockade
1994 Bill Clinton Rwanda "Support Hope" Action
1994 Bill Clinton invades Haiti. "Support for Democracy" has invaded Port-au
1994 Bill Clinton Tomahawk Attacks Bosnia and Herzegovina
1994 Bill Clinton bombing Bosnian Serb positions
1995 Bill Clinton Air Raid Bosnia and Herzegovina
1995 Bill Clinton China Third Golden Gate Crisis
1996 Bill Clinton Zaire
1996 Bill Clinton Desert Strike Iraq
1997 Bill Clinton Desert Thunder, Iraq
1997 Bill Clinton Liberia Soldiers attacked when they evacuated
1997 Bill Clinton Albanian soldiers attacked when they evacuated
1998 Bill Clinton Desert Fox Iraq
1998 Bill Clinton fights Sudan attack drug factory
1998 Bill Clinton fights Afghanistan
1999 Bill Clinton Kosovo War
2000 Bill Clinton Yemen US warship "Cole" was bombed
2001 George W. Bush Afghan War
2003 George W. Bush Iraq War
2006 George W. Bush Ethiopia "Anti-Terrorism War"
2008 George W. Bush Somalia "The War on Terror"
2011 Barack Hussein Obama Jr attacks Libya
According to official US statistics, between 1798 and 1993, the number of
cases in which the United States resolved conflicts by force reached 234
times; but only six times were passed by the real Congress, and the United
States’ larger military operations from the 1946-1989 Cold War. There are
125 times. An average of 2.8 times a year. Since 1990, the United States has
issued more than 40 military excuses to implement UN resolutions, maintain
peace, implement humanitarian assistance, oppose aggression, and protect the
lives and property of American citizens. Among them, there is a strong
military intervention in other countries. 10 times. After the end of the
Cold War: In the 17 years from 1991 to 2008, the United States participated
in 12 wars around the world. Regardless of duration, an average of 1.4 years
of involvement or launch of a war. According to UN Secretary-General De
Cuellar in April 1988, these wars have killed 17 million people since World
War II (including other wars of aggression launched by Western powers). This
is only the number of deaths before 1988. After the "World War II", the
United States killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and killed many
people in the world at the same time?
Some people say that the allies of the Soviet Union are very backward, and
the allies of the United States are very developed. Indeed, the Soviet Union
did not have a currency trading system and only had extensive exchange
trade, so it eventually lost to the United States after the establishment of
the dollar system. But are all American allies really developed? European
allies are developed by themselves, and their allies in Asia are because
China has closed a 4,000-kilometer coastline and bypassed China’s exclusive
Western Pacific coastline. When the Chinese economy rises, these situations
are changing. Moreover, there are many allies in the United States. Saudi
Arabia is a feudal autocracy. The prince can dismember reporters without
being held accountable. The Philippines is colonially independent and still
suffers from drugs and poverty. It is not so much that the American allies
of the United States rise because of the establishment of the US industrial
system, but rather the various political bodies of the East Asian Chinese
character culture circle. Japan, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, South Korea,
China, and Vietnam, in turn, rely on the establishment of a global
industrial system. , to catch up with the trend of developed countries. It
is these countries of the Confucian cultural circle and the Chinese
character culture circle that know how to seize the historical opportunities
facing the country, rather than the opportunities that the United States
rewards these countries. In fact, if China was not weak in the late Qing
Dynasty, Vietnam would not become a French colony. Japan could not break
into Asia to break the East Asian balance, and eventually colonized North
Korea and Taiwan and invaded China. Then, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and
Japan, these countries with the East Asian Chinese character culture circle
will be the only ones in the world, and they will retain countries whose
sovereignty has not been colonized by any country. However, unfortunately,
there are only two people who have finally retained their sovereignty. One
is China, which is devastated and dead, and the other is Japan, which
betrayed East Asian civilization and broke into Asia and colonized East Asia
. But this is enough to show that East Asia has its own cultural heritage,
and the historical trough is only temporary. Later, the establishment of a
global industrial system dominated by the United States was an opportunity,
but not a gift. This opportunity is captured by several countries that have
at least 2000 years of cultural heritage, not given by the United States.
Finally, machine translation is so inaccurate, I just want the Chinese to
see it, not the English user.
发帖数: 3758

【在 L*********s 的大作中提到】
: This is the article I wrote yesterday, first posted Chinese.
: 是啊,中国共产党是一个邪教。
: 在70多年前,中国处于长期半分裂状态,美英法德俄意日等在中国都有区域代理人。中
: 华民国中央政府受制于不与国家配合的地方军阀,国家连铁路在地方省份上的口径都无
: 法统一时,中国孱弱无力。我们作为一个延续了几千年的政治实体,却被西方看作是下
: 等人,愚昧的低级动物时,是中国共产党,通过内战结束中国的这个状态。
: 所以,在除台湾外的基本的国家统一下,中共有了它的第一个原罪:中央集权。
: 在60多年前,除了中国仅承认的西方殖民地香港和澳门,两个不属于中华人民共和国的
: 城市土地外,中共驱逐了所有的境外资本势力、特工与军队。在1956年。中国共产党迫
: 使自己的老师,苏联共产党,从中国辽宁省大连市的旅顺特别区撤军的时候,不惜与全

发帖数: 174
中文写的真烂,根本没法读, 反而英文写的还行。
发帖数: 153
发帖数: 7
暂时我们还做不到。.... 说明了我们想做到,那么请问将来怎么做到?
既然说了香港的混乱是别国造成的, 那么为什么不拿出对内镇压的勇气去对付香港甲
1 (共1页)
美国“世袭权贵核心圈”的克里你们知道六星上将的来历吗? (转载)
美国“世袭权贵核心圈”的克里 大鸦片贩子的后代看美帝50年代怎么派军队来执行最高法院判决呢
巴尔的摩的美剧《The Wire》這才叫抗戰紀念 美3位前總統後代在台齊聚zt
打脸了,我帝民主灯塔2015 liberty index还不如智利这个更狠:Trump要政教合一啦!
习core的准确身高是多少?纽约时报:美朝对峙有先例 看看之前的中国(图)
If USA invades China.翟田田因言入狱被判无罪,刘晓波继续遭囚禁
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