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[合集] 呕心沥血总结的好电影名单把李小龙描划成ahole的Quentin Jerome Tarantino,果然是猪党 (转载)
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话题: weinstein话题: nra话题: gun话题: stern话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10345
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯密同志), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: 记住这些是自由的敌人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 16 22:21:36 2014, 美东)
New movie will make NRA ‘wish they weren’t alive,’ says Obama backer
Famed Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is no stranger to controversy. But
Weinstein says he’s turned his sights on his biggest target yet: the
National Rifle Association.
“I shouldn’t say this. I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and
we’re going to take this issue head on and they’re going to wish they
weren’t alive after I’m done with them,” Weinstein said during an
interview with radio host Howard Stern Wednesday.
“I think the NRA is a disaster area,” Weinstein added, saying, “I don’t
think we need guns in this country.”
Deadline Hollywood says the movie is currently titled “The Senator’s Wife
” and will focus on the NRA’s successful attempts to lobby federal
lawmakers against voting for gun control legislation.
Yahoo News has reached out to the NRA, which says it has not yet issued a
public statement responding to Weinstein's comments. Yahoo News also reached
out to the Weinstein Co. for comment.
Weinstein told Stern the film will not be a documentary, but rather a “big
movie like a 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,'” which he believes will affect
the national debate in ways lawmakers have so far been unable to do.
“I think we can do something,” he said.
Weinstein has been involved in politics for years and helped raise more than
$500,000 for President Barack Obama during his re-election campaign.
As recently as May, Weinstein hosted a fundraiser attended by Obama at the
producer’s New York home.
Stern pressed Weinstein about his views on gun control, noting that
Weinstein’s fort“I never want to have a gun,” Weinstein said. However, he
acknowledged that were he to find one during a scenario like the Holocaust,
he’d be willing to use it. “When you’re marching half a million people
in Auschwitz … if that was happening to my people.”
Conservative critics are going after Weinstein, calling him a hypocrite for
opposing Second Amendment rights while producing several films with gun
violence, most prominently those directed by Quentin Tarantino including two
"Kill Bill" films, "Pulp Fiction" and, most recently, "Django Unchained."
However, after the 2012 Colorado theater shootings, Weinstein proposed
hosting a summit that would bring filmmakers together to discuss gun
violence as portrayed onscreen.
"I think as filmmakers we should sit down — the Marty Scorseses, the
Quentin Tarantinos and hopefully all of us who deal in violence in movies —
and discuss our role in that," Weinstein saidhcoming directorial project is
about a violent uprising in World War II.
发帖数: 10345


【在 C*******r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
: 发信人: Commissar (柯密同志), 信区: GunsAndGears
: 标 题: 记住这些是自由的敌人
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 16 22:21:36 2014, 美东)
: New movie will make NRA ‘wish they weren’t alive,’ says Obama backer
: Weinstein
: Famed Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is no stranger to controversy. But
: Weinstein says he’s turned his sights on his biggest target yet: the
: National Rifle Association.
: “I shouldn’t say this. I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and

发帖数: 21039
特纳日记是个穿越作品,最近house nigga对战略空军干部的大清洗,是果蚁和米疣斗


【在 C*******r 的大作中提到】
: But

1 (共1页)
上周去金球奖追星的点进来[合集] 呕心沥血总结的好电影名单
有人去看午夜场 Pulp Fiction/低俗小说 么?参加反警察游行的昆丁发现后院有外人时报警啦
抢匪反成性奴 遭“奴役”3天 威而钢当饭吃呕心沥血总结的好电影名单
波兰外长:奥斯维辛是被乌克兰军队解放 (转载)冯小刚批评中国审查制度:导演戴脚镣跳舞
NRA总座发话了,Unlikely to Crack Down on Rapid-Fire Bump St (转载)名人背书到底有多大用处呢?
话题: weinstein话题: nra话题: gun话题: stern话题: obama