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Missouri版 - 州政府会开除这两个淫荡的人么? (转载)
上海国女,令人发指。 Xenyi-许 竟然连他两岁的女儿也不放过 (转载)Re: 宋祖英旧金山演唱会 (转载)
Wenyi Xu 好多新料! Google Glass 都用上了 (转载)26岁的女生是不是再也不会被爱了 (转载)
public info about the Xu & Bowen (转载)为什么湾区好高中的华人小孩多去读生物了? (转载)
【【【注意】】】针对薛铊和李铊的白宫请愿书来了!!!! (转(转载)[请不上首页] 当地新闻! (转载)
薄瓜瓜哈佛碩士畢業禮 全場唯一坐豪華長轎車ZT (转载)Re: 今天有没有Davis附近的同学去Court 看看Wenyi Xu? (转载)
zz 早上他还是我的上司,晚上他会变成我的司机州政府会开除这两个淫荡的人么?
zz 密歇根州大二中国留学生 豪气买下两家超市中国人还真放得开阿。。。。
硅谷男靠谱吗? (转载)上海国女,令人发指。 Xenyi-许 竟然连他两岁的女儿也不放过 (转载)
话题: xu话题: bowen话题: health话题: her话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15479
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 州政府会开除这两个淫荡的人么?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 12 05:01:45 2013, 美东)
DAVIS (CBS13) — A couple accused of working together to flash juveniles in
Davis are both state employees.
Wenyi Xu is accused of wearing nothing but a jacket and a smile and opening
both for juveniles riding on a bike trail, while Nicholas Bowen recorded the
whole thing.
According to a spokesman, Xu is a research analyst for the state Department
of Health Services, while Bowen is a manager in the Health Information and
Strategic Planning Division.
Neighbors say Xu seemed to love her privacy.
“I don’t see how much at all. I see the older couple that I think owns the
house, which I assume to be the parents,” said Susie Lawson.
“I had never met her, I met who I thought was her husband,” said Brad
Xu is out on bail. Her mother said the 30-year-old wasn’t home when CBS13
came by. She also said she doesn’t recognize the alleged accomplice, Bowen.
One of Bowen’s coworkers didn’t want his face shown, but he couldn’t hide
his disbelief.
“Shocking. He’s a nice guy. I wouldn’t expect it, but everyone has their
quirks and it’s usually the nice guys with something to hide.”
The state says both were scheduled for an off-day Wednesday, when the
alleged incident happened.
Bowen has worked for public health since January of 2012. Xu has worked with
health services since January 2008.
The state wouldn’t say if the pair would be suspended or fired.
1 (共1页)
上海国女,令人发指。 Xenyi-许 竟然连他两岁的女儿也不放过 (转载)薄瓜瓜哈佛碩士畢業禮 全場唯一坐豪華長轎車ZT (转载)
上海国女,令人发指。 Xenyi-许 竟然连他两岁的女儿也不放过 (转载)zz 早上他还是我的上司,晚上他会变成我的司机
外F居然还好意思说别人萎缩?zz 密歇根州大二中国留学生 豪气买下两家超市
说说许文艺的事迹硅谷男靠谱吗? (转载)
上海国女,令人发指。 Xenyi-许 竟然连他两岁的女儿也不放过 (转载)Re: 宋祖英旧金山演唱会 (转载)
Wenyi Xu 好多新料! Google Glass 都用上了 (转载)26岁的女生是不是再也不会被爱了 (转载)
public info about the Xu & Bowen (转载)为什么湾区好高中的华人小孩多去读生物了? (转载)
【【【注意】】】针对薛铊和李铊的白宫请愿书来了!!!! (转(转载)[请不上首页] 当地新闻! (转载)
话题: xu话题: bowen话题: health话题: her话题: said