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Money版 - 学生贷款疑问
请教Student loan的问题可以在有escrow的情况下付property tax完成开卡消费吗?
拿到Federal Student Loan了,不知道应不应该接受Ally no-penalty 11 mo CD 1.60% APY
FedEx is giving 40,000 $25 AE Gift CardsAlly的saving account和cd的interest
准备好!Mastercard $20 giftcard for spending $200 今晚开始信用卡令我疑惑不解
bankdirect 要开始收$12月费MS的悲惨钱途
amazon payment已经出了价目表了,什么时候开始收费啊?还是已经开始收了?问题来了:Pre-order 6S 还是等16号?
aa 白金卡10000消费要求问题不小心拆了邻居的账单
這土豪說要送我8875000million, 真大方呀Re: pay tuition,help me to find a 0 apr CC for purchase(good history)
话题: july话题: fee话题: stafford话题: previously
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 141
Stafford Loans have loan fees of 4%, which are deducted from the
disbursement check. These fees consist of a 3% origination fee and a 1%
default fee (previously "guarantee fee"). Starting July 1, 2006, the default
fee will be mandatory. (Previously, guarantee agencies could waive the fee
and many did.) The origination fee will drop from 3% to 2% on July 1, 2006,
and will drop by a further 0.5% each successive July 1, until it is phased
out entirely on July 1, 2010.
请问有申请过Stafford的么, 是否产生的费用只有1%的fee。 主要打算享受低收入的
这个subsidized loan,然后在grace period内换完款,有没有问题呢?
发帖数: 1339
GC, US citizen/national, or eligible non citizen (refugee/asylum granteed/Cu
ban-Haitian Entrant, Status Pending/“Conditional Entrant” (valid only if i
ssued before April 1, 1980)/Victims of human trafficking, T-visa
(T-2, T-3, or T-4, etc.) holder/“Parolee” (You must be paroled into the Un
ited States for at least one year and you must be able to provide evidence
from the USCIS that you are in the United States for other than a temporary
purpose and that you intend to become a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.)


【在 y*******r 的大作中提到】
: Stafford Loans have loan fees of 4%, which are deducted from the
: disbursement check. These fees consist of a 3% origination fee and a 1%
: default fee (previously "guarantee fee"). Starting July 1, 2006, the default
: fee will be mandatory. (Previously, guarantee agencies could waive the fee
: and many did.) The origination fee will drop from 3% to 2% on July 1, 2006,
: and will drop by a further 0.5% each successive July 1, until it is phased
: out entirely on July 1, 2010.
: 请问有申请过Stafford的么, 是否产生的费用只有1%的fee。 主要打算享受低收入的
: 这个subsidized loan,然后在grace period内换完款,有没有问题呢?

发帖数: 141

?? 我是绿卡。我是想问问有谁贷款过么? 还款是否可以自由设定在最短时间内还完。

【在 i**y 的大作中提到】
: GC, US citizen/national, or eligible non citizen (refugee/asylum granteed/Cu
: ban-Haitian Entrant, Status Pending/“Conditional Entrant” (valid only if i
: ssued before April 1, 1980)/Victims of human trafficking, T-visa
: (T-2, T-3, or T-4, etc.) holder/“Parolee” (You must be paroled into the Un
: ited States for at least one year and you must be able to provide evidence
: from the USCIS that you are in the United States for other than a temporary
: purpose and that you intend to become a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.)
: default
: fee

发帖数: 1339

【在 y*******r 的大作中提到】
: Cu
: i
: Un
: temporary
: .)
: ?? 我是绿卡。我是想问问有谁贷款过么? 还款是否可以自由设定在最短时间内还完。

1 (共1页)
Re: pay tuition,help me to find a 0 apr CC for purchase(good history)bankdirect 要开始收$12月费
[转载] Re: MF抢购经验amazon payment已经出了价目表了,什么时候开始收费啊?还是已经开始收了?
说说我用charter的经历吧~~大家轻拍~~也给大家提个醒aa 白金卡10000消费要求问题
申信用卡被denied這土豪說要送我8875000million, 真大方呀
请教Student loan的问题可以在有escrow的情况下付property tax完成开卡消费吗?
拿到Federal Student Loan了,不知道应不应该接受Ally no-penalty 11 mo CD 1.60% APY
FedEx is giving 40,000 $25 AE Gift CardsAlly的saving account和cd的interest
准备好!Mastercard $20 giftcard for spending $200 今晚开始信用卡令我疑惑不解
话题: july话题: fee话题: stafford话题: previously