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Money版 - plastc又推迟了
发现个比Coin牛多了的BOA agent 要我转 EMV chip card,
Plastc - Black Friday Offer请问有没有在中国或亚洲刷 没有FOREIGN交易费的卡
第一次用looppay fob老版CSP卡都要被迫转成芯片卡了,郁闷!
选哪个合并卡的智能卡工具?Chase Freedom正在取消所有mastercard?
有人收到plastc/coin之类的卡吗Dinner Club 可以申请了
Stratos card比 coin强多了如果打算长期在硅谷生活工作,是不是必须得办信用卡?
话题: plastc话题: card话题: our话题: your话题: support
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 912
First and foremost, we would like to thank you for your continued excitement
and support for Plastc Card. We’ve had a tremendous response for our
product and we owe that, in large part, to our extremely supportive
community. It’s time for us to share a great deal of news - some exciting
and some that may be a little disappointing.
Plastc Card’s ship date is April 29, 2016. We realize that is a
considerable delay from our initial projection. We apologize for making you
wait and assure you that we’ve made this decision with the careful
consideration of the Plastc team and manufacturing partners. The bottom line
is we’ll be providing a better product for you, with more features and
better functionality.
Here is a list of our updated features:
Our delay is, in large part, due to the demand for EMV support. Supporting
EMV payment technology is a top priority for both the Plastc team and our
loyal customers. With that in mind, some extra time will allow us to launch
initially with MasterCard EMV support that will function worldwide.
Additional payment network support will follow.
Among improvements is Plastc Card’s ability to support all 3 wireless
charging standards: PMA, A4WP and Qi. This means you will be able to charge
your Plastc Card anywhere wireless charging is available. No need to worry
about a dead battery - you’ll be able to charge Plastc Card at wireless
charging points in Starbucks, McDonalds and with all existing Duracell
Powermat and Qi chargers. Our wireless charger will ship with Qi charging
We’ve added an optional ‘Lock Mode’ feature, accessible from the
touchscreen of Plastc Card. Before handing Plastc Card over to a merchant
you will be able to lock it onto one card, ensuring no changes are made and
the chosen card is activated. A gesture on the E-ink display will allow you
to lock Plastc Card onto the card of your choice. When the card is in Lock
Mode, no changes may be made to the card and only the last 4 digits of the
card number will be visible. To unlock Plastc Card your PIN code will be
Plastc Card now has an “Emergency Card” feature, enabled through your
Plastc Wallet. In the instance that your Plastc Card loses power, it will
automatically default to the emergency card you select to temporarily
prolong use. You may change the card selected at any time through the Plastc
Wallet’s “Edit Card” feature.
We’ve upgraded our E-ink touchscreen display and it is now functioning at a
level beyond expectations. This upgrade is one of the primary reasons for
our later ship date, as it required amendments to our production process.
Among our improvements we have included a screen sized at 3.1”, an
increased pixel resolution of 74 x 312px, a 4-bit grayscale and a high
accuracy touch sensor. We’re bringing you a crisper, clearer screen and a
touchscreen with significantly more accuracy. Meaning all of your displayed
information, such as your photo, signature, and banking logos will be
distinct, sharply defined and easy to read.

Manufacturing reliable products in production volumes is a complex endeavor.
Even in our earliest design stages, manufacturability aspects have been
taken into account. We’ve searched the world to find the highest quality
materials and the most capable teams, resulting in a top-of-the-line global
supply chain. Our suppliers were selected only after a rigorous evaluation
process, allowing us to implement strict controls and regular testing to
ensure quality and traceability. In order to scale mass production and
ensure consistent, timely, delivery we’ve developed fail-safe methods,
including systematic incoming inspections, comprehensive testing of sub-
assemblies prior to lamination, card lamination for optimal component
protection, and unparalleled surface uniformity and top quality printing
with card surface protection second to none.

Founder Ryan Marquis (right) & VP of Hardware & Supply Chain Yannick Le
Devehat (left) at Assembly Manufacturer.

Key Components
Our built-in touchscreen display occupies roughly half the space on your
Plastc Card. This, coupled with an intuitive interface, brings Plastc Card
to an unparalleled level of functionality. Our active matrix, bi-stable
touch display offers high resolution, quick refresh rate and optimal power
consumption. Each display is produced in a state-of-the-art facility, in a
controlled environment.
Plastc Card Board Manufacturing
We’re working with the world’s leading flexible board manufacturers.
Plastc Card’s circuit is made of ultra-thin, double-sided flexible printed
circuit board (FPC) to maintain minimal thickness and dynamic flexibility.
By selecting suppliers that can manufacture our specific FPC in a roll-to-
roll process, we’re able to ensure that we can support the volume of
manufacturing necessary.
Electronic circuit assembly is a multiple stage process and we have sourced
some of the smallest surface mount components on the market to meet our
thickness requirements. If the required thin components are not readily
available, we then turn to bare wafers and dies that are processed to our
precise specifications. This flexibility requires capable partners who are
able to handle wafers and can assemble tailored, ultra-thin form factor
products in a clean and controlled environment.

Plastc Wallet Update
Plastc Card and Plastc Wallet, at launch, will support multiple languages,
beginning with English, Spanish and Japanese. Over time we will add
additional language support.
At launch, the Plastc Wallet will offer a PFM (Personal Finance Management
system). This means you can see all of your account balances and transaction
histories in one place, eliminating the need to toggle through multiple
banking apps. Some of the institutions that we’ve integrated with to
provide PFM support include: Chase, Bank of America, US Bank, CITI, Charles
Schwab and Wells Fargo. We’ve recently added an additional 5 banks:
American Express, HSBC, Capital One, Discover, and Fidelity. Don’t see your
card provider in the list? Don’t worry. We have many additional partners
and will continue announcing them as we move toward fulfillment.

Plastc Subscription Model
Plastc Card is now a subscription based product, allowing us to continue
providing our customers with the newest technology and security features
available. After pre-orders close on April 29,2016, Plastc Card will retail
for $180 and include an 18 month subscription, with ongoing service
available for $50/year. We recognize that this is a divergence from our
previous model and want to assure you that we intend to show our
appreciation for our early supporters.
How We're Thanking Our Original Supporters
You will still receive a fully-functioning Plastc Card with all of the
upgraded features mentioned above. Additionally, you will receive:
A FREE subscription to Plastc Card services for the lifetime of your Plastc
Card. We’ve built Plastc Card to last for years to come, making this an
invaluable offer.
Two year purchase protection: If at any time during your first two years of
Plastc Card ownership the card is damaged or malfunctions, just send us your
old card and we will replace it for no charge. Plastc Card is the only
payment card available with this kind of protection for early supporters.
As a gesture of our appreciation for your support, those who pre-order prior
to August 25, 2015 will receive a SECOND PLASTC CARD at no additional
charge. In the coming weeks, we will be sending individual emails containing
promotional codes to claim your card. Once again, we cannot thank you
enough for your ongoing support. It makes all the difference.

Partnership News
We are pleased to share that a major overseas corporation has invested and
partnered with Plastc for widespread distribution in Asia. While we cannot
share many details right now, this is a giant step for Plastc Card. We have
top notch support in production and distribution, while making Plastc Card
the most secure payment technology on the market, worldwide. We look forward
to announcing more about this partnership in coming months.
Thank you, once again, for allowing us the time we need to make Plastc Card
a revolutionary piece of payment technology. Our pre-order offer will close
on April 29, 2016, the day we begin shipping Plastc Card. If you find that
our updated timeline is unacceptable, you may request a refund by emailing
[email protected]
/* */, we will accept cancellations at any time before your pre
-order ships. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please reach
out to us at [email protected]
/* */ We’d love to hear from you.
Mark, Ryan & the entire Plastc team
发帖数: 3075
之前板上的一个MM说dispute了, 我也打算这么干。 150刀,不值得
发帖数: 2456

【在 g**g 的大作中提到】
: 之前板上的一个MM说dispute了, 我也打算这么干。 150刀,不值得
发帖数: 14923
发帖数: 14923

【在 g**g 的大作中提到】
: 之前板上的一个MM说dispute了, 我也打算这么干。 150刀,不值得
发帖数: 14923

【在 m*********r 的大作中提到】
: 为啥要dispute,直接退钱不行么?
发帖数: 2456

【在 c*****h 的大作中提到】
: 人家plastc会退钱?
: 别做梦了,就是个骗子公司

发帖数: 14923
快醒醒, 早醒早dispute,否则三年都ship不出来,哦不,永远ship不出来

【在 m*********r 的大作中提到】
: 真的是骗子么?
: 从他们发来的信件中可以看出卡是在中国做的。

发帖数: 2456
好,今晚就cancel order试试。

【在 c*****h 的大作中提到】
: coin比它还早,现在ship出来了么?
: 快醒醒, 早醒早dispute,否则三年都ship不出来,哦不,永远ship不出来
: 别说拖三年了,就算拖过一年,还有信用卡愿意给你dispute吗?

发帖数: 2198

【在 c*****h 的大作中提到】
: coin比它还早,现在ship出来了么?
: 快醒醒, 早醒早dispute,否则三年都ship不出来,哦不,永远ship不出来
: 别说拖三年了,就算拖过一年,还有信用卡愿意给你dispute吗?

发帖数: 1961
我已收到coin了,用着还不错 。

【在 c*****h 的大作中提到】
: coin比它还早,现在ship出来了么?
: 快醒醒, 早醒早dispute,否则三年都ship不出来,哦不,永远ship不出来
: 别说拖三年了,就算拖过一年,还有信用卡愿意给你dispute吗?

发帖数: 14923


【在 S****M 的大作中提到】
: Plastc根本就没扣过钱。之前Coin是直接扣钱了,但是发信cancel成功。
发帖数: 14923

【在 l*****a 的大作中提到】
: 我已收到coin了,用着还不错 。
发帖数: 3374
1 (共1页)
国内的iphone来美国,能用apple pay 吗?有人收到plastc/coin之类的卡吗
带芯片的信用卡在国内还能用吗?Stratos card比 coin强多了
发现个比Coin牛多了的BOA agent 要我转 EMV chip card,
Plastc - Black Friday Offer请问有没有在中国或亚洲刷 没有FOREIGN交易费的卡
第一次用looppay fob老版CSP卡都要被迫转成芯片卡了,郁闷!
话题: plastc话题: card话题: our话题: your话题: support