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NanoST版 - [高薪薄后职位招聘中] Postdoc in organic electronic device f (转载)
[高薪薄后职位招聘中] Postdoc in UHV LT-STM/AFM (转载)谁有兴趣共同写一个organic electronics方面的 book review chapter?
钙钛矿太阳能电池(perovskite solar cell)薄后职位招聘中 (转载 (转载)Facile Electrochemical Characterization of Core/Shell Nanoparticles. Ag Core/Ag2O Shell Structures
postdoc opening in material science求审稿推荐
材料学里的Characterization和fabrication具体指的是什么过程,能用中文白话帮解释一下吗? 多谢Chemist Postdoc position (转载)
材料专业MS能找到工作吗?Please recommend a journal for me (转载)
纳米光学方向求审稿机会[paper求助] Journal of Experimental Nanoscience有包子答谢
中科院某所招聘百人计划,方向Molecular/Organic Electronics (Carbon Nanotubes
请问organic solar cell以及organic electronics前景博士招生: 光学(工程) 生物医学 物理 化学 (美国南卡大学)
话题: electronic话题: device话题: organic话题: postdoc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 94
【 以下文字转载自 Physics 讨论区 】
发信人: psioz (psioz), 信区: Physics
标 题: [高薪薄后职位招聘中] Postdoc in organic electronic device fabrication/characterization
关键字: Postdoc,organic electronic device,fabrication,characterization
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 18 10:15:57 2012, 美东)
Postdoctoral research fellow in organic electronic device fabrication/
characterization with highly competitive salary/compensation (50%+ higher
salary than market).
Requirement: PhD in Experimental Physics, Materials Science and Engineering,
Chemical Engineering, or Electrical Engineering. Experience with organic
electronic device fabrication/characterization.
Location: Japan
Deadline: Rolling
Starting date: Flexible
Email: n*******[email protected]
1 (共1页)
博士招生: 光学(工程) 生物医学 物理 化学 (美国南卡大学)材料专业MS能找到工作吗?
真诚求申稿: magnetic materials, thin films, materials characterization纳米光学方向求审稿机会
Inviting a guest editor for a Special Issue in Journal of Nanomaterials中科院某所招聘百人计划,方向Molecular/Organic Electronics (
求赐审稿: polymer composite, surface modification, battery (转载)请问organic solar cell以及organic electronics前景
[高薪薄后职位招聘中] Postdoc in UHV LT-STM/AFM (转载)谁有兴趣共同写一个organic electronics方面的 book review chapter?
钙钛矿太阳能电池(perovskite solar cell)薄后职位招聘中 (转载 (转载)Facile Electrochemical Characterization of Core/Shell Nanoparticles. Ag Core/Ag2O Shell Structures
postdoc opening in material science求审稿推荐
材料学里的Characterization和fabrication具体指的是什么过程,能用中文白话帮解释一下吗? 多谢Chemist Postdoc position (转载)
话题: electronic话题: device话题: organic话题: postdoc